FSB seeks billions in scrap metal

In St. Petersburg, Moscow, Samara, Saransk there are dozens of searches of scrap metal exporters. They are charged with 200 million rubles of illegal VAT, possibly up to 3 billion. Scrap metal was transported to Scotland on instructions from Israel.
Origin source
The staff of the Investigative Committee and the FSB Petersburg morning of 27 October began conducting coordinated activities in four Russian cities. In the city on the Neva River at the same time they entered the eight addresses, and in Moscow, Samara, Saransk searches began in the top ten enterprises. In total, the operation involved more than a hundred law enforcement officers - 70 detectives FSB Economic Security Service, 20 special forces "Castle" and the 20 investigators of the Investigative Committee of St. Petersburg.

According to "Fontanka", a criminal case on fraud in large-scale concerns the episode of illegal VAT refund in the amount of 200 million rubles after delivery of the summer of 2014 the Scottish company's aluminum products. In common - pigs. According to "Fontanka", the investigation began after a desk audit tax office №8 Admiralty district.

As for St. Petersburg, the searches are at the offices of JSC "Basis" and in the apartment of the owner and general director Vladislav Glumova. Also in the office of the company "Russian aluminum wheels", which, incidentally, runs suprisoner's Glumova. The action raised the premises of the business center «Matisov Island" on the street Alexander Blok, 5, in the Admiralty district and apartment on Krestovsky Island in St. Petersburg businessman Jacob Zeitlin, owner of Scottish offshore TBS Enterprises, on whose address and exported metal. Most of the defendants in the case - came from Samara.

The owner of CJSC "Basis" is the St. Petersburg JSC "foil mill" created by Samara businessmen engaged in the manufacture of metal alloys and products. The owner of OOO "Russian aluminum wheels," which has two stores in St. Petersburg for the sale of discs for cars, is the Samara company "Trading house" Ferrous ". In this company, in Samara, also being searched. Until recently, the owner of this company were the children of the well-known player in this market Jacob Zeitlin. Investigative actions are also held in Saransk, where the affiliated persons involved in the enterprise.

Scottish company TBS Enterprises, as well as its analogue of Cyprus with the same name are among abstvennikov or founders of "Foil Rolling Plant", JSC "Tsvetmetservis", LLC "Tsvetmetobrabotka", JSC "Plant" Russian aluminum wheels, "" that, in fact, owned by the same people.

"Fontanka" learned that in recent years, almost all the firms belonging to these businessmen, sued the Internal Revenue Service for any reason. Among them are stories related to the reimbursement of VAT. For example, the foil mill supplied the Scottish company TBS Enterprises aluminum products, and then brought in the Federal Tax Service of tax deductions. However, he received a VAT refund is not always the case. In 2008, for example, when the plant would compensate for the VAT export 1.7 thousand. Tonnes of alloys in the amount of $ 7.2 thousand., The company refused. Plant it in conjunction with the controlled company "TD" Non-Ferrous "purchased aluminum from a third-party enterprise" Industrial casting, "but the tax office found that it could not produce such a volume of production, as was in the process of liquidation and activities did not lead.

A similar story has been with the company JSC "Basis" in 2011, which is exportedand aluminum of the same Scottish company TBS Enterprises. Tax authorities found that aluminum producers mentioned in customs declarations, had no right to be engaged in its production, and the chain of firms connected with the "basis", which bought each other metal, and transported him abroad did so only on paper. Then it was found that "producers of goods reflected in the cargo customs declaration (CCD), could not and did not produce the goods sold in the future" TD "Non-Ferrous" ".

The Inspectorate found the absence of a production and product manufacturers, which is stated in the customs declaration, as well as the movement of goods on the basis of documents submitted by JSC "Basis", does not correspond to the actual movement of goods "(quote from the decision of the arbitral tribunal).

As told "Fontanka" the Investigation Committee, "the trick scheme that we make, is the certificate for the product. A sense of wordplay. For example, in the product certificate contains the name "K-5", that is it. But if you watch the alloy, it was found outetsya that this scrap, which means that the VAT compensation is not provided at all. "

- This scheme worked since 2010, during this period was offset by more than three billion rubles - told us in a telephone conversation one of the direct participants in the process.

As for Jacob Zeitlin, the consequence of its organizer said scheme. Despite the fact that his apartment on October 27 were operatives of the FSB, they were hoping to find him not. It is in Israel for several years, and it wants to see security forces Petersburg about four years old, the suspension of the criminal proceedings with the same qualifications "fraud on a large scale," according to the same illegal VAT refunds.

According to "Fontanka", the evening after the first Zeitlin in this business scheme may be delayed - 42-year-old Vladislav Glumov, General Director of "Basis".