General of fraud cases

The investigation is looking for a fictitious deputy of Alexander Bortnikov.
As the "Kommersant", MRS initiated a search of the famous Moscow "reshalschika" Alan Antonova, posing as a deputy director of the FSB of Russia. A native of Moldova, mentioned in connection with the various banking scandals in which he appeared more like a Hero of Russia Igor Sechin and assistant, this time became a defendant in the investigation extort $ 1 million from the advisor predpravleniya Genebank Eugene Dvoskina. Two of the defendants in this case - a former investigator for particularly important cases GUS GU MVD in Moscow Alexander Burchuk and "reshalschik" Vladimir Bartsakin - have already been convicted.

The fact that Alan Antonov on the federal and international wanted list, "Kommersant" reported by the CSO TFR in Moscow. Investigation Department of the Office for the Central District of the capital, Mr. Antonov suspected of having committed an offense under Part. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a large scale).

According to investigators, Mr. Antonov was a member of the group, to extort $ 1 million from the Advisor to the Chairman of the Board Genebank Eugene Dvoskina. In 2013, Mr. DVOSKIN handed former Gendrector of "Your financial trustee" Maria Loboda (now the defendant in cases of fraud with the land in the suburbs) € 400 th. for assistance in terminating the criminal prosecution of his friend Catherine Alabuzhinoy accused of defrauding the Czech company of PPFI $ 15 million. Money We ended up at the "reshalschika" Vladimir Bartsakina, claiming that it has direct access to Elana Antonova, who was deputy director of the Russian FSB. However, neither he nor the investigator who was then working for particularly important cases GUS GU MVD in Moscow Alexander Burchuk in handling the case of Mrs. Alabuzhinoy, the question is not decided, she was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison.

Eugene DVOSKIN demanded a refund, but Vladimir Bartsakin strongly shied away from it. However, when in the summer of last year in Genbank was searched on charges of illegal banking activity, and of Mr. Dvoskina was summoned to the GSU Research Affairs in Moscow, it came out again, "reshalschik" Bartsakin reported that bankers are going to hold up, accused of participation in a criminal association. Etcand that he referred to information received from the deputy director of the FSB Antonov. To solve the issue with the failure of the banker Sir Bartsakin offered for $ 1 million, of which $ 200 thousand. You have to pay, "right now." Mr. Dwoskin, as follows from the case, through their representatives, to pay in advance, but then decided that going to throw it again, appealed to the FSB.

In subsequent meetings with the banker, who were under the control of the KGB, he was Mr. Bartsakin and became a lawyer at the time of ex-investigator Burchuk. Late Mr. DVOSKIN recommended to take in defense. Detained a member of the scam were in September of the same year, when receiving an additional $ 300 thousand, of which only $ 100 thousand were present, and the rest -.. The paper "doll".

Being under investigation, gentlemen Bartsakin Burchuk and pleaded guilty, therefore the case was examined Zamoskvoretsky District Court in a special manner. Mr. Burchuk previously recognized as the best investigator of Moscow, received two years of prison, and his accomplice - and a half.

The alleged accomplice swindlers Alan Antonov had not found & mdash; He was receiving treatment abroad. As a result of the criminal case against him, it had been separated from production. After making sure that the return to Russia, Mr. Antonov is not going investigation declared him wanted. Now "reshalschik" is presumed to be in Germany.

It is not excluded that in case of arrest and subsequent extradition of Mr. Antonov can become a defendant in other criminal cases. Anyway, his name was mentioned in the media in connection with numerous bank failures scandalous "Eurotrust", "Senator" and First Republic Bank. At the same time, Mr. Antonov representing the Hero of Russia, assistant to the head of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin, and at the same time master of the Masonic lodge "Northern Lights", again summoned to solve the problem as the customers of the bank and the bankers, but, allegedly received a fee, disappeared.

As explained by "Kommersant" Marina Murasheva representing the interests of Alla Pugacheva, affected by the actions of the owner failed bank "Senator" Oleg Rafanovicha, during talks with him, "theValid The proposed solutions for all issues to meet with influential General Antonov, but I refused. "The money Mrs. Pugacheva eventually recover from the banker on trial, and Mr. Rafanovicha announced an international search (for details about his case" b "said October 12).

At the same time, "Kommersant" sources do not rule out that the search lzhegenerala Antonov can be difficult, since, according to operative data, it has a Moldovan passport on another name.