Zhomart Ertaev does not want to return to Kazakhstan

The co-owner of Almater Kazakhstan has asked for political asylum in the Russian Federation.
On Friday, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow denied the prosecutor's office a room in the pretrial detention facility of a well-known Kazakh banker Zhomart Yertayev. The Kazakh authorities demand his extradition on charges of fraud. The banker himself claims that he wants to select a stake in the largest telecommunications company in the country, JSC "Almatel Kazakhstan" ("Alma TV"), which broadcasts Russian TV channels. He already asked for political asylum in Russia.

The court examined the petition of the prosecutor's office about the arrest of Jomart Ertaev for 40 days for two days. Insisting on the definition of the former head of the Alliance Bank and the Eurasian Bank in the SIZO, the representative of the supervisory authority reported that Mr. Yertayev was accused in absentia of the prosecutor general's office of Kazakhstan of committing a crime under Part 4 of Art. 177 CC, which corresponds to Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code - fraud in a particularly large amount. Otherwise, the prosecutor believed, the banker could hide abroad or exert pressure on Kazakh investigators.

Defenders of the banker and telemagnet in turn noted that Mr. Yertayev together with his family lived in Moscow for three years, repeatedly flew abroad, in particular, to Vienna, but always returned back. Nor did he have any problems with law enforcement agencies - until recently they simply did not pay any attention to the international search, which was announced by the Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan.

According to the prosecution, Mr. Yertayev participated in the theft of about $ 80 million, received as a loan to JSC Bank RBK, in which he worked as an adviser to the chairman of the board of directors.

The protection of the banker meanwhile asserts that no one kidnapped the money - the loan went to buy a stake in Almater, which was headed by Mr. Yertayev. Last year, Bank RBK faced serious financial problems. President Nursultan Nazarbayev said that the bank's shareholders, who committed embezzlement, including under the guise of lending, were to blame for them, and promised to "bring them to life". Mr. Ertaev, in turn, had problems with the new management of Bank RBK, which required repaying the loan or giving Alma TV shares, which broadcasts Russian TV channels.

Mr. Yertayev himself, who reported in court that he applied for citizenship and political asylum in the Russian Federation, said that he received threats from Kazakh national patriots. "They want to squeeze Russia out of the telecommunications rank of Kazakhstan. If we lose TNT now, the next generation of Kazakhstanis will be raised on Turkish TV series, "Mr. Yertayev said, adding that his criminal prosecution is not so much a" monetary interest "as a political one. As a result, the court refused to prosecutor's office in the pre-extradition arrest of Mr. Yertayev, having concluded him under house arrest. In the near future, employees of the FSIN will put on it an electronic bracelet to control the movements.