The court sentenced Nikita Belykh to eight years in a colony

The former governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, was found guilty of taking a bribe on an especially large scale. He was sentenced to 8 years in a strict-regime colony and a fine of 48.5 million rubles.
Presnensky District Court of Moscow after a many hours of sitting on Thursday sentenced the former governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh to 8 years in a strict-security colony and a fine of 48.5 million rubles.

The court acquitted Belykh in one of the episodes - taking a bribe from co-owner of the Novovyatsk Ski Complex (NLK) Albert Laritsky in 2012, allegedly for his help in obtaining forest plots for cutting.

The prosecution requested that Belykh be sentenced to ten years in a strict regime colony, fined 100 million rubles. and deprive them of the right to hold office for eight years.

The court found that Belykh was guilty of taking a bribe in a particularly large amount. In 2014, the former governor of the Kirov region received a bribe from the owner of the Novovyatsk Ski Complex (NLC) and the Yuzhnaya Sudhaimer Management Company, said judge Tatyana Vasyuchenko, reading the verdict. According to her, Belykh met with Sudhammer and said that he needed 200 000 euros for the election campaign. The businessman agreed, as NLK had problems with the tax, and at the meeting Belyh promised to protect the NLK and the Management Company "Leskhoz". White received money, the judge said.

In 2016, Belykh met with Sudhammer (also referred to in the media as Zudheimer) at the Riga airport and they again spoke of a bribe. According to the judge, White again needed money for the election campaign. At first 50 000 euros were transferred through the White Assistant. In June 2016, in Lotte Plaza, Belykh received directly from Sudgeimer a package with 150,000 euros.

When the money was received, he was detained. In July 2016, President Vladimir Putin dismissed the Whites from the post of governor of the Kirov region in connection with the loss of confidence.

Immediately after the arrest, Belykh gave written statements in which he confirmed that he had received money from entrepreneur Yuri Sugheimer, but stated that they were intended for accomplishment. According to Belykh, he was sure that the FSB detained Sudgeymera, and when the money was put out of the package, he thought he should explain where they got there from.

White said that at the meeting, Sudgeimer congratulated him on his birthday and handed the package with a bottle of wine. White claimed that he did not look in the package, because it is "indecent". He refused to acknowledge the blame for taking bribes and spoke about the provocation against him: "Sudguimer and the organizers of the provocation, realizing that I will not take cash, came up with this story - a gift package, a bottle of wine. The only thing, before the sausage had not come up with then. I had no chance to take the package. "

The defense of the Whites insisted on the version of the provocation that FSB General Oleg Feoktisov, resigned, also witnessed the prosecution in the case of the former Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev. Belykh's lawyer petitioned for questioning Feoktistov, but the court refused to call him.

In his last word, Belykh noted that not everything was perfect in his work as governor. However, he stressed that he was not ashamed of her. In addition, he said that he has only one desire: to be close to his wife and children.