The general's "football with golden paratroopers"

Four Petersburg law enforcement generals are concerned with General Bykov's destiny.
Origin source
FSB checks the adequacy of payments executives MOI for the Northwestern Federal District sverhpremy in the amount of 19 million rubles. "Fontanka" learned that one does not want to deal with a sensitive issue, others are angry. Rumors that some have agreed to close their eyes, crawl. A staff enthusiastically watching the spectacle.

As the "Fontanka", June 19, after the publication on our website articles "Particularly important task" Golden Parachute ", heads of various law enforcement agencies of St. Petersburg have begun to address the question of what investigative agencies will take to the production of test material in relation to the ex-head of the State Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation the Northwest Federal District Major General Vitaly Bykov and his subordinates.

We recall our magazine journalists describe sly scheme of getting heads GU MVD of Russia in NWFD unprecedented premiums for 750 thousand rubles, already after the Decree of the President of District Police Office was abolished May 5 this year.

As it is known, is currently testing the material is from 2 department FSB operatives in St. Petersburg and Lenoble Economic Security ServiceSTI. These employees June 11 went to the offices of MOI for the Northwestern Federal District in Tchaikovsky Street building, and as a result of many hours of examination of seized computers, business nomenclature and scripts orders based on which of the 377 employees of this structure 32 people received awards totaling $ 19.1 million rubles.

As we have explained in the FSB, the decision to send the material to criminal proceedings will actually take the deputy FSB Economic Security Service, Colonel Andrey Yakovlev. By the way, he previously headed the 2 and SES department dealing with counterintelligence operations against law enforcement agencies.

According to the same logic, the materials must be received by the Investigation Committee to the Northwestern Federal District, Lieutenant-General Alexei beacon. However, as previously wrote "Fontanka", the agency Mayakova waiting for reorganization from the control level to the card status, with a predictable reduction of staff by half. In this regard, taking into production the extra cases in addition to quarrel with the capital MIA have Mayakova not necessary. Also GU MVD in the NWFD has disbanded, and knowledgeum, and a federal structure no longer exists. The latter adds confidence that the material in respect of General Bykov will not get in the UK for the Northwestern Federal District.

As for the Investigative Committee of St. Petersburg, in the absence of the release of its leader, Major-General Alexander Klaus, acting Marina Parastaev. Yet to decide according to our information are destined to the Office of the Chief 2 economy and corruption Paul damask. As we have explained, although he himself is not eager to fight Procedure, its annoying rumors coming from colleagues from other departments. Allegedly, the leaders of the former State Ministry of Interior in the Northwestern Federal District agreed with him about the "right" look at the issue.
"Fontanka" said a June 16 interview with the Chief of General Bykov Office of the General Prosecutor's Office for the Northwest Federal District State Counselor of Justice Class 2 (in the ranking - a lieutenant general) Nelly Solnyshkin. Of course, the talk was of unprecedented promotions. Our sources in the supervisory agency claim that in spite of the cold attitude of the Deputy Attorney General, Colonel-General Alexander Gutsan to General WouldKovu, Solnyshkina does not feed him antipathy. Many years ago they worked side by side - Solnyshkina oversaw the transport police, and the Bulls it worked. And in the last five years, while Vitaly Bykov served as head of the State, they are often communicated in view of Come Solnyshkin oversee the investigation.

Law enforcement agencies, wise in dealing with such misunderstanding to believe that a diplomatic way out of the situation there. Simple - lies in the fact that the prosecutor of St. Petersburg Sergey Litvinenko on the grounds that the missing money since May 5, owned by Research Affairs in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, may decide on the investigation of the case, the result of the FSB. Especially because the FSB is closed to the city prosecutor's office.

Difficult path seen in connection of Control and Accounts Chamber of St. Petersburg, which is responsible for the audit of budget spending it. It is headed by ravnootdalenny from the above actors Vadim Lopatnikov and its subordinate working auditor, a former SVR officer Yury Illarionov. He is well versed in the essence of prizes.

With regard toCONNECTIONS to check MOI Audit Office in St. Petersburg, you have to be aware that, to put it mildly, neutral attitude Head of State, Lieutenant-General Umnova to ex-chief Bykov still not a final argument. First of all, the Bulls subordinate minister of internal affairs and the attitude to his actions is viewed through a political prism.

In the meantime, they say, immediately after the publication of "a particularly important task," which refers to the chief of the personnel department Irina Burkhanova, the latter went to the hospital. A FSB continue to hear from the recipients.

Many grin, saying, joke with premiums not yet seen the chief investigator Alexander Bastrykin Russia. According to our impressions, the applicants have already emerged from the ranks of the slave Bykov opersostava. They caught the doubt Petersburg generals are ready to write almost an open letter.

The others, in the face of more than three hundred employees of the liquidated State Interior Ministry in the Northwestern Federal District - enjoy the spectacle.