"Fifth Empire", media war with Ukraine and Orthodox animation

Who and how to receive presidential grants for NGOs in 2016.
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In Russia, the annual presidential grants are distributed to non-profit organizations for projects "in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms." In 2016, for grants in the field will be spent over 4.5 billion rubles. Experts point out that the budget allocation system is completely transparent and does not allow to see the winners are determined by what principle. Znak.com investigated the results of the first in this year's competition and learned what got millions of rubles "Night Wolves" Alexander "Surgeon" Zaldostanova, Russian Orthodox Church, journalist Maxim Shevchenko and others close to the government policy and public figures.

"Everything deliberately distributed"

April 5, 2016 President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which nine non-governmental organizations received 4.58 billion rubles. Each of these organizations, the operators responsible for the distribution of the total amount of grants to other non-profit associations. For example, a charitable foundation "Cover" was made available to 420 million rubles, and the Russian Union of Rectors - 649.9 million rubles. Until December 16All nine organizations must hold four of the competition and to determine the grant recipients for the best applications. According to Putin's decree, the money should be allocated "on the implementation of social projects and projects in the sphere of protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen."

July 4 the first in this year's competition was completed. Grants are distributed among 502 organizations. Total 3981 application was filed. The winners of the second contest will be announced on August 8, and is now accepting applications for the third contest.

As Znak.com told in the Charity Fund "Cover", first all applications are selected by the competition committee with the formal requirements. "There are a few options, including the correct application form filling. If the project has passed the first stage, it is sent to independent experts. For each project, we have at least two opinions of independent experts, "- told in the fund. The final decision on who will receive grants, adopted at the final meeting of the competition committee, taking into account expert opinions. "A total of 10 position on the competition criteria, which helpdetermine the winners. Compliance with the objectives of the project and the conditions of competition, relevance and social significance of the project, detailed project conceived, realism and reasonableness of the budget - these are the main criteria. Additionally it is taken into account the applicant's experience in implementing similar projects, the availability of the team that will implement the project, and its development prospects. Welcomes the existence of additional sources of financing ", - reported in the" Pokrov ". According to the fund statistics, the winners accept about 10% of applicants.

In addition to the "Intercession" and the Union of Rectors, competitive selection is carried out civic engagement fund to support small towns and rural areas "Perspective", public organization "League of Nation's Health", Russian Union of Youth, seniors Union, the National Charitable Foundation, a public movement "Civil Dignity" (one of the founders included the chairman of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova), Russian women's Union.

"I have no idea how these grants are distributed during the distribution there aremnaya cat running around, apparently. I was invited, I was once, listened, paused and then all the more did not go there. Because everything is deliberately distributed, to come only to raise his hand for some unknown reason. So excuse me, "- said State Duma deputy Valery Yakushev, who is listed as a member of the tender committee of the Union of Pensioners.

Although formally the decision on determining the winners of competitions for grants is adopted on behalf of a public organization, it does not remain without control officials. So, in addition to deputy Valery Yakushev, to the competition commission of the Union of pensioners included, in particular, the Chief Advisor of the Presidential Control Department, the Domestic Policy Catherine Levin, head of the Presidential Control Department of Public project Andrei Platonov, and the leader of the Union of pensioners, a member of the Federation Council, Valery Ryazan State Duma deputy Olga Batalina. In the case of other organizations that distribute grants, the situation is similar: in addition to community members in the Competition Commission composed of members of the presidential administration, deputies, Federation Council members.

MaksimShevchenko and Culture

Most grants, according to the first in this year's competition, is distributed in Moscow and the Moscow region. One of the largest sums - 15 million rubles - was "Caucasian Civil Forum" Fund for Support and Development of civil society, the executive director who acts Maxim Shevchenko. According to the database "SPARK", the umbrella organization of the fund is the Center for Strategic Studies of religion and politics of the modern world known journalist and political analyst Maxim Shevchenko.

The grant will be spent "on the support of a network resource." "The task of the resource - the creation of an information space to counter religious and national extremism by building on positive information and analytical content of life of the North Caucasus Federal District", - stated in the project description. "This is a valid portal kavpolit.com. I can not talk more, do not feel, "- said Maxim Shevchenko Znak.com.

In addition to Shevchenko, such large grant amount - 15 million rubles - were eschie only a couple of cultural projects. Fund Vinokourov won a grant for a master class on classical dance, which will hold the star of the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia Artem Ovcharenko and Olga Smirnova, People's Artist of Russia Sergei Filin. Also, a lecture about the history of Russian ballet to be organized, and will be awarded the prize to the winners of the nine categories of the competition for young talents. A non-profit organization "Scientific-Research Institute of Communication Strategies" will organize the first theater festival named after Lev Tolstoy Museum-Estate "Yasnaya Polyana".

The larger the amount of the grant received only one organization - the Interregional Union of Journalists in Moscow region ". The organization will spend 17 million rubles for the forum "Modern problems of journalism." They will discuss "development and creation of complex information programs, consolidating Russian society."

Grants and power

In areas often receive grants organizations that have a direct relation to the officials. Sverdlovsk NGO "Institute of Regional Policy" will receive 900 thousand. Rubles for the project on "the formation of the youth patriotism and pride for the victory in the Great Patriotic War on the example of life of Marshal Zhukov." The description says that it is the organization of seminars for teachers of schools, colleges and technical schools "on the development of traditional spiritual values." Project partners are the "History Center of Sverdlovsk Region" fund.

According to "SPARK" Foundation is an affiliated institute of the structure. Both organizations are headed by Anatoly Kirillov, father of Deputy Urals envoy Boris Kirillov. Sam Boris Kirillov is a member of the founding of the Institute.

In the Chelyabinsk region will receive 1.5 million rubles Public Movement "For the revival of the Urals", which is headed by Governor Boris Dubrovsky. This is a project related to the formation of blocks of flats councils. "The purpose of the project: to encourage homeowners to protect and defend their rights in housing and communal issues; reduce the social tensions of the population due to the positive solution of problems of housing and communal services in the Chelyabinsk region; specific examples to encourage people to continuous, active cooperation and collaboration with local authorities and management companies ", - stated in the project description. As part of its implementation plan to spend a few training sessions, roundtables and open legal lessons of the declared theme.

Note also in the Sverdlovsk region of relatively large grant - 2.5 million rubles - will receive a charitable foundation biathlete Anton Shipulin. For this amount one-day festival "Sport of equal opportunities" will be held in 10 towns of the Sverdlovsk region. While they will be organized by the inclusive sports activities. They will take part, including Olympic and Paralympic champions. "The project is part of the nature of an image, creating a positive attitude towards the organizers and partners of the project", - said in its description.

"Night Wolves" and Crimea

Are popular projects connected with the Crimea. Youth non-profit organization "Night Wolves" Alexander Zaldostanova receive 7 millionubley at the bike show "The Fifth Empire" in Sevastopol. The explanation says that it is "one of the largest Russian patriotic activities aimed at the preservation and promotion of Russian history, and conducted since 1995". "In the period from 2009 to 2015 bike show was held in Sevastopol, Russian was a harbinger of spring and the return of the legendary Russian city home. Bike Show 2016 "Fifth Empire", dedicated to the Great Patriotic War ", - stated in the project description. "Night Wolves" promise "a bright, spectacular and massive event, with the participation of a large number of actors, stuntmen, unique scenery and automated characters." According to them, participates annually 100 thousand. Man in Sevastopol Bike Show.

Editions of "Literary newspaper" allocated 7.86 million rubles for the release of 12 themed rooms, which should be reflected "all the main trends of the Crimean culture and literature." "The project continues the integration of the literature of the Crimea to the Russian literary and artistic space. It is planned to publish the works of those lettersCrimea Athor, whose work has an undeniable artistic value and has been recognized both in the Crimea and in the whole territory of the Russian Federation ", - the authors explain the project, which is called" Muse Tauris. "

On the festival of visual arts "My Crimea" Fund "Innovation" will allocate 3.5 million rubles. Within the project 50 "talented students of art schools of the Crimea" will take part in a master class by professional artists. "Painting, children will be donated to children's homes of the Crimea", - stated in the project description. There will also be a contest of amateur landscape photography among teenagers.

ROC and sand animation

A separate unit - Orthodoxy and the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and the state. The Orthodox parish church of St. Nicholas of Myra on the Three Hills (Moscow) will receive 3 million rubles for the Congress of experts on church-public and church-state relations. The Congress planned to hold training seminars for representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, to "raise the level of competence of expertsof interaction at regional level between the Russian Orthodox Church, the public (through the media, non-profit and charitable organizations, as well as individual activists) and the government. "

Non-profit organization "Directorate of the presidential program", whose director is the vice-president of the Russian Cultural Foundation Elena Chavchavadze, will receive 2 million rubles. With this money will be held the conference "On the 10th anniversary of the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. Bishop John-combiner ". "The authors intend to show how after the Civil War and the outcome of the subjects of the Russian Empire succeeded in exile to organize themselves and unite around traditional spiritual foundations of national life, the life story of an illustrious son of Russian Archbishop John (Maximovich): church, charity, charity", - stated in the project description . Note Elena Chavchavadze was the author of the script of the film "The Romanovs. The fate of Russian Crimea. "

On educational media project "50 words on the importance of" non-profit organization "Center for inforDiscount technologies Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra and the Moscow Theological Academy ROC "will receive 8 million rubles. It is about creating "a cycle of spectacular video performances in which using the technique of sand animation, drama and art professional sound design reveals a number of topics related to the most pressing spiritual and moral issues."

From the Kurgan region is the only winner on the distribution of grants - orthodox parish of the temple in honor of Port Arthur Icon of the Mother of God "Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary." Over 500 thousand. Rubles will provide the organization of the work of teenage Cossack club "Little Farm", based on which classes will be conducted for teenagers, for example, the Local History Association "Stanitsa" and sports-patriotic association "Dobrynya".

"Eat Russian" and a new "people's elite"

There are other winning bids, reflecting the state trend. Under the project "Eat Russian" allocated 4 million rubles. This money will receive a public organization "The Truth about Food 'SerHer Raksha. The explanation says that the project was created "to build a culture of consumption, to tell people how they fooled with advertising, talk about similar products that cost several times cheaper to give people the opportunity to invest the released money in their education, their growth, rather than the growth of Western corporations. "

Chief Researcher, Department of analysis of the socio-political processes of the Institute of Sociology Olga Kryshtanovskaya receive 5 million rubles for the implementation of the research project "People's Russian elite." It is dedicated to "identify and study a group of people enjoying a reputation of excellence and moral authority in Russian society." The study will be conducted 18 focus groups and 160 interviews with citizens of Russia. According to the research database it will be formed, which will include information on people who can be considered "national elite". Funding will go through an autonomous non-profit organization "Laboratory Kryshtanovskaya."


Some projectstargeted women. On the organization of the contest "Shield and Rose", in which award best female security officials, the Association of law enforcement and security officials will spend 7.97 million rubles. The explanation says that the event is held annually, "with the support of Presidential Administration, Federation Council, State Duma, Moscow Government and relevant ministries and agencies."

Charitable Foundation accordionist Friedrich Lips, who was born in the Chelyabinsk region will receive 1.2 million rubles for the project aimed "to strengthen the positive image of women." It is a cycle of musical and literary events, "O woman, bow before you!"

A non-profit organization "Achievement" will spend 5 million rubles grant for "research expeditions and hiking in the cities and villages" to collect information on women who continue to be engaged in crafts. "Sociological research" Images of Russia "will be held, which will help to understand what Russian brands are most popular among our citizens", - stated in the project description.
Association "Support" for 3 million rubles will hold a competition of women's entrepreneurial projects of the APEC economies. "The key objective of the project - the formation of a pool of promising business models implemented by women in the world to adapt to the Russian economy and to maximize the involvement of women in business, to attract international attention to the best Russian women's projects and internationalization", - the authors describe the project.

mass media

In addition to the large grant (17 million rubles), which will be spent on a forum on modern problems of journalism, there are several projects dealing with the media.

About 10 million rubles will be spent on the continuation of the public board for Press Complaints. author of the project advocates a non-profit organization "UNESCO Creative Center". As it follows from the explanatory note, the main activities of the college - regular meetings to review citizens' complaints about the work of the media and the development of expert opinions. In addition, it is planned to train members of the new colleagues within the framework of the use of grant moneyth Complaints media in eight regions, including in the Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo region, in the Altai Territory and Tatarstan.

For comparison, on the protection of journalists' rights affected by their professional activities, the name of Mikhail Beketov, the fund will only receive 3 million rubles.

The same number - 3 million rubles - will get the Crimean NGO "Global Information Technology" to finance the news News Front, the materials of which can be traced sharp criticism of the existing authorities of Ukraine. We are talking about the "development of media-oriented post-Soviet countries, in order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation in the information space and strengthening of friendship between the peoples of the Russian Federation," according to the project description.

"It distracted the attention of civil society"

"The theme of presidential grants to Transparency International, we are engaged for three years. And the main focus on which we focus, is that the system is very opaque. It starts from the moment when OOdita Order of the President of the new competition, from which we learn those operators that will distribute grants. For us, it remains an absolute mystery and a dark spot that is selected by the operators themselves, why these organizations allocate funds ", - the expert said Transparency International in Russia Anastasia Oriole.

The second point, which draws attention to the expert - non-public contracts which are concluded with the Office of the President grantooperatorami. "We do not know what is written in the treaties, accordingly, we do not know how the money is coming at the expense of grantooperatora. We can only guess whether the entire amount prescribed in the Order of the President on account grantooperatorov falls, or the money is transferred to the parts of the timetable of the competitions ", - indicates Anastasia Oriole.

Another important point: in the amounts specified in the disposal of the President for each operator, including interest, which the operator would be getting a public tender for the selection of applications, for salaries of people who communicate with the winners, said Expert Transparency International in Russia. According to Anastasia Orioles, this percentage does not depend on anything, neither the size of the amount received or the number of the selected winners. Typically, operators receive from 5% to 7% on their own expenses.

"The moment of selection of applications is also not obvious enough for us. Because the information about the winners, which is published on a portal of the presidential grant, contains very scanty description of the projects. Sometimes it's just one sentence, sometimes it is large text reading which can not draw any conclusions about where to actually go means ", - explained Oriole. She also added that "very often winning organization, affiliated with the state structures", or organizations that implement projects patriotic.

"The special features of the latest competition is the fact that the winners were determined in three stages. In my opinion, it is very much distracted the attention of journalists, all of civil society from the fact that all grants competition was, "- said the expert. In addition, she said, the amounts received by winners, decreased."If last year we noted that grants for 15 million rubles received about 25 organizations, but now these are isolated cases. While making any conclusion on this matter is difficult, "- says anatase Oriole. According to the results of the second contest, she said, it will be possible to see whether receive grants to winners of the first competition. If you receive, you can assume that the division into smaller amounts occurred deliberately, he said.