Sergey Polonsky is ready for payback

The founder of Mirax Group (currently Potok8) Sergei Polonsky, who was involved in a criminal case of 5.7 billion rubles, remembered about the holders of the residential complex "Kutuzovskaya milya" in Moscow.
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On his Facebook page the ex-businessman posted the "preliminary statement" that he is ready to pay a quarter of the amount invested in the project back to the shareholders. According to him, the shareholders are guaranteed to get the money under the contract for $ 300 million with Alexey Alyakin, with whom Mr. Polonsky has negotiated the sale of his business.

"I admit that as a result of my mismanagement, people buy an apartment for me and my company suffered losses. Two years of which are recognized at their expense, and is ready to pay 24% of the amount of money invested in the apartment project "Kutuzov mile", the payment of which the arbitral tribunal, they certainly have the right to demand, "- messy wrote Mr. Polonsky (spelling and style of the author maintained -. RBC daily), backed up his words by signature and fingerprint.

According to the disgraced developer guarantee of future benefits real estate investors is the contract with his former business partner Alexei Alyakin by $ 300 million. Later, the founder of Mirax added that "in connection with the signing of the department of economic policy and development of Moscow of the supplementary agreement of 23.08.2013 to the investment contract for the construction of housing 18-18A "Triumphal Quarter" residential complex (former "Kutuzov mile") "all investors will get their flats, and 24% of the total cost of apartments in the amount of $ 12 million. Will be spent on compensation for their losses.

However, real estate investors themselves to Mr. Polonsky not believe. "We do not believe in any promises, - told RBC daily Dmitry teacher, chairman of NP" Assistance to protect the rights of shareholders "Kutuzov mile". - It's a bluff and profanation, to attract attention. He has no money, it naperstochnichestvo ".

Additional Agreement to the investkonraktu mentioned by businessman, has not yet been signed, and real estate investors have not yet understand, in whose apartments will live - urban or FTSSR (co-investor company "Kutuzov mile." - RBC daily), said the source publication. According to him, $ 300 million -. It is the money that must Alyakin Polonsky for purchase to Mirax Mirax.

Contact Alexey Alyakin, which Mr. Polonsky accused of misappropriating their assets and funds of the bank "Pushkino" customers could not. According to Dmitry Master, it is foroutside the country. A former lawyer Sergei Polonsky Dobrovinsky declined to comment, citing the fact that any contact with the businessman does not support.

Statement by Sergei Polonsky, the desire to pay back the money real estate investors have got on the table business ombudsman Boris Titov. "We have adopted a statement for consideration. Requests for criminal case, we did not send, we have no access to the investigation records, there is a secret investigation. We will tackle the question of the overall process ", - quotes Mr. Titov rape.

Sam Sergei Polonsky is already more than a year abroad. After being released from Cambodian jail, he went to Israel, where he has applied for citizenship, and then flew back to Cambodia. During this time at home entrepreneur he became involved in the case - he is accused of embezzling 5.7 billion rubles. from real estate investors "Kutuzov mile". The victims recognized by about 80 people, and Mr. Polonsky faces up to 10 years in prison. On Tuesday, the interior ministry has initiated his extradition to Russia.

The project "Kutuzov mile" impliedzumeval building block 1-2 in the Fili-Davydkovo the west of Moscow. Co-investors of the project were LLC "Avanta" (Polonsky structure) and FTSSR. However, in early 2010 FTSSR official developer "Kutuzov mile" investment contract with the company broke Polonsky, and the spring of 2011 announced that it is ready to finish building their own residential complex. At the end of last year FTSSR commissioned corps "Kutuzov".