Ukraine said that the transit of its goods through Russia has been completely stopped

Ukrainian authorities say that Russia completely stopped the supplies of goods from Ukraine to Kazakhstan through its territory. Earlier, Moscow allowed the transit of sealed Ukrainian goods, but only from the territory of Belarus.
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As of 4 January Russia completely stopped transit of goods from Ukraine through its territory, according to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. Office called the ban "an opaque, unjustified and discriminatory."

The report also refers to the establishment of the operational staff to monitor the situation with the transit and that the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine instructed to develop "alternative" routes.

January 1 came into force on the Russian embargo on imports of products from Ukraine, imposed on it for the entry into a free trade zone with the European Union.

On the same day, the President and the Russian government issued a document on the conditions of transit Ukrainian cargo through Russian territory.

According to the rules introduced by all road and rail transportation from Ukraine to Kazakhstan shall be carried out only through the points on the Russian-Belarusian border, and only in sealed containers equipped with means of identification using GLONASS.

In addition, the drivers at the entranceand the territory of Russia will be issued special passes, which will be removed upon departure.