The deputy head of Rosreestr fled abroad with state secrets

Defendant in a controversial anti-corruption investigation Sergei Sapelnikov did not wait for the call from the investigators, and immediately left Russia without the permission of the security services.
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An unexpected turn in the scandal around the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr), where operatives of the FSB and the Audit Chamber found financial irregularities in the amount of 23.9 billion rubles, including misappropriation of budgetary funds in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles. One of the main defendants in this test, the deputy head of Rosreestr Sergei Sapelnikov, fled abroad on September 7. His whereabouts are still unknown. The official is the carrier of state secrets of the 1st category, Rosreestr and intelligence agencies did not give him permission to leave. Sapelnikov has been already dismissed from his job and deprived of access to state secrets; the intelligence agencies and the Investigation Committee shall decide on the issue of the international search.

According to "Izvestia" several sources in the Ministry of Economic Development on September 7 Rosreestra Deputy Sergei Sapelnikov drive his friend across the state border in the district of the Bryansk region and went to the Ukraine.

- In airports and railway was put on Sapelnikova "cock" (online search to HCPolice ness of trying human travel to another city or country. - "News"), so he went to the car first in Belarus, and from there to Ukraine - told "Izvestia" a source familiar with the situation.

Learning of this, the FSB asked to Rosreestra documents confirming travel abroad carrier state secrets of the 1st category. It soon became clear that for the protection of state secrets and mobilization training department does not provide any documents to allow Sapelnikova traveling abroad or working in or for tourist purposes. This was Deputy Economic Development Minister Paul Korolyov immediately notified the department head Alexei Ulyukayev, then Sapelnikova deprived of admission to work with information constituting a state secret: disconnected from the database, and change the password.

How do I find "News", September 20 the head of the Russian State Register Antipina Natalia received a request from Alexei Ulyukayev for three days to prepare a submission on dismissal Sapelnikova, and a few days ago the head of the Ministry of Economic Development has already signed the order.

- With the guidance Rosreetra is now solved the question of the prohibition of travel abroad Sapelnikova period of five years, if he returns to Russia - told "Izvestia" a source in the Ministry of Economic Development.

In Rosreestra "Izvestia" could not comment on the situation around quickly Sapelnikova. A source close to the agency, suggests that he is now already in the United States and does not intend to return to Russia, because it suggests that it is waiting for criminal prosecution. Last Sapelnikov authorized manner went abroad in late July on a business trip to the UK.

The Investigative Committee is now decides whether to institute criminal proceedings against Sapelnikova of misuse of budgetary funds, fraud and negligence. If such a thing appears, the official may announce an international search.

In July of this year in Rosreestra completed a large-scale test results of the implementation of the subprogram "Creation of real estate cadastre system" under the Federal Program "Development of an automated system of implementation of the state land cadastre and stateth registration of real estate ", which carried out the auditors of the Accounting Chamber and the FSB.

Implementation of routines meant the emergence of real estate goskadastra to create a framework for the taxation of land, real estate and rights to them. However, on January 1, 2013 inventory and has not been created, despite the fact that the realization of routines have been spent tens of billions of rubles.

The audit revealed financial irregularities amounting to 23.9 billion rubles, including misappropriation of funds in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles.

Major violations occurred in the sphere of IT-infrastructure and IT-technologies, as well as mapping, which oversaw Rosreestra Sergey Sapelnikov. The report stated that Sapelnikov provided inaccurate information on the expenditure of funds routines without any explanation on the facts of violations identified by auditors.

In addition, the documentation maintained Sapelnikov state contracts Mapping and Russian plans that Rosreestr prepared for publication on the website for public use. One of the performers contracts LLC "Engineering and technologycal Center "ScanEx" had no license to work with FSB documents of state secrets. For the creation of a database of digital cartographic basis in the regions of Russia "ScanEx" has received 1.3 billion rubles. The data obtained from the results of the state contract, can not be published in the public domain, as they relate to the state secret.