Olympic victims of Sergey Polonsky

The scandalous developer became a defendant in another criminal case, among the victims are the members of the Russian Olympic hockey team.

Head of investigation group SK MVD Colonel Oleg Silchenko confirmed the "New" that for Sergei Polonsky opened another criminal case. But said that the criminal case under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code ( "Fraud"), was in the production department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Western District of Moscow. By "Rublevskaya Riviera" preliminary version of the investigation developer stole money real estate investors who purchased apartments in the housing complex.

According to our sources in the TFR among those who mocked Polonsky, more than a dozen players, has played and continues to play for Russian team. Among them are the current members of the Russian Olympic team. So far the only hockey player to write a statement of a criminal case - is Oleg Tverdovsky, a former defender, world champion in 2009, bronze medalist of the 2002 Olympics, the two-time champion of Russia. The athlete has concluded a contract in 2010 and transferred to the account of the builder about one million dollars. Since then - no apartment, no money.

The rest of the idol of the public to write statements in no hurry. etcircumstance explains the reluctance of world renowned athletes featured in scandalous chronicles, even more so - on the eve of the Olympic Games

One of the most famous players, NHL player and the national team of Russia, said on condition of anonymity told the "New":

- The chance to get an apartment - a minimum, on a construction site horse is not lying. Money, too, is unlikely someone will return. A pass lohom which oblaposhili - do not want.

The criminal case of the disappearance of money holders "Rublevskaya Riviera", to our knowledge, will be directed to another investigative the Interior Ministry and combined into one with a criminal case on the theft of money holders LCD "Kutuzov mile".

Before the result is not a simple task: to understand how to do the project came "Rublevskaya Riviera". The fact that more November 12, 2002 decision of then-Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov number 1740-p (a copy is available in the version -. IM) approved the construction plan of rehabilitation and geriatric complex "Health Center" at Russian Cardiology Research and Production complexinzdrava Russia. The project involved the construction of an international center for surgery, hotel, geriatric boarding house apartments for rehabilitation and a residential complex. The decision was clearly stated that the "Health Center" must stay in the territory belonging to kardiootsentru, "eliminating the placement of data objects within the boundaries of a protected natural area" Natural-Historical Park "Moskvoretsky".

In 2006, the controlled company Sergei Polonsky Mirax Group won the tender for the Ministry of Health and the Federal Property Management Agency for the construction of "Health Center". And then began strangely. center project has undergone very significant changes, becoming a luxury residential complex, and grab part of the specially protected natural territory (OPT) Moskvoretsky Park. Here too indignant Rosprirodnadzor. Oleg Mitvol, while the deputy head of department, "freeze" the coordination of the project, saying: "The construction will be possible only in the case of adjusting the OPT zone. If this is not done, then get a state environmental reviewand the company can not be legally ".

Despite the objections of Rosprirodnadzor, Mirax Group still managed to push the project, which in 2010 again reformatted. If in 2006, stated the construction of 190 thousand square meters of housing, then the presentation of 2010 promised to build 330,000 square meters. And in the brochures "Rublevskaya Riviera specified that" building is located within the green area of ​​the park "Moskvoretsky", which is the largest in Moscow specially protected natural territory. "

Deceived Polonsky interest holders LCD "Kutuzov mile" offered interest-holders LCD "Rublevskaya Riviera" to unite, "to work together to bring to justice all those involved in the theft of their funds," In addition, real estate investors have turned to the head of the investigative group Oleg Silchenko demanding to expand the circle of persons involved criminal proceedings.

The victim Marina Egorova in a statement (a copy is in the editorial -. IM), in particular, pointed out that the purchase and sale of apartments, which resulted in the coreporation Mirax Group (Potok) through controlled company (LLC "Avanti" and CJSC "Concordia - Asset Management") has received funds from the victims, some of whom later was spent not for the intended purpose, carried out at a time when the owners of the corporation were Polonsky, Trotsenko, Temnikov and Golubev. However, the accusation of committing the alleged offense charged only Polonsky - the head of the corporation Mirax Group (Potok).

At the time of signing the numbers Sergei Polonsky's lawyers kept the defense, refusing to comment, saying that they do not know anything about the new criminal case, neither the statement of shareholders.