Moscow-area landlords divide the inheritance of Sergey Polonsky

The Central Bank revoked the license for banking operations from JSC "Joint-stock bank Pushkino" on September 30. 
Origin source
Regulator blames the credit institution in the regular "money" laundering, financing of terrorism and misreporting. In all those suspected of serious crimes Alyakin Alexey, the former majority shareholder of the bank. Meanwhile, now from AKB "Pushkino" trying to take out of the ground in the Khimki district collateral whose value exceeds the amount of the bank's capital.

The bank's assets "Pushkino" at the beginning of July amounted to about 23 billion rubles., according to this indicator, the financial institution is in the second hundred Russian banks. But "Pushkino" large debts to investors: According to preliminary estimates the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), 20.2 billion rubles. Now the bank does not belong to Alyakin and former chairman of the board development company "Flow" and former lawyer Sergei Polonsky Dobrovinsky formally owns 19.1% of shares. The same proportion are from some of Alexander Knyazev, Boris and Tatiana Galichkina ring. But the beneficiary of shares in 76.4% of the bank's capital, according to Dobrovinsky is himself.

The "hole" at 24 billion

Alex Alyakin currently resides abroad. Dobrovinsky, referring to his friends, said that "somewhere between the Swiss city of Lugano and Riga". Alyakin in answer to the question "To" if he admits that brought the bank into bankruptcy, said text messages "No". But claims of the Bank of Russia to the "Pushkin" by "laundering" of income, financing of terrorism and misreporting GospaDin Alyakin declined to comment, promising to do this at a press conference on Tuesday, October 8, the "once and for all at once." Where will occur Alyakin chat with reporters, said the entrepreneur.

Land Bank and

About two months before the loss of the bank license, "Pushkin", in the first half of August, one of his clients, Ltd. "Khimki Land", has filed six suits to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, to withdraw from the pledge of a bank of land belonging to him in Khimki Moscow region. The mortgage credit institutions have proved plots with total area of ​​846,715 square meters. m, laid with Alexei Alyakin. Owner areas - Company "Khimki Land" - contesting these instruments and asks to oblige Rosreestra management in the Moscow region to pay off in the Unified State Register of rights to immovable property (USRR) registration record on the mortgage. Many of the sites are located in the area of ​​the Khimki Forest Park, close to the Sheremetyevo airport, and have the status of agricultural land.

For the landlord, "Khimki Land" land is interesting as an asset that can be prprovide for country and cottage building. "Weaving" in the area Vashutino a house worth $ 15 000 (according to broker the land of "Khimki Land"). "Weaving" - is 100 square meters. m. If all the land (846 000 "squares") is suitable for housing, it costs about $ 127 million. According to the current exchange rate of 32 rubles. the dollar out 4.064 billion rubles. This sum is greater than the capital "Pushkin" the bank at the time of the deprivation of his license (3.538 billion rubles.), Nearly half a billion rubles.

The main argument of the plaintiff in the proceedings was the fact that the general director of "Khimki Land" Miron Shakira had no right to sign documents on the deal on the land mortgage. The Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region in the first instance did not agree with this argument. Miron Shakira at the time of the bank to enter into a pledge agreement in August 2012 was formally general manager of "Khimki Land", as evidenced by an entry in the register, for the contract fee was paid. signature data to other general director of OOO "Khimki Land" collateral agreement was not submitted to the court. Therefore, the court September 19, 2013 refused Ltd. "Khimki Land" in meeting itsRequired for a pledge to remove an area of ​​455,938 square meters. m. However, this decision may be appealed. And courts in other lands have not yet been completed. If the courts will satisfy the requirement of "Khimki Land", the bank will lose a significant portion of its assets, and its creditors may lose power calculations.

Meanwhile Miron Shakira - classmate Sergei Polonsky. He began to run the company "Flow" from 25 February 2013, when the owner of development company severed relations with Alexei Alyakin and jailed Cambodian city Sinuakvil for a fight with the local sailors. To work in "flow" Shakira started in April 2012 as managing individual projects, in particular leading the company "Khimki Land". But the head of the "Flow" Miron Shakira had to stay for long: already in May 2013, he resigned as director general, offended by his employer because he is not a long time it was calculated. About this he wrote a long post in his "Live Journal".

Absorption "Flow"

Well, what kind of company "Khimki Land", which is suing the bank, "Pushkin" and headed by MiHe Shakira? The sole owner of OOO "Khimki Land" is the company "Khimki Property". The sole owner of OOO "Khimki Property", in turn, is LLC "Hirotin Holdings Limited", which was a subsidiary of "Mirax Group", where the main share - 75% - owned by Sergei Polonsky. At the beginning of 2012 the debts of the developer is more than $ 583 million, and he had only two objects, bringing cash flow: IFC "tower" Federation "in MIBC" Moscow City "LCD" Sloboda Dubrovskaya ".

Currently Polonsky, according to him, does not control the "flow." His company, he repeatedly this summer reported in his "Live Journal" and "Facebook", "captured" Roman Trotsenko, the owner of the AEON Corporation (Moscow River Shipping Company and other assets), Vladimir Golubev, co-owner of the holding "Adamant" and and Maxim Temnikov, a minority shareholder of the company, "flow", a long-time partner Polonsky. Somewhat earlier, in April 2013, Mr. Polonsky, however, was willing to sell "Flow" Trotsenko and Dobrovinsky - 90% first, 10% the second - for Services for ureguliIAOD relations with creditors. Dobrovinsky said "Ko", that Polonsky sold "Flow" to those who pointed out his client. It happened in the spring of 2013 to name the new owners of "flow" and the amount of the transaction lawyer refused.

Yet some assumptions about who hosts the former company Polonsky, can be done. Today, the main project "daughter" "Flow" is ZAO "Feed End 0458". This leads CJSC Sergey Smirnov, vice-president of AEON Group, People Roman Trotsenko. "Feed End 0458" builds IFC "tower" Federation "(453 000 sq .m). This is the only new project" Flow "and the flagship project of Sergei Polonsky. The company" Feed End 0458 "will soon be renamed to JSC" tower "Federation". A Dobrovinsky is no longer chairman of the board of "flow", the board as a governing body eliminated. This "Ko" said a source in the "Flow". The receptionist Company "Khimki Property" on request "To" connect with the top managers of the company said that it is not receiving "Khimki Property", and niemnaya AEON Group.

Thus, we can assume that the bank "Pushkino" for land in Khimki suing Roman Trotsenko, not Sergei Polonsky. A bank "Pushkino" in April 2013, was acquired Dobrovinsky in order to return the belonging of "flow" of land in the Khimki area. This Alyakin Alex said "Ko" spring of this year. In "Pushkin" on results of 2012 was a loss for Dobrovinsky more precisely shareholders, "Flow", the bank "Pushkino" itself is of no interest. Today's courts "Khimki Land" with the bank for the plots confirm this. Mister Trotsenko and his spokesman declined to comment on the statement by Sergei Polonsky of the seizure of the company and the situation with the land claims in the bank "Pushkino". Sergei Polonsky, the question "Ko", whether or not he sold the company to "Feed", invited a correspondent on a visit to Cambodia, where he lives now.

However, land in Khimki claims not only "flow", and Promsvyazbank. According to the decision of the Arbitration Court of Moscow on May 13, 2013 100% of OOO "Khimki Property" along with other companies "Flow"Given to repay the loan Promsvyazbank debt. The loan in the amount of $ 4,079,000 was taken Ltd." Hirotin Holdings Limited "(" grandma "" Khimki Land ") Promsvyazbank in September 2010, and not repaid. In July 2012, PSB has seized this debt in the arbitration court of Moscow, but when it came to debt collection, then extinguish it turned out to be nothing. and then arbitration allowed to give shares in 12 companies "Flow", including 100% of OOO "Khimki Property", with nothing agreed firm "Hirotin", but the debtor in the court dismissed the claim.

Twice a ground

Interestingly, Roman Trotsenko beats Khimki plots for not the first time. In the early 2000s, his company "Moscow River Shipping" famous absorption CJSC "KSHP Khimki", receiving around 1560 hectares. Then Polonsky began to buy land from Trotsenko. By 2010, the founder of the "Flow" was about 385 hectares. They say he went to these sites are very expensive, even for those times. That is, Polonsky actually helped Trotsenko beneficial to get rid of the land. And now he wants to get the land back, let some of them, by their vyvyes from the pledge bankrotyaschegosya Bank "Pushkino". A brilliant combination!

Nearby land - 350 hectares - Consolidated another no less famous player in the market of mergers and acquisitions - the owner of the hotel chain Azimut Hotel, Alexander Klyachin. He Polonsky even wanted them together to learn, but prevented the crisis, and then began to confiscate portions here Rosavtodor under construction for the highway Moscow - St. Petersburg. In 2011-2012 gg. 30.8 hectares in area Vashutino, 800 m from the under construction highway Moscow - St. Petersburg, at Klyachin acquired company "Engeocom", owned by the family Rudyak to build cottages.

The deal with the land led Khimki Polonsky Trotsenko remember and turn to him for help in hard times. In 2009, Alpha Bank bought the debt "Mirax Group" from the bank Credit Suisse for $ 241 million in collateral "Alfa" arrested two construction of the object -. IFC "tower" Federation "and IFC" Mirax Plaza "- and began to pick up almost all incoming money to the company. As a result, "Mirax group" could not serve the remaining debts. Their total amount in October 2010, was $ 593 mln.

Roman Trotsenko helped Sergei Polonsky. He provided a personal guarantee for a loan of $ 53 million in the Bank project financing to repay part of the debt, "Mirax" to "Alpha". That was in 2011. Then Trotsenko helped to take a loan from Sberbank for $ 370 million for the completion of the IFC "tower" Federation "in 2011. But Credit Bank project financing of $ 53 million was repaid by the Savings Bank funds. According to unconfirmed reports," Flow " Roman Trotsenko owed about $ 120 million.

Polonsky Extradition

October 1, the day after the revocation of the license of the bank "Pushkin", the Interior Ministry from the beginning of the extradition procedure Sergei Polonsky Cambodia. The Investigation Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs received a complaint from a former business partner Polonsky by Nikolai Doroshenko Cambodian projects (citizen of Cambodia, a Russian emigre), which states that Polonsky threatened him. Foreigners in Cambodia can not own land, and Doroshenko as a citizen of the land was recorded Koh de Kul, where Polonsky built hotel with 12 rooms and live in the moment. On their pagein the "Facebook" and "Live Journal", he likes to spread the pictures where captured fish caught by them.

Also Doroshenko, Polonsky has to claim the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Interior. The agency accused the businessman of embezzling funds from co-investors LCD 80 "Kutuzov mile". Currently, the LCD LCD renamed "Quarter Triumphant" (about 400 000 sq. M). The case was initiated in the autumn of 2012. According to investigators, the structure of Mirax Group company "Avanta" concluded in 2007-2008. to equity holders preliminary contracts for the sale of apartments, did not correspond to the project documentation. Then, the money received from the citizens of apartments - 5.7 billion rubles. - Went to the other building to Mirax Mirax, including IFC "tower" Federation ", Astra Montenegro in Montenegro, and the company" Avanta "has been brought to bankruptcy Polonsky denies all allegations and claims that the problems at the shareholders arose because he. this project has selected the company "FTSSR" site owner.

October 2, the day after the revocation of the license of the "Pushkin" and the next day from the date of the decision on extradition, Sergei Polonsky on avoey page on "Facebook" reported that real estate investors willing to compensate the damage in 24% of the amount of money invested on the project "Kutuzov mile". We are talking about $ 12 million "guarantee of payment was my contract with AA Alyakin three hundred million dollars, and as a major shareholder of the company confirm this compensation received in payment of this contract funds", -. Businessman writes about the source of payment. These $ 300 million - another mystery. Polonsky broke with Alyakin and had never informed that he has a contract with him.

Despite the fact that Sergei Polonsky is no longer the owner of the company "Flow", he stated, "is going to investigate the theft of personally ith Alyakin AA my assets and embezzlement of funds from the bank's clients," Pushkin ", agrees that the funds in this volume (more than two billion rubles), it was impossible to steal a few months. it is obvious that Alyakin AA decided to cover his tracks through other people. " This is a verbatim quote from the Polonsky page on "Facebook" on October 2nd. And the story of the land withdrawal from the Bank "Pushkin" and regular statements Polonskyabout the fact that he did not sell "Flow", suggests that the history of redistribution of assets is not complete.

Financial difficulties

According to reports, the bank's financial problems "Pushkino" after Alyakin grew. Businessman shares sold in early March 2013, but the first eight months of this year, the volume of bad loans increased from 400 million to 1.4 billion rubles. By September 1, the volume of bank debts of legal entities amounted to 15.4 billion rubles, of individuals -. 1.56 billion rubles. The volume of deposits at the same time reached 23.5 billion rubles, and the company -. 2 billion rubles. The bank's capital "Pushkin" on 1 September this year amounted to 3.538 billion rubles.

Shareholders "Pushkino"

Earlier Bank "Pushkino" controlled businessman Alexei Alyakin. In the autumn of 2012 he was going to redeem the real estate development company "Flow" (former Mirax Groupe) Sergei Polonsky in January became CEO of the Criminal Code "Stream 8". February 18 Polonsky fired Alyakin refusing to sell him, "Feed" and accused him of the withdrawal of an entire group of assets: 95 hectares of land in Khimki project LCD "Literary Gazette" (30 000 sq m.) in Kostyansky alley, the site bthe Former edition of "Literary newspaper", "Myakinino" project (394 000 sq. m). In March of this year Alyakin sold its 18.64% stake in the bank "Pushkin", and 15.09% in the bank "Cedar" former executive director of "Rosenergoatom" Sergey Ivanov. In April, the bank began Dobrovinsky masters, at the time chairman of the board of "flow", Knyazev, Galichkina and beeps.