A criminal charge against the fugitive ex-deputy head of Rosreestr

In the near future, Sergey Sapelnikov may be declared internationally wanted as part of a criminal case against negligence and be arrested in absentia. 
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The already former deputy head of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography Segei Sapelnikov, who, being a carrier of state secrets, in early September went abroad without the permission of the FSB and the Ministry of Economic Development, has become involved in the case against negligence, which stirred up the Investigative Committee against him. If the former official won't voluntarily return to Russia in the near future, he may be accused and arrested in absentia and declared internationally wanted. Experts, however, believe that nothing threatens Sapelnikov in the current situation.

The leadership Rosreestra and security forces still do not have accurate data on the location of the now former Deputy Minister Sergei Sapelnikov. More September 7 Russian official left in a car, allegedly went to the Ukraine, and from there to the United States. The reason for this are the results of a recent test Rosreestra auditors of the Accounting Chamber and the FSB, which revealed a multibillion-dollar financial irregularities.

The officer was in charge of the ministry sphere of IT-infrastructure and IT-technologies, and cartography, which in the framework of the Federal Program subprogram "Creation of real estate cadastre system" Auditor of the AccountsSecond Chamber revealed major financial irregularities.

A week ago Sapelnikov was dismissed from his post. He had access to information constituting a state secret by the second form of secrecy, but went abroad without obtaining the necessary authorization for this FSB and the Ministry of Economic Development.

After escaping Sapelnikova investigators several days deciding the question whether there are grounds to attract former officials criminally responsible and for what the article of the Criminal Code. Sources of "News" in the police said that the Investigative Committee opened against former officials a criminal case under Art. 293 of the Criminal Code ( "negligence"). This article provides for punishment by a fine or up to three months of arrest.

in Law Experts believe that Sapelnikov can not particularly worried about the case opened for this article.

- The article "Negligence" - stillborn, and are rarely used in practice, because it refers to trudnodokazuemym. In fact, she says that man made a mistake and unknowingly committed a crime. It is such aTatya-vent, to soothe people, to show the investigation work on high-profile cases, saying that something is being done - told "Izvestia" lawyer Vladimir foal. - Of course, no one ever will declare the person internationally wanted on such a small article, search for it, and even more so taking into custody. Therefore, the official can relax and live comfortably abroad.

Recall that in July this year, the Accounting Chamber auditors, together with the implementation of the FSB checked Rosreestra Federal Target Program "Development of an automated system of state land cadastre and the state registration of real estate." The audit revealed financial irregularities amounting to 23.9 billion rubles, including misappropriation of funds in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles.

One of the largest government contracts, implemented in the framework of the Federal Program, was the preparation and compilation of maps and plans of Russia, who Rosreestr planned to publish on the site for public use. State contract worth 1.3 billion rubles implemented the Engineering Technology Center "ScanEx". All documentationContract claimed Sapelnikov. Contracts have been concluded despite the fact that the "RDC" missing license FSB to work with documents constituting state secrets. Thus cards that have been prepared on the basis of implementation of the contract, can not be published in the public domain.