Former husband of Zhanna Friske will pay father-in-law and mother-in-law 7 million

This decision was made by the Presnensky Court of Moscow. The singer's widower will have to pay her parents a third of the amount they reimbursed to Rusfond, which raised money for the artist's treatment.
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The parents of the singer Zhanna Friske were awarded 7 million rubles. her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev. This is reported by Moskovsky Komsomolets.

During the proceedings, the Presnensky court ordered the TV presenter to pay Olga and Vladimir Friske a third of the debt (21.6 million rubles), which was collected from them in favor of the Rusfond charitable organization.

The court satisfied the claim of Rusfond in May 2017, obliging the parents of Friske and Shepelev to return the funds that had been allocated for the singer's cancer treatment. The defendants in the claim then were Olga and Vladimir, Shepelev himself and their common son Platon with Friske. As a result, the performer's parents paid off the debt.

After that, they demanded that Shepelev, with whom Plato remained to live, return them a third of the money that had been paid to the foundation. In turn, Shepelev himself presented his mother-in-law and father-in-law with reciprocal material claims in the amount of 10.1 million rubles. - a third of 21.6 million rubles. along with the interest accrued during this time. From the TV presenter's point of view, this money should belong to the underage Plato.

The Presnensky Court considered both claims in one process. During the meeting, it turned out that Shepelev had offered Friske's parents a settlement agreement, but they refused.

“We believed that all the money was spent on Jeanne's needs. The fact of withdrawing money two weeks before Zhanna's death was established only by the Perovsky court. Then Shepelev learned that Zhanna's parents "saved them for their grandson," said the representative of the TV presenter.

At the last court session, the singer's mother claimed that she had withdrawn this money at the request of her daughter, and she spent it at her own discretion. “Since December 2014, Zhanna has been unable to walk, and since March 2015 she has been in a coma. How could they transfer this money to Jeanne if she could not answer for herself? " - objected Shepelev's lawyer. He added that Friske's parents kept this money with themselves. But the bailiffs did not find them either on the accounts of the parents or on the accounts of the singer.

As a result, after listening to representatives of both sides, the Presnensky court ruled in favor of the singer's parents.

An action to help Zhanna Friske, who was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, was organized in January 2014 on Channel One. At his request, Rusfond provided a bank account for collecting donations, to which the singer's fans transferred 69 million rubles. Of this amount, the organization transferred 11 million rubles. to pay Friske's hospital bills, and another 32.6 million rubles. at the request of the singer, nine children with cancer were sent for treatment.

After the death of the singer, her relatives refused to return the remaining money, after which Rusfond went to court. In May 2017, the Perovsky Court of Moscow granted the claim. Since this money was not on the accounts of the relatives, the foreclosure was leveled on the suburban real estate inherited by them after the death of the singer. When the foreclosure was also levied on the apartment, the parents asked to stop this process and paid the remaining amount in cash.