Putin ordered to help the Ukrainian city on the Crimean border

According to Vladimir Putin's order, Russia has began humanitarian supplies of gas to the Ukrainian city of Genichesk in the Kherson region near the border with Crimea. Mayor of Genichesk assures that he never asked Moscow about anything.
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As the news agency TASS Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, "the gas had already begun to deal with the Crimea in Genichesk district of Kherson region. According to the company "Chernomorneftegaz" Igor Shabanov, supply amount to no more than 20 thousand cubic meters per day, said the agency "RIA Novosti".

The decision to supply Kozak explained the relevant order of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

As previously said a spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, the appeal to the Russian authorities sent the mayor Genichesk Kherson region on behalf of its residents. "He requested to provide gas supply to prevent the people of the city to freeze," - he said. According to Peskov, Vladimir Putin reviewed the appeal and instructed to study the possibility of providing such supplies "on humanitarian grounds".

According to the Kherson publication "New visit" the mayor Genichesk Tulupov Alexander, he did not address with any requests to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. "How could I do to appeal to the president of Russia?" - Sproyl mayor journalists. According to him, about the problem of gas supply Genichesk he communicated only with the Ukrainian side.

According to the newspaper "Kherson online», in the resort Genichesk due to cooling to -14 °, and limited opportunities for the extraction of gas fields Shooting occurred in the communal pipeline pressure reduction. As a result, more than 2,000 residents of the town did not have enough gas to run stand-alone heaters.

January 4 at a briefing in the administration of the Kherson region, First Deputy Chairman Valentin Sichevykh stated that "in a country that is fighting for its independence, there are unfortunate situation."

She also said that in the future is possible to install wind turbines with which Henichesk switch to an alternative form of heating.

In Genichesk area is the navigation station, which until 2014 was controlled by soldiers of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia. After the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, Russian soldiers left the station.

Mayor Genichesk Tulupov is Alexander, who representedyaet "opposition bloc" formed on the basis of the former Party of Regions Viktor Yanukovych.

January 1, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on fees for deliveries of gas to Ukraine in the first quarter of 2016. According to the document it is assumed that the discount to the contract price will be $ 17.7 per 1,000 cubic meters. The contract price for the first quarter will be $ 230 per 1,000 cubic meters, so the price for Ukraine is offered at $ 212.3 per 1,000 cubic meters.

Ukraine currently does not receive Russian gas. November 25, "Gazprom" has stopped deliveries due to exhaustion before the prepayment.