Sergey Polonsky turned out to be a beggar

The scandalous developer could not pay a debt of $5 million to his former lawyer.
Well-known lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky could not collect $ 5 million from the founder of Mirax Group Sergei Polonsky. The decision in favor of the defender was made by the High Court of London, which for three years considered their claims against each other. However, as Mr. Dobrovinsky informed Kommersant, the defendant did not have any assets. Even the islands in Cambodia, where he lived before the extradition to Russia businessman, it turned out, do not belong to the convicted for fraud Mr. Polonsky and they are claimed by the government of this country.

Alexander Dobrovinsky could not recover from Sergei Polonsky the money awarded to him earlier this year by the High Court of London. As explained to the lawyer, "Kommersant", this is due to the fact that to find out from his debtor assets that could cover the amount of $ 5 million, he could not. This amount, as previously reported to Kommersant, was appointed by the English court as compensation to Mr. Dobrovinsky after the completion of the lawsuit between him and the founder of the Mirax corporation.

"Yes, he does not have anything," explained the lawyer "Kommersant" emotionally, "a goal like a falcon." Even the islands off the coast of Cambodia, where the founder of once one of the largest Russian development companies lived before his extradition in 2015, explained Mr. Dobrovinsky, he does not belong. It turned out that the real estate, which Mr. Polonsky called his own, was framed for one of his friends and companions who had Cambodian citizenship. However, he climbed into debt and, as the lawyer believes, will be forced to give the island to local authorities.

As previously reported to Kommersant, in January 2017, the English court concluded a three-year review of the mutual claims of Sergei Polonsky and Alexander Dobrovinsky. The businessman, whose interests the lawyer represented, believed that he allegedly violated the contract with him, appropriated money and provided advice that caused him material damage in the further sale of the Mirax Group.

As Mr. Polonsky insisted, the defendant allegedly assured him that Mirax was ready to buy a structure owned by Roman Abramovich, but this did not happen, and the money received from the sale of Mr. Polonsky's renamed Potok company, in his opinion, was disproportionate to her "real" market value. As compensation, the businessman demanded £ 300 million from the defendant.

After the extradition of the plaintiff of Russia, where he was charged with a particularly large fraud (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code), Mr. Polonsky's attorneys tried to postpone the indefinite period of his lawsuit, arguing that the proceedings in London and Moscow are related. However, the High Court, rejecting the claim against Mr. Dobrovinsky, ordered the businessman to reimburse him for legal costs, including costs for lawyers. Thus, the total amount of payments was approximately $ 5 million. After the decision was published, the lawyer told reporters that he intends to seek the arrest of the scandalous businessman's assets known to him, including the islands in Cambodia. However, the defendant was insolvent.

It is worth noting that six months after the London trial, Sergei Polonsky was sentenced to five years in prison for stealing 2.6 billion rubles. in the interest holders of housing complexes "Kutuzovskaya mile" and "Rublevskaya Riviera", but he was released from punishment in connection with the expiry of the statute of limitations. The prosecutor's office appealed the decision of the court. To receive comments from Mr. Polonsky yesterday was not possible - his lawyer explained to "Kommersant" that after the completion of the process the businessman went to rest on the sea, but "never came up." "It seems to me that he is looking for money there to repay the debt, but I do not think he will find them," Alexander Dobrovinsky ironically noted.