Sanctions will no longer help Rotenberg

The government prohibited Stroygazmontazh owned by Arkady Rotenberg to cite sanctions in case of problems during the construction of the Kerch bridge. 
According to the decree on the appointment of the general contractor for the construction of the bridge Kerch company Arkady Rotenberg "Stroygazmontazh" international sanctions against Russia or the contractor do not apply to the circumstances of force majeure.

At this point, insisted Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, said a person close to the Ministry of Transport: the contractor will not be able to refer to sanctions if he will have problems and will require additional expenses or delay in construction. The Contractor is under sanctions, this fact had to be taken into account when issuing the order, said a representative Kozak. The representative of "Stroygazmontazh" on request "Vedomosti" did not respond.

The total cost will amount to 228.3 billion rubles. and neither the design nor in the construction will not change again assured Kozak, President Vladimir Putin meeting with members of the government this week. "Stroygazmontazh" should start the labor movement over the bridge to the December 18, 2018, a fine for each day of delay - 2 million rubles.

Because of the harsh environment and the requirements to provide guaranTII many contractors refused to participate in the project, admitted Kozak. The question of sanctions negotiations have repeatedly been raised, while there were other possible contractors and agreed terms of the contract, knows one of the participants: some companies feared tougher sanctions in the case of appointment of the general contractor on the project, while others pointed out that the impact of sanctions could complicate the construction, for example to create problems equipment or subcontractors. It was decided to avoid it in the implementation of the project, summarizes the source "Vedomosti".

Rothenberg himself says that is not afraid of sanctions. "We plan to make the project completely using Russian materials, and Russian Technologies. Of course, it would be a good use of Norwegian and Dutch platform, but can handle themselves, "- he said in an interview with the newspaper" Kommersant ".

Usually the articles on force majeure limited description of the common risk factors, says the managing partner of Lex Collegium Alexander Kirov, but in the absence of a specific list of differences often arisei. The idea is that the foreign factor has no effect on the project, says the adviser Dentons Ilya Skripnikov: Bridge under construction in Russia and the Russian money, European construction materials are not used - is a matter of safety net for the government and discipline of the contractor.

surmountable CIRCUMSTANCES

Sanctions against "Stroygazmontazh" imposed by the US, Canada and Australia. The company is included in a special list Entity List, formed by the US Department of Commerce: export, re-export or transfer within the same country companies on the list of any goods or services that are subject to export control agencies are prohibited. Rothenberg itself as one of the first came under US sanctions.