Owner of Pushkino is wanted on the federal level

Alexey Alyakin is wanted for theft organization.
As the "Kommersant", wanted by a prominent businessman - former shareholder of a number of bankrupt banks Alexey Alyakin. He was in absentia charged with the organization of multi-million theft from the bankrupt bank "Pushkino". It is believed that a review September 30, 2013 the license of the bank's Central Bank began the clearing of the financial sector from dubious and unstable players.

Online Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), it was reported that from the excited in August 2014 a criminal case of fraud June 30, 2015 in a separate proceeding allocated a criminal case against a former shareholder of the bank "Pushkin", but for him the investigation is suspended "in connection with the search of the accused." Several law enforcement sources said yesterday, "Kommersant" that we are talking about Alexei Alyakin. According to them, the main Investigation Department of the MOI of Russia in Moscow region issued a decision to prosecute Mr Alyakin as an accused for committing a crime under Part. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code ( "Fraud in especially cerealsth size ") and then initiated his federal wanted list. In the Tver district court in absentia arrest of Alexei Alyakin international investigation until the investigation did not address, even though, according to the source" b ", he is currently abroad.

The investigation of the criminal case of embezzlement in "Pushkin" began in 2014, after an appeal to the Russian Interior Ministry representatives GUEBiPK DIA. Recently, reading all the bank's financial records and found that of the "Pushkin" under the guise of lending to legal entities trite stolen funds. According to investigators, the fictitious company "Finder" in 2011-2012, "Kareltsement" Capital and investment company headed by Andrey Gulyaev (invalid of the 2nd group, since 1996 registered in the mental hospital), and Vladimir Poddubny, received " Pushkino "unsecured loans for 469 million rubles.

In the future, the stolen money was in the accounts of companies allegedly controlled by the film producer Vladimir Murov (all three were arrested in January this year). The latter, on the initial version of the investigation, and is the organizingtorus theft.

However, after Vladimir Moores made a pre-trial agreement on cooperation with Mosoblprokuratury, plot things changed. In particular, he spoke about the schemes that have been used to withdraw money from the bank. However, he thus supposedly claimed that no crime they did not see. It came during questioning it and the former owner of the bank Alyakin who originally took the witness in the case. It is possible that including using reading Murowa consequence has come to completely opposite conclusions about the role in this case the former owner of "Pushkino". He was wanted, and Vladimir Moores, on the other hand, in August, was released from prison on bail. Dealing with the "Y" yesterday he did not want to.

Receive comments from representatives of the defense by Alexei Alyakin "b" can not, however, a source close to the ex-banker, said, testifying as a witness, he claimed to have no relation to the issuance of doubtful loans.

Recall that the difficulties the bank "Pushkino" began to feel at the beginning of September 2013: first,his clients - legal persons there were faults in the conduct of their payments, and then began the complexity and the return of citizens' deposits. The bank called technical problems up to license revocation order of the Bank of Russia on September 30, 2013. This review in banking circles as the beginning of the clearing of the banking sector from dubious and unstable players. Although the Central Bank counts with several other dates for the market is to review the licenses of "Pushkin" with 23.5 billion rubles. of citizens has become a turning point. Previously, banks such social significance of the market are not displayed, and Deposit Insurance Fund has not lost weight immediately by 10%: at the time it was 238.7 billion rubles, payments to depositors exceeded 20 billion rubles..

December 3, 2013 the bank was declared bankrupt, the bankruptcy trustee assigned to the DIA. At that time, the gap between assets and liabilities amounted to more than 10 billion rubles.

Prior to 2013 it was believed that the bank controls Alexey Alyakin (although technically it was not a fraction of control, but it is common in the Russian practice). Then the owners changed several times, including the lasttheir was a prominent lawyer Dobrovinsky. However, as practice shows, in situations of criminal responsibility of bank failures is often quite difficult to apportion between series is quickly replaced by the owners (this is just meant to disguise what caused the collapse).

It should be noted that is gaining momentum not only criminal but also civil prosecution bankers had brought the banks to bankruptcy, outside Russia. In particular, the London court at the request of the beneficiary's assets DIA arrested Industrial Bank Sergey Pugachev worldwide worth almost £ 1,2 billion for the Russian claim of bringing it to vicarious liability. In addition, in late September at the DIA site has information on the selection of lawyers to provide services agency for collecting and analyzing information about faces supervising banks and their assets outside Russia. Obviously, their services will be required in the case of Alexei Alyakin.

The known Alex Alyakin

Private bussiness

Alexey Alyakin born October 17, 1972 in Tashkent.He finished Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School and the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture. Mr. Alyakin Mother Lydia has worked since 1960 in the State Bank of the USSR, in 1997-2005 was the deputy chairman of the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in Moscow. The elder brother Andrew to 2010 worked in the Central Bank structures, and then was deputy chairman of Rosselkhozbank.

In the early 1990s, he worked as a teacher at the Moscow School of Economics and then worked at the National Institute of Development. In 1994 he founded the group of companies "Reinvest", is engaged in development business in the suburbs, and real estate investments. It also included the KSE trading house and travel agency "Inna Tour". In 1997, unsuccessfully ran for the deputies of the Moscow City Duma. At the same time began to acquire a stake in the banks - Mast-Bank, Yunikorbanke, Interkapitalbanke, banks "Oka", "ABfinans", "Cedar" and "Pushkin". Since 2000 he worked as deputy head of the Department of the RF Ministry of Industry. In 2003 he was appointed Director of the Moscow Research Institute of Chemical reagents and chemically pure substances. Since 2008 he has been CEO of the Research of physical and chemicone Institute. Karpov. In 2012, the major shareholder of the developer Potok (previously - Mirax Group) Sergei Polonsky gave operational control of the company to Mr. Alyakin who intended to buy back its shares. However, in early 2013, the parties terminated the agreement and Sergey Polonsky accused in the output of the control of assets. In March 2013 Alex Alyakin sold shares in the banks, "Cedar" and "Pushkin", which in September of the same year lost its license and was later declared bankrupt. In October 2013, the Moscow Arbitration Court received a petition in bankruptcy of Alyakin Alexei, who was in the status of an individual entrepreneur. In February 2014, Mr. Alyakin got rid of the last of the banking assets sold stake Yunikorbanka.

Doctor of Economics, thesis - "Optimal risk management of real investment in the defense-industrial complex of Russia", the professor. He was awarded the medal "For Services to the Fatherland" II degree.
