Predators of the Federal Counter-Intelligence Service

Turncoat Zakharchenko covered up not only the thief Shakro Jr , but also the main contractor of the company, the son of General Yevgeny Murov.
Origin source
Arrested deputy head of the "T" Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) Interior Ministry colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko denies that on 25 December 2015, the restaurant "Kitchen Village" has received 7 million rubles from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Rusengineering" Anatoly Pshegornitskogo . According Zakharchenko said that the recorded conversation, which investigators believe evidence of a bribe, wore comic character. Businessman Pshegornitsky every time gave something to his friend, a policeman, winking and saying, "Well, watching you?"

Behind the president's security guard

Indications officer, sisters apartment which $ 123 million are found, require verification. Whatever its outcome, the agency "Ruspres" seems very interesting figure Anatoly Pshegornitskogo. The story of his company "Rusengineering" - a typical episode, where the intertwined interests of the stars of show business, as well as major domestic liberals, thugs and the security forces.

LLC "Rusengineering" has long been a waspsovnym contractor owner Russian power grids of PJSC "Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System" ( "FGC"). This structure stood out in 2002 of RAO "Unified Energy Systems of Russia" Anatoly Chubais. Initially, the owner of the shares in OAO "UES FGC" was Rosimuschestvo now control the basic package "Rossetti" in turn, is owned by Federal Property Management Agency.

The first head of FGC UES became deputy chairman of RAO "UES", the former owner of the Ukrainian broker "Konso and K" Andrey Rapoport. Today his works place the son of the former head of the Federal Security Service, Army General Yevgeny Murov - Andrew Moores.

To initiate criminal proceedings "UES FGC" and have already arrested the deputy Murowa Valery Goncharov Russian FSB operatives have collected a large amount of information about the relationship with Moores Clan "Rusengineering". Analysis of these data revision "Ruspres" will devote the next part of the investigation. However, among the beneficiaries of the contractor "FGC UES" were not only Moors but also other influentiale predators. The reason is clear - soon after the establishment of "Rusengineering 'annual revenue generated by" UES FGC ", exceeded 5 billion rubles.

Ukrainian traces of the Moscow power engineering

The first director of LLC "Rusengineering" became Artem Zuev - son familiar Anatoly Chubais The assistant Chief of Federal Treasury Ministry of Finance Valentina Zueva. Using family resources, Zuev Jr. informally supervised priority funding areas. Persons using tranferty subjects of the federation often agree to fund Zueva structure, including the Foundation for Development of Chukotka's economy. Trying to Chukotka Governor Alexander Nazarov to obtain from the General Prosecutor's Office a criminal case failed, and when Nazarov was replaced by the owner of the corporation "Sibneft" Roman Abramovich, all claims against Zuev were canceled.

One of the first founders of the nominal "Rusengineering" in the records specified co-owner of the law firm "Monastic, Zyuba, Stepanov & Partners" lawyer AlexanderYuba. Its in 2008 changed to the Cyprus offshore Clearedge Holdings ltd. Earlier Zyuba marked as zits-shareholder member of offshore "UES FGC" Board of Directors, senior manager of the company, "Rossetti", a native of Zaporozhye, a citizen of Ukraine Andrei Demin.

Until 2002 Demin long time worked in "Poltavaoblenergo" which controlled Konstantin Grigorishin - Ukrainian billionaire, a citizen of Russia and Cyprus. Zaporozhye - economic empire center Grigorishin. It is there that is its main asset - the largest in Eastern Europe, a manufacturer of transformers "ZTR". Konstantin Grigorishin and his partner, Igor Kolomoisky for the last two decades seized Ukrainian energy sector, privatizing and dividing to take advantage of regional energy distribution companies.

Earlier Zaporozhye mogul was considered a supporter of policy of cooperation with Russia, but the situation has changed after euromaidan. Grigorishin applied for Ukrainian citizenship. Now the billionaire claims that his old friend Peter Poroshenko - "Bezusconventionally, the most intelligent of all the presidents who were still in Ukraine, "he describes the coming to power Poroshenko" historic opportunity. " However, an Israeli citizen Grigorishin Kolomoisky Russian finances from their taxes punitive operation in the Donbass.

Three secret owner

Who controlled the "Rusengineering" with Artem Zuev and fictitious owner Alexander Zyuboy?

Beneficiaries named owner virgin offshore Inguetberg Konstantin Selivanov. Since 2004, this native of St. Petersburg, he worked full-time raider Konstantin Grigorishin, seized assets for him all over Russia, and then participated in their resale. Unable to receive "Rusengineering" raider turned to the London arbitration, which publicized the names of the owners of the company.

Among them is the alleged briber Selivanov named Colonel-billionaire Dmitry Zakharchenko - businessman Anatoly Pshegornitskogo, who owned 20% stake in the company. Pshegornitsky now holds the position of President of the Association of power construction complex, andpassed under the control of other persons "Rusengineering" unsuccessfully trying to recover from it, and even the four defendants over 885 million rubles, allegedly lost due to unfavorable deals. Company "Sibur-energo", "tehnologic" and "Energy balance-North-West", which formerly belonged to Pshegornitskomu significant proportion, were bankrupt. At the same time they lost hundreds of millions of rubles allocated for the execution of public contracts. For the safety of the Pshegornitskogo is not affected. He still lives in a luxury house near the metro station "Kropotkinskaya", not far from the mansion of the former Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and his mistress Evgenia Vasilyeva.

According Selivanov, the second co-owner of "Rusengineering" was the developer Sergei Polonsky. After the collapse of his company Mirax Group and several visits to Cambodian prisons businessman is in a Moscow pre-trial detention "Sailor's Silence". Polonsky accused of fraud. Share of "Rusengineering" allows the developer without waiting to connect to the grid its facilities, including the skyscrapers & laquo; Moscow City ", but not saved from bankruptcy.

The third owner "Rusengineering" - a native of St. Petersburg, a liberal economist Alexander Chistyakov. A former employee of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, RAO "UES" Investment Policy Director, first deputy chairman of OAO "UES FGC" and member of the Expert Council under the Russian government has made a career thanks to his friend Andrey Rappoport and Chubais group. Now Chistyakov and Rapoport upravlyut total oil company Ruspetro.

Money singer Glucose

Mr. Chistyakov secular public is best known as the husband of pop singer Natalia ions (Glyuk'Oza), each of Ksenia Sobchak and organizer of the festival "Rock against toads." As the first deputy chairman of FGC UES, Lib many years distributing those billions in contracts, which are then mastered himself as a secret shareholder "Rusinzhiringa" - a leading contractor FGC UES. The windfall from this scheme manager invested in development projects and the promotion of the couple. Similarly, Andrei Rappoport, being the head of FGC UES, the company has created for himself "EnergostroyinWest Holding "(Ecija), which started more than half of the contracts FGC. In 2006, Rappaport sold Ecija co-owner of the holding company Evraz Group, Alexander Abramov. The proportion could also be a senior partner Abramov - billionaire Roman Abramovich. The new owners have made the chairman of the board of directors Ecija Nikita Belykh - he later became the governor of the Kirov region, and is now arrested on charges of taking bribes in a large scale.

Popularity ions is credited her producer Maxim Fadeev. In 2002, he met "with a cocky, impudent, drunken whore", sniffing glue and then spew from the balcony. Talented made cartoons with electronic correction voices become real hits, but there was an average performer with mediocre vocal producer without Ionov. In order to keep her work in the charts, it required a lot of money.

They were, until the husband worked in the FGC. But in 2009, Alexander Chistyakov was removed from the distribution of funds to the state spent on energy. After that evolved from an effective manager, implementsbackward Russia advanced corporate approach, in helpless polubankrota.

Chistyakov himself bitterly admits: "the problem is that when we went back to their business, it became clear that we state business ran much better than his." Embezzlement of $ 100 million allocated for projects in Morocco, the former wife of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina, Glucose lost her husband in London courts and the last years forced to sell assets to pay off.

Reid Selivanov

In March 2010, during the failed sales of "Rusengineering" chairman of its board of Sergei Suvorov succeeded Konstantin Selivanov. He was well acquainted with his fellow countryman Chistyakov. Selivanov Established in 1998 in St. Petersburg firm "Soyuzregistr" after two years transferred to the father of Alexander Chistyakov - Nikolai Alexandrovich Chistyakov. Among other legal entities Selivanov authors agenc "Ruspres" found "Media Group Volga", where partners raider Hryhoryshyn became the first director of "Rusengineering" Artem Zuev and his wife each Zueva,society lady Snezhana Georgieva - the owner of the restaurant "Bon" and the other spouse is the owner of the TV channel "Rain" Natalia Sindeeva, Russian roots with the Syrian Jamil Asfari.

Obviously, the shadow shopper "Rusengineering" suggests that the link with Selivanov Chistyakov and help Zuev deal. But this calculation was not justified. In March 2010, offshore Inguetberg signed an agreement with an offshore Alimaa, the beneficiaries of which called Selivanov Chistyakov, Pshegornitskogo and Polonsky. The contract provided for the purchase of 1.88 billion rubles Cypriot firms - Clearedge Holdings ltd. and Kahua ltd. The first was the owner of "Rusinnzhiniring", the second control its assets pledged under loan agreements (the AU decision of Moscow from 03.06.2016 in case number A40-251963 / 2015).

Selivanov claimed that the deal fell through "due to the fault of sellers." According raider, two-thirds of the amount should have been paid through bills, and while there was a process of the transaction, Selivanov became CEO "Rusengineering" and as such signed the contract for the purchase of "Trust" bank bills by 1.2 billion rubles. But the payment is not passed, billswere not redeemed within the time period and in April 2010 Alimaa staff sent a letter to Inguetberg where informed about the cancellation of sale.

Konstantin Selivanov resigned as CEO and filed suit in a London court, demanding that Alexander Chistyakov, Sergei Polonsky and Anatoly Pshegornitskogo return 2 billion rubles in lost benefits. General Director of "Rusengineering" again became a precursor Selivanov - the representative of the old shareholders Sergei Suvorov.

(To be continued)