Low technology: why Sberbank contract jeopardized the business of Krok company

Overpriced servers for Sberbank, the break of cooperation with IBM, searches: that's not a complete list of troubles that hit the IT-company Krok. Who blames its general director Boris Bobrovnikov?
Origin source
artificial intelligence system developed by IT-Corporation for the Defense Ministry order on the eve of the transfer to the client fails. Sales Manager decides to imitate her work, in love with his programmer is trying to help, as a result of confidential information on all iPhones is in the public domain, which helps to expose the representative of the Ministry of Defense of the British spy. This is not the scenario of a new series, and the plot of the play, delivered to the 22 th anniversary of "Croc" on the stage of cinema "Russia" in which only its employees involved. General Director of one of the country's largest system integrators Boris Bobrovnikov in a brilliant suit with a huge collar Himself - Chef.

Corporate events of recent months could give screenwriter no less sharp plot: a scandal over inflated four times the cost of the server for one of the biggest clients - the Savings Bank; IBM refused, one of the key partners of the cooperation with the "Step"; searches in the case of non-payment of customs duties ... Bobrovnikov himself from November to March in Russia do not appearsmiling.

Why is the story of the delivery of the equipment three years ago suddenly attracted so much attention? What has made Bobrovnikov to protect your business? Who marks the place of the largest Savings Bank IT-provider?

Servers contention

Boris Bobrovnikov, geophysicist, who earned the starting capital in the late 1980s on a network of gyms, the most extravagant of the owners of Russian IT-companies.

Once he shocked business partner arrived at the ski resort the usual route bus, and once appeared in front of reporters in a white kimono, to emphasize his thesis that information technology - "martial arts business".

Fighting qualities he had used more than once. In the early 2000s a third order system integrator accounted for the state-owned company, at work with which, as he Bobrovnikov admitted in an interview, it is necessary to take into account that "every project is guaranteed to end inspections of the Accounting Chamber, the Ministry of Interior, the Federal Security Service, the Control and Audit Office of the President and a dozen different structures. " He added: "I'm not saying it's bad, I just want to say that this additional risk. We are used to it. "

However, the story with Sberbank was tougher than usual.

After the November holidays 2013 Julia Trukhacheva, Head of Logistics "Croc" did not come to work the morning at the door of her apartment rang people in uniform, the search continued for 18 hours. Soon the seizure of documents held in the office of the company. The investigative actions were carried out in the framework of the criminal case of non-payment of customs duties, the institution at the end of October 2013. It was for the supply of 52 IBM servers to the data center of the Savings Bank (of "Croc" put bank 59 servers).

According to investigators, IBM servers sold for "Croc", a platinum partner in Russia (as in IBM marked the most important partners), the British logistics company Info-System Ltd. After Russian customs servers in several batches conducted LLC "Servers and components" (cross-border supply chain, according to market participants, may include more than a dozen firms). Investigators believe that during customs clearance to Uselzovalis forged documents, the cost of equipment has been greatly underestimated.

No to the "Step" or an IBM now leading the case of the Moscow Interregional Transport Management Investigative Committee have no complaints. March 28, 2014 "Krok" received an official letter from the UK, which confirmed that "none of the management and employees of JSC" Krok Incorporated "is not induced to participate in any case pending in the production of MMSU transport SK Russia, as a suspect or the accused. " A tax audit in April also has not identified serious violations.

The case for non-payment of customs duties at the end of May, it was transferred to the court, the defendants are the CEO of "Servers and components" Irina Elmukova and the "manager on customs registration of the same company." Since they require compensation to the treasury - 326 million rubles.

However, the story of the clearance of the servers had a lot of unpleasant consequences for the "Croc".

added value

The criminal case has become a cause for scandal. Servers designed for centerand data processing (DPC) of the Savings Bank - the main IT-project of German Gref at the head of Russia's largest bank. $ 1.2 billion was spent on its construction and equipping.

Europe's largest data center, covering 16,500 square meters. m, in 2011, launched with fanfare Putin: system work by reading the pattern of his hand - used for access control biometrics.

Gref wanted to only the most modern equipment was a new Savings Bank of the data center. "The construction of the data center was attended by all the major companies, there are new solutions", - says the head of one of the systems integrators.

Servers - the heart of any data center. The contract for supply of them provided "Krok" revenue growth of 55% - in 2011 it reached almost $ 1.3 billion (the average for the IT-market in Russia in the year grew by 35%).

During the investigation of the case revealed duties that Sberbank paid "Step" for servers in four times the selling price of IBM. According to the investigation, referred to by the newspaper "Vedomosti", the party of the seven servers cost $ 31.47 in the bankln compared to $ 7.7 million. In February 2014 IBM has suspended cooperation with "Step". "We were surprised to learn about the excessive amounts that" Croc "has received from the Savings Bank of the servers, and as a result, the IBM discontinued its relationship with the company," - said Forbes representatives of IBM. For additional questions both in Russian and in the American office of the corporation refused to answer.

Sberbank, it seems, no complaints about the price. "Step" with IBM were not the only contenders for the contract. Also reviewed by HP offers and Sun Microsystems, the experts were representatives from Gartner and "people with the name," says Viktor Orlovsky, at that time, senior vice president of the Savings Bank, who oversaw the data center construction project. "The envelopes were opened to competition in the presence of managers of vendors," - he says in an interview with Orlovsky Forbes.

The final price of the system integrator in addition to the iron includes installation, configuration, and enhanced technical support. According to Forbes source familiar with the terms of the contract, the contract "Croc" with Sberbank providedfor example, the fault within two hours, while the four o'clock interval normally provided only in the reaction (for the removal - to days). However, the top manager of one of the largest system integrators noted that even when the supernachinki and unprecedented conditions for the service of the final price to the selling rate rarely exceeds 2.

Alexey Ananiev, Chairman of the Advisory Board of GC "Technoserv", retorts that the IT-budget Sberbank is comparable with the budgets of the world's leading banks. "Our experience of interaction with the bank shows that Sberbank disposes of them quite effectively," - said the billionaire.

Delivered "Kroc" equipment, though, the first six months often give failures - in the data center, it went "straight off the assembly line." "Servers latest model - in itself a good idea. The problem was that the servers "neobkatannye", no one knew how they will work in such a megaproject, - says the owner of the largest IT-company, a competitor, "Kroc". - Unverified so equipment does not buy any of cerealsworld "first bank. Orlovsky confirms that the equipment did not have time to try, because it was not IBM's current projects of this level - tens of millions of transactions per day.

German Gref himself has not publicly commented on the story of the servers. The facts are as follows. In January 2013, Orlowski has ceased to be a board member and curator of the IT-unit. He was replaced by Vadim Kulik, previously in charge of the unit "Risks". Throughout the year in the IT-department of Sberbank went reshuffle. Orlovsky was senior vice president, but now is responsible for digital business such as online banking.

The share of "Croc" Sberbank orders severely reduced. According to the bank, in 2008 for "Krok" accounted for 50% of IT-budget, now - no more than 10%.

Although the project is still enough - the costs of computerization of the Savings Bank in 2013 amounted to 50.6 billion rubles, according to his statements.

For customer

"Krok" declined to comment for this article. But judging by the letter Bobrovnikova FSB director Alexander Bortnikov, passed in November 2013 (with his copy of Forbes acquaint themselvesilsya) to force attack, he had prepared. "The company does not rule out in the near future attempts raider seizure of power", - informs the general chapter of the system integrator. And recalls that on the territory of the office center is part of the servers that provide data center uptime Sberbank. Familiar Bobrovnikova claims that the first signals were already in July 2013. - someone threw the Office of "K" the Interior Ministry to combat crimes in the sphere of IT, the idea of ​​"customs poterebit about" Croc ".

"In order to collide with Boria, you must be an idiot or assume that you are steeper," - says business partner Bobrovnikova.

In a letter to the head of the FSB owner of "Croc" indicates a possible initiator of their problems - the company "NVision", which became the owner of AFK "Sistema" Vladimir Yevtushenko 15 billionaires in 2012.

"Envision" could well know the weaknesses "Croc". Company created in 2001 by two former top manager Bobrovnikova Dmitry Taraba and Anton Sushkevich. Among the founders featured several of their partners, in particularof Maxim Ponomarenko. According to a Forbes interlocutors, is the son of the general of FSB Boris Ponomarenko. Taraba worked in the "Step" since its foundation - first financial director, then executive, Sushkevich came in 1996, led the sales team, then led the division "Crock-Projects".

The success of any system integrator depends on its customers: the larger the constant customer, the better the prospects. So, in 2008, "Envision" began to cooperate with the government "Rostelecom" and "Svyazinvest" - the integrator revenues immediately rose more than doubled, from 4.7 billion to 10.7 billion rubles.

By the end of 2010, "Svyazinvest", according to the audit of the Accounts Chamber, brought "Envision" 45% of income, the share accounted for 40% of the integrator of IT-budget of state-owned companies - about 9.9 billion rubles. At the same time, "Envision" has been a major supplier of "Rostelecom" for the mega-project "Electronic Russia". The state-owned company that was in charge of the project, Vice-President Alexey Nashchekin, former general director of "Envision." The operator even wanted to buy a blocking stake (25%) in subsectionodryadchike, but the deal never took place.

A powerful partner in "Envision" yet appeared. In 2012, the "system" has become the owner of a 50% subsidiary of the AFC structure. "Envision" it was decided to give integratorskie assets included in the corporation IT-company "Sitronics". In October 2013, the co-owner was the former integrator largest minority shareholder of "Rostelecom", founder of the fund Marshall Capital Konstantin Malofeev. And in early 2014, "System" has increased its stake to 88.75% by purchasing a share and Malofeeva, and a number of founders.
Already after Yevtushenko entered in the share, it was found that for "Envision" may come to pass is not the best of times.

After the change of the Minister of Communications in "Rostelecom", the time to absorb the "Svyazinvest", began to change the team. New people, apparently, otherwise evaluated major partners - a perennial favorite, the company "Infra-engineering" has ceased to win tenders. For hedging "Envision" a major new customer needed, which could well be the Savings Bank, the owner of one of the largest in Russia on IT budgets. Moreover, Yevtushenko clamoringoval of managers "Sitronics" the emergence of financial customers, and the Savings Bank in particular, recalls a former top manager of the company.

"NVision" collaborated with Sberbank previously performed contracts for the implementation of software. As, however, and "Sitronics". But the share of both companies in the total volume of orders was comparable to most other integrators. "Up to a certain point Evtushenkova is acceptable - he says Forbes said. - But when he tried to find more space for their companies, it was found that all busy "Krok". The contracts with the Savings Bank was one of the main items of the income of the integrator, and to refuse such customer Bobrovnikov not going.

"You come to a meeting to Gref, somewhere at the end tells him that Sberbank wants to work with your company," - explains the principle of negotiations with the head of the Savings Bank of the owner of the largest IT-company. Gref refers to Orlovsky. "In Gref's eyes it probably looks like this: I asked for, and then you yourself - if you do not work out, then you can not work." same probably happened with ", NVision, "says Forbes said.

The former manager of "Sitronics" adding that he Gref welcomed the emergence of new suppliers, but formally bypass on "Krok" tenders which 10 years has worked with Sberbank and know what software is already being used, what hardware purchased and any problems with it there, it was almost impossible: "An application is very important to draw up the documents. We were not able to fully familiarize themselves with IT-infrastructure, to make the best deal. "

Yevtushenko has repeatedly proved that he can defend the business interests of their companies. In addition, he has long been familiar and friendly with Gref. A daughter of billionaire Tatiana Evtushenkova while many advisers Gref at Sberbank.

Bobrovnikov directly said that he no longer participated in the Savings Bank of tenders, said one of the systems integrators. "But Boris - fighter, began to fight back." This struggle, according to Forbes interlocutor believes, and has caused trouble "Croc".

"The claims were conceptual. "Krok" just wanted zakoshmarit on lawlessness "- sayst familiar Bobrovnikova.

Apparently, the head of "Croc" considers this a serious challenge: the first time in many years he was absent from the New Year corporate parties, congratulating the staff by video link from London. Another London sidelets? Familiar Bobrovnikova assures us that he was not hiding in London permanently, having visited 15 cities on affairs of the world and skated traditionally skiing with vendors during the holidays.

After battle

Bobrovnikov spring returned to Russia. Restore partnership with IBM is not trying - as explained by one of the market participants are well aware of it, "Krok" collect as much evidence that the company claims to have no law enforcement agencies.

The "Envision" major new contracts also did not appear. "We do not comment on rumors. However, a sharp rise in the share of Sberbank in income in recent years we did not have, "- said official representative of the" Envision "Forbes on request at the" Croc "possible initiator problems. In financial customers, the company accounts for only 6% of total revenues, the Savings Bank is not the largest customer (Baovert money brings "Rostelecom" MTS "VimpelCom", Russian Railways, FGC UES and Gazprombank).

But German Gref in a few months managed to do what he has sought for many years by its vice president of IT: Sberbank has adopted a new scheme of work with vendors - direct contracts.

The idea was born to direct purchases Gref, as soon as he came into the state bank, but, according to Orlovsky, do it does not work - vendors are asked to wait 3-4 years.

One of the first signs became just the IBM, have already put in the winter 2014 batch of equipment of $ 77.8 million, to address issues with the logistics of helping the company Merlion, which is often treated and system integrators. Bank representative said that 95% of supplies now come under direct contracts, they also signed with HP, Oracle, Avaya, EMC. Only in the fourth quarter of 2013 due to the new scheme Gref managed to save 5 billion rubles, or 10% of the annual IT-budget, should be from the bank statements. German Gref declined to comment for this article.

For all purchases on the team of a new Vice President of IT Vadim Kulik September meets Mikhail Ehrenburg, woundshe longer worked in the "Rusal" and system integrator "Asteros". "Ehrenburg good to" push "the supplier. His only interested in price. For it is possible to completely put the squeeze on a partner, because instead of it always comes new - for large customers always turn ", - says the head of one of the IT companies.

True, with Sberbank changes can affect all systems integrators. Now for the introduction of new products and maintenance of IT-systems will meet their own structures - "Sberbank Technology" and "Sberbank of-Service." "Sberbank believe that the Russian builders have not had to learn on someone to serve such a giant," - explains Sergey Matsotsky, predpravleniya company IBS. Supervise the whole block at the personal invitation Gref agreed to the first deputy chairman Privat Nikita Volkov.

Personnel for the internal structures of the Savings Bank is actively buying up the market, luring "stars" at a salary of 2-3 times higher than the market average, says Forbes sides.

If you create a "Sberbank Technology" in 2010, the state averaging unit400 employees, by the end of 2013 there were already 3150 people. Revenue "Sberbank Technology" grew from 4.4 billion rubles in 2012 to 7 billion rubles in the past.

Ahead of the new team a big project - Sberbank designs another data center. Nikita Volkov, in an interview with Forbes says that there is also work to outside contractors: distributors will help with logistics, integrators - with services.

Once the data center will be built (according to plan the first stage will start in 2016), the Savings Bank may refuse to rent space for backup servers on the territory of the office "Croc" - according to the public procurement register, in January the bank has concluded another contract for 344 million rubles.

Boris Bobrovnikov already looking at new markets. However, the next data center the company will build, probably in Turkey, where there is already a local partner. The volume of IT-market there is about $ 8 billion, which is four times smaller than the Russian market. But it is growing.