Sergey Pugachev called the Russian businessmen "Putin's serfs"

The founder of bankrupt Mezhprombank and former Senator Sergei Pugachev, who was arrested in absentia in Russia, in an interview to Financial Times British newspaper said that the Russian economy is transformed into a feudal system, and businesses own their assets only in name, while actually being "the serfs" of Vladimir Putin, the country's president.
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"Today there is no private property in Russia. There is only a castle belonging to Putin "- said Pugachev.

According to him, the Russian business is also no "untouchables". Pugachev recalled the case of the principal owner AFK "System", billionaire Vladimir Yevtushenko, who is under house arrest on charges of organizing the legalization of stolen funds. According Pugacheva in 'attack on Evtushenkova "do not look for meaning. "This is just the beginning of the system has itself", - he said.

"The country is at war. And so big business can not live as before. He has to live by the rules of war ", - said Pugachev. Former banker added that the Russian president still has the mentality of "Soviet man, the security officer."

In an interview with Pugachev denied accusations of involvement in the bankruptcy of the Industrial Bank. According to him, the bankruptcy of the bank he founded was a result of the Kremlin's campaign to capture its share in Russian shipyards - "Northern Shipyard" and the Baltic Shipyard. As the FT, the MEzhdunarodnaya auditing company BDO evaluated these assets of $ 3.5 billion, while investment bank Nomura -. to $ 2.2-4.2 billion after bankruptcy IIB shipyard for $ 415 million and $ 7.5 million, respectively, were sold to the United Shipbuilding Corporation, which at that time He headed by Igor Sechin. According to Pugachev, the transaction does not means the Central Bank have been used, and commercial investment.

Central Bank declined to comment. A spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov denied that the Central Bank was used to capture the shipbuilding assets Pugacheva.
In his words, these companies were "in ruins" and the business it is no interest. About Pugacheva Peskov said that he had done huge debts and fled. "This business has been in ruins. People interested in this business destroyed? He has done huge debts, and then fled, "- said Peskov newspaper.

Financial Times, describing Pugacheva, calls him a former member of Boris Yeltsin's closest entourage in the past - a confidant of Vladimir Putin. Pugachev in 1992 became one of the founders of "International Industrial Bank" (Mezhprombanc) and headed the board of directors. In 2002, he resigned as chairman of the Board of Directors of International Industrial Bank, and completely out of the share capital of the bank. In the years 2001-2011 Pugachev was a member of the Federation Council of the Tuva. Until 2010, Pugachev was part of the "Golden hundred» Forbes. In late 2010 Mejprombank lost his license. Pugachev, removed from the post of the senator with the wording "for negligent performance of duties", he moved to the UK. In December 2013 he was put on the international wanted list on charges of bankruptcy IIB. Basmanny Court of Moscow sanctioned the arrest in absentia of ex-senator in May 2014.