Rospotrebnadzor revealed the scheme of sending tourists to Turkey, bypassing sanctions

Rospotrebnadzor inspections revealed the scheme of sending Russian tourists on holidays to Turkey through the territory of neighboring countries.
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Rospotrebnadzor during inspections revealed the scheme of sending Russian tourists on holiday to Turkey through the territory of neighboring countries, said on Wednesday, January 20, TASS reported with reference to the head of the department Anna Popova.

According to Popov, in December, employees Rospotrebnadzor started "very hard" to check the travel agency who sold tours to Turkey, and found "some of the features." "It turned out that can be very inexpensive to get to the neighboring friendly state capital and fly out to Turkey," - said the head of Rospotrebnadzor, noting that such cases revealed "a lot."

She said that at the travel agency, violators fined. "It is impossible to promote the tour, which is forbidden," - Popov said. However, she lamented the fact that the Russians continued to buy tours to Turkey, despite the "high risk".

"It is not just forbidden. There's always something explodes, and it is clear that today it is not over. When these risks are minimized so that the trip will be safe, then, of course, but not today ", - she said. Head of Pspotrebnadzora also noted that in Turkey there is an extremely unfortunate situation for influenza.

Russia and Turkey's relations soured in late November, when the Turkish fighter jet shot down a Russian Su-24 bomber, who participated in the operation in Syria. Russian President Vladimir Putin has described the incident as "stab in the back" and promised not to leave it unanswered. November 28, he signed a decree on the introduction of special economic measures against Turkey. Among other things, the decree introduced a ban on charter flights to Turkey, suspend visa-free regime between the two countries, and also provides that tour operators and travel agents "should refrain" from the sale of tours to Turkey.

Even before the introduction of spetsmer Rosturizm said that tour operators will be encouraged to stop selling tour packages to Turkey ", both directly and through third countries." November 30 First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said at a government meeting that the sale of tours to Turkey "is virtually eliminated."