Presnensky District Court of Moscow


Merlion owners wont be released from jail


The arrests were extended to three persons involved in the high-profile assassination attempt, and one was left in reserve.

Former husband of Zhanna Friske will pay father-in-law and mother-in-law 7 million


This decision was made by the Presnensky Court of Moscow. The singer's widower will have to pay her parents a third of the amount they reimbursed to Rusfond, which raised money for the artist's treatment.

Dunkvert's assistant was charged with bribes and a girl


Former assistant to the head of Rosselkhoznadzor Dmitry Natarov placed under house arrest.

Dmitry Zakharchenko said goodbye to freedom, billions and the rank of colonel


The court sentenced to 13 years in prison and a fine of 117 million rubles to Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who became widely known because of the 8.5 billion rubles found in him and his close friends. He was also deprived of the rank of police colonel.

The map of Maria Slezkina was beaten by Tuzov


Announced for bribery, the investigator of the TFR wants to return home.

Housing issue upset Marie Maksakova's secret marriage


The widow of the murdered Denis Voronenkova secretly married Ingush Dalhat Khalaev in July and gave him an apartment in Moscow. He sold it and now the ex-deputy of the State Duma demands to recognize illegal this deal.

The editor-in-chief of the Moscow Komsomolets accused the former wife of fraud


Eugene Efimova was the victim of a desire to share with Paul Gusev honestly acquired property: a woman is now being dragged for interrogation. She, in turn, asked for help from the authoritative businessman Mikhail Khubutia.

Sergei Fedotov paid 247 million rubles


The former general director of the Russian copyright society compensated the state for its fraud, which was cast in British real estate.

Zhomart Ertaev does not want to return to Kazakhstan


The co-owner of Almater Kazakhstan has asked for political asylum in the Russian Federation.

The court sentenced Nikita Belykh to eight years in a colony


The former governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, was found guilty of taking a bribe on an especially large scale. He was sentenced to 8 years in a strict-regime colony and a fine of 48.5 million rubles.

Polonsky: guilty and free


Sergey Polonsky was released from punishment.

IKEA strikes back: Konstantin Ponomarev, who forced the Swedes to pay 25 billion rubles, has been arrested


The businessman is accused of fraud, the bribery of witnesses, the fabrication of evidence and non-payment of taxes. In addition to the episodes with IKEA, fraudulent deliveries of generators to the Crimea also appear in the case.