Fast resignation: why Putin's ex-guard retired from politics

Acting Kaliningrad Region Governor Yevgeny Zinichev quitted his post having worked on the new position for less than three months. He didn't find himself in the governor's job, the sources told RBC.
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On Thursday, Vladimir Putin has approved the request of the acting Kaliningrad Region Governor Yevgeny Zinicheva to transfer to another job, said the president's press secretary Dmitry Peskov. According to him, Zinich appealed to the head of state "with a request for family reasons, to transfer him to another job." What would it be for "other work" - not reported.

On the same day, Putin met with the head of the Kaliningrad Region Government Alikhanov Anton, who was appointed acting Governor. "You know, perhaps, that the acting governor of the Kaliningrad region Zinich Evgeny family reasons asks him to return to Moscow. In such cases, you can not insist on the other ", - President said. Alikhanov he described as "a young man, but experienced enough and with a good amount of knowledge, work."

Eugene Zinich stayed as head of the region in record time - 70 days. Acting, he was appointed on July 28. As declare the elections in the region have been impossible under the law at the time of appointment Zinicheva andselectively campaign with its participation should take place in a single day of voting in September 2017.

Figure Zinicheva notable for the fact that he, as already wrote RBC, from 2006 to 2015 was the personal aide Putin - an employee of the Federal Security Service. In June 2015 was appointed Head of the Federal Security Service of the Kaliningrad region, a year later became the acting Governor.

For a little over two months of its work the most remarkable than Zinich remembered, it was probably his first and only press briefing shortly after his appointment. Communication with the press, the media wrote Kaliningrad, it lasted 49 seconds.

According to the source close to the authorities of the region, the resignation was Zinicheva local elites as a complete surprise, especially since the apparent reason for his departure was not: "He especially did not have time to do anything. We can not say that he once scored as governor - all decisions are taken Zinich worn current character ".

Zinich not made a large-scale reshuffle, except for appointment to the post of head of the regional government of Anton Alikhanov, who was smpredom Government and Deputy Prime Minister Edward Batanova previously worked in the St. Petersburg government.

The publication "New Kaliningrad.Ru" writes that the last time the public Zinich appeared on September 18 taking part in the elections to the State Duma. The last meeting in the regional government has spent Alikhanov.

Two sources close to the presidential administration, said that one of the reasons for the resignation Zinicheva is that he "did not find himself in the governor's job." This information is confirmed by the source close to the leadership of the FSB. "We Zinicheva were huge problems with the publicity, he avoided it," - says a source close to the Kremlin.

Family problems also took place, said the source close to the leadership of the FSB and the presidential administration. From the combination of these two factors, and it was decided to release from the governor's Zinicheva work, ascertain the sources of RBC.

About the family now former Acting Governor knows nothing, except that he is married. A person familiar with Zinichevym, says he has children, Mr.difficult to call the number. "There was talk that his family lives in Kaliningrad, but is it really was - is unclear," - says a source close to the regional authorities. The activities of employees of the Federal Security Service is regulated not only by the law "On State Protection", and official instructions. These documents have a high degree of privacy and can be adjusted, including the right of an employee not to disclose information about his personal life.

As an employee of the Federal Security Service, Zinich was not obliged to publish the declaration of income - such documents shall make public only the FSB director and his deputies. No sooner had Zinich submit information about personal income and assets, and the income and property of the spouses as governor - such details are published in the first half of the year following the specified in the declaration.

Source close to the leadership of the FSB, said that Zinich Now "can return to the state security." Comment Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, President of RBC could not be obtained.

Historywith Zinichevym shows "that the governor's office - political, not bureaucratic," says the head of the fund "Petersburg policy" Mikhail Vinogradov. According to him, gradually formed the opinion that Zinichevu hardly worth going to the regional elites to the polls, but no one expected that the Kremlin will decide the question of his resignation so quickly. "But it is better let all with irony perceive this story once, what would ironically (over Zinichevym -. RBC) all these years."

As regards the appointment Alikhanov, then, according to the expert, "it is more symmetric problems of the region, but it is important that the new acting Governor found the style of communication, not just push for federal guidelines, as in Kaliningrad, this approach is irrelevant. "

And about. Governor of the Kaliningrad region Anton Alikhanov 30 years. He worked in the Ministry of Justice, from 2013 - in the Ministry of Industry in the position of deputy director of department of state regulation of foreign trade activity. In 2015 he was appointed deputy chairman of the government of the Kaliningrad Region, July 30, 2016 - President of the Government.