Slippery passion: who plays hockey with Putin

Vladimir Putin became interested in hockey after Russia had won the right to host the Olympics in Sochi.
Origin source
First period: box in the woods

The referee blows his whistle to start the match out of skates flying ice chips, the world champion on hockey Alexei Yashin makes accurate transmission, and his team opens the account at the end of the first period it is already 4: 3. This is not a game of professional Kontinental Hockey League, and the morning workout two amateur teams. The match takes place on a private ice rink in the village Usovo on Rublevo-Uspensky highway, it has built Dmitry Bosov, principal owner of the holding company "Alltech". Sam Bosov also on the ice, playing in attack. The match participants - colleagues and friends, including several former professional players. No hard collisions - in amateur hockey forbidden power moves.

Bosov a child is interested in hockey, play began in his native Barnaul, participated in the youth tournament "Golden Puck", won the marginal competition, but did not become a professional. In 1998, already a successful 30-year-old businessman, a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Plant" resumed training.

entrepreneur Residence is located near the Rezidas another Putin's hockey enthusiast in the Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow. Among centenarians pine is dark brown house, and a hundred meters - dark brown, the color of the house, the wooden arena with panoramic windows.

Bosov began construction of hockey boxes in 2003 and finished in 2005, before the House. Initially the site was opened. In 2009, there was a roof, new air conditioning, ventilation and cooling, the Italian machine for the filling of ice.

40 m Carton size 20 m less than professional. "You can play a more strategic game, think more, drive less," - says Anatoly Chepenko, personal trainer Bosova. The game goes fast, stops almost no attack on one of the gates immediately replaced by storm opposite gate. The match ends with a score of 9: 8 in favor of the team which played Bosov Yashin and, at the last minute he himself sends his only goal in the match.

At the rink three warm dressing rooms: for goalkeepers, for field players and separately for Bosova and his guests. Flushed after an hour of the game and his coach businessman rest on wooden benches. Wu Boowl birthday today, two mobile phones ringing off the hook.

Birthday started with hockey, and it also ends - Bosov fly to Kazan, where local "Ak Bars" begins Gagarin Cup semifinal series with the Novosibirsk "Siberia." One of the founders of the Siberian club - controlled bosses coal company "Siberian Anthracite". In the 2014-2015 season, "Siberia" has achieved the highest achievements in its half-century history, reaching the finals of the Eastern Conference KHL.

Life Bosova inextricably linked with hockey.

"I rarely missed the match, play every day, - the businessman said. - Everyone knows that the night I will not go anywhere, in any restaurant, only to hockey. "
In his 47 years he trains every day on the ice and in the gym, carefully, according to the coach, suited to the process. On the ice Bosov broke his leg, he was not just knocked out teeth.

In addition, training in the gym Bosov "Breeze" to the MOE rink Davydkovo, there can often be seen influential politicians and businessmen in favor of the club "Sportima", which sponsorshis company, plays exhibition matches of stars - Evgeni Malkin and Alexander Ovechkin.
Since 2007, "Alltech" is organizing an amateur hockey tournament "Challenge Cup" in Moscow and Dubai. At the rink Bosova played and conducted master classes of famous hockey players Vyacheslav Fetisov, Alexei Kasatonov, Valery Kamensky. Every day there are trained not only adults, but also children's sports schools students Odintsovo, Peredelkino, "Dinamo", "Wings of the Soviets." With these free deals Chepenko.

But with Putin neighbor Bosov played once. On this side of the hockey businessman he says reluctantly. But the fact remains - ice hockey is not just a game. Since Putin took the skates, hockey has become the most popular sport among the businessmen and officials as Boris Yeltsin's tennis.

Second period: sports court

The tenth of May 2014, Sochi Palace of Sports "Big" in the first few seconds of a hockey match at number 11 striker Vladimir Putin opens an account in the game and a minute later doubled his team's advantage. commentatorimmediately called the two scored goals, "the presidential double".

As a result, the President of Russia became the most valuable player of the match, scoring six goals and making five assists. Putin has played for the team "Stars of the NHL" in a gala match finals Night Hockey League with the team fans. "Stars of the NHL," among them Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and twice world champion boxer Natalia Rogozin, defeated team fans 21: 4.

Hockey unlike judo relatively new hobby president. It all started in February 2011 when, in a conversation with players from the youth team of Russia President promised to learn to skate. And he started training, according to Dmitry Peskov, once or twice a week, mostly at night. In November of 2011, Putin established a Russian Amateur Hockey League (Night Hockey League, NHL), its president was a former hockey player and coach of the Russian national team Alexander Yakushev. In February of 2012 at a meeting with veterans of hockey Putin is not too highly of their success on the ice, "What did I iron, I can not in any way, hooves I move there on the ice, like a cow crawl ..."However, in April 2012, the first time he publicly sided with hockey skates on the box. On one of the final matches Night Hockey League Putin went immediately after his own inauguration May 7, 2012.

Hockey actively playing Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov, the governor of the Tver region Andrey Shevelev, former Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev and other lower ranking officials like Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Evtuhova. Get out on the ice, and many participants in Forbes list: 1 Vladimir Potanin, 99 Boris and Arkady Rotenberg 60, Peter Aven 20. Arkady Rotenberg, president of the hockey club "Dynamo", in an interview with Forbes in July 2012, he said: "We now have a new addiction, we all fell in love with hockey. In my life, I was engaged in a variety of sports, even acrobatics, but the winter activities failed. But about three years ago I started skating. If it were not for the club, of course, I would have fallen. And I survived. "

Boris and Mikhail Zingarevich and Gennady Timchenko (President of SKA St. Petersburg) play together in the St. Petersburg team"Nevsky legion." The head coach of the team Alexei Kuznetsov said that the brothers often visited by training and participate in all the games. Timchenko on the ice comes out less frequently.

The history of hockey's popularity among the officials and businessmen are well aware Vyacheslav Fetisov, the Olympic and multiple world champion, winner of the Stanley Cup, the senator from Primorye. After a career in 1998, he worked briefly coach, and after went to the civil service - in 2002 led Goskomcport, c 2004 to 2008 led the Rossport. "One of the problems then was to popularize the sport, - says the senator. - I slowly began to attract people, began with Sergei Shoigu, the Emergencies Ministry later appeared rink where we started, pulled many businessmen. It was clear that if the government and big business, they will invest in the sport. " According to Fetisov, now in the country is 10 times more indoor ice rinks, than in Soviet times.

Fetisov That, together with other distinguished veterans helped Putin to master the basics of hockey. Senator Sam plays hockey almost every day, and often withvoimi influential disciples. "I often play the Minister of Defense, - said Fetisov. - Sergey Shoigu in the Soviet childhood, all played on the open boxes, was a goalkeeper, and as a result has become a very good striker, scores a lot. And by the way, throws on both sides, which is rare in hockey. "
Yet Fetisov coached Potanin - all on the same basis of MES in Davydkovo.

"Potanin - a very stubborn man, just three months greatly added. He is playing like a lifetime to do it. "

Trained Fetisov with Potanin once a week, self-owner of "Interros" comes out on the ice every day. Potanin enthusiastically describes his return to the hockey game childhood: "In football, got the ball, looked up, threw back, scratched his head, and nothing happened at all. In hockey, got puck, hesitated a moment, you have all gone, there is no one to give a pass, you slept, you already levied, you do not pick up the stick, do not move. " He often goes out on the ice with professionals who give him playing tips. Alexei Kasatonov screaming in the middle zone, "Feet on!" Fetisovin - in the area of ​​the opponent: "Head On", Valeri Kamensky displays the roll with the words: "O., to decide for himself." "I ask: What will you do? - Smiling Potanin. - That's how we play. "

Putin, as a rule, also played in Davydkovo. Total 50-60 people came out at different times on the ice at the same time the president of Russia, including the Soviet hockey star Alexei Kasatonov, Vladimir Myshkin, Pavel Bure, Alexander Yakushev and Alexander Kozhevnikov, Sergei Makarov.

Third period: ice talks

In a gala match against Putin in Sochi team and Shoigu spoke Oleg Smirnov, the regional representative of the Night Hockey League in the Ryazan region, auto business owner and member of the local Duma. To the children's enthusiasm for hockey Smirnov returned to the mid-2000s, when the ice palace built in Ryazan. Once in 2011, Vladimir Putin set up the Night Hockey League, Smirnov became its regional representative in Ryazan and is actively engaged in its development. Now, according to the number of teams Ryazan region in second place after Moscow. Total in the league, more than 500 teams and about 10,000 igroCove.

About the match against Putin Smirnov remembers with pleasure, while he was in command of the strongest representatives of the Night Hockey League after a successful season. Is Putin making the rounds during the game? "Of course. He is the president, can cause injury. Sports have a contact, "- said Smirnov.

Hockey enjoy playing and regional officials. The government team of the Ryazan region brilliantly throwing the ball, and the employees of the local prosecutor's office of internal affairs. "Head of Airborne Training School Play, head of the regional tax inspection, visa service management" - says Smirnov.

Do entrepreneurs often stand on skates, to talk informally with officials and other businessmen? "How else? This same format that solves a lot of things - says Fetisov. - Even Roman Abramovich, once came to the game with the president, he is good rides, but the game itself it is something not fascinated. " "Participation in the games with high-ranking officials, keen hockey - it is now the trend - says Piotr Lukyanov, managing partnernchurnogo Fund Phystech Ventures, a player with one of the teams of the United Moscow Hockey League. - For example, I participated in this match in Tatarstan - Rustam Minnikhanov with the team. To get acquainted with many interesting people during these games, tied business communication ".

Lukyanov started playing hockey 10 years ago with his father, in 2006, they created their own "team of Che." "We have assembled a very different people, almost all got acquainted with each other thanks to hockey," - said Lukyanov. In the "team of Che 'together out on the ice a businessman engaged in real estate, manager of a large telecommunications company, auto parts store manager, restaurant owner, several financiers. On the ground and in the dressing room disappears social inequality. Before the coach anyway. Therefore, the 17-year-old student communicates "you" with a 55-year-old owner of a large business.

Leagues and money

In Russia, there are three major hockey league for amateurs - Night Hockey League, the United Moscow Hockey League, the National CorporateHockey League. In each of approximately 80-100 commands, divided into 7-9 divisions, depending on the age and skill level.

In each league its own rules at the request of players, there are differences in the rules. The season begins in amateur hockey in September, in a smooth tournament play with each other about 20 teams, then a series of playoffs.

Night Hockey League is the most influential. Among its partners and sponsors of the "Gazprom", "Renaissance Insurance", "Ugra" bank "Comus», Panasonic, Reebok. The main prize - an ice palace, which the league is building in the city of the winner of All-Russian festival of hockey among amateur teams.

"In order for the fall in the Night Hockey League, you need a recommendation of whether the two people thrust of our", - says Alexander Kozhevnikov, head of the League in Moscow. Fee is about 300 000 with the team, sometimes players pay themselves sometimes do sponso ry. Rent the ice rink in Moscow and Moscow region is 12 000-18 000 rubles per half hour. Outfit fielder will cost not less than 70 000 rubles.