UAE released the accused in the murder of Paul Klebnikov

UAE authorities released the Chechen crime lord Kazbek Dukuzov from prison; he is wanted for the murder of the chief editor of the Russian version of Forbes Paul Klebnikov.
Origin source
He was serving a sentence for crimes committed in Dubai, but was unexpectedly released early. After that Dukuzov left the Emirates, its location is unknown.

Told "Rosbalt" a source in law enforcement bodies, representatives of the Russian Prosecutor General's Office learned that Kazbek Dukuzov at large almost by accident. In early 2015 from Russia to the United Arab Emirates entered on a person's extradition request is serving a sentence in one of the UAE prisons, which, as was assured in the RF IC is Kazbek Dukuzov. Recently, representatives of the supervisory authority, asked the Emirates fate of this request, learned to his surprise that the interests of their people in the summer of 2015 was released under the amnesty declared by the ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in honor of the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan . After that, he left the Emirates, his current whereabouts are unknown.

As has already been told "Rosbalt", even in 2013 the Russian operatives received information that Kazbek Dukuzov the documents to another name is serving SROin one of Dubai's prisons. At that time, there was no agreement on legal assistance, so the official procedure for the identification of the prisoner stretched for almost a year between the Russian Federation and the United Arab Emirates. Only in 2014 it was found that the person in custody in the UAE, and Kazbek Dukuzov - one and the same person. As reported by "Rosbalt" a law enforcement source, then handed over to the Investigation Committee of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation all the necessary materials for the extradition Dukuzov. However, sending a formal request to Dubai was delayed until the signing of the treaty between the two countries on legal assistance. In November 2014 the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika and Justice Minister of UAE Sultan bin Saeed al-Badi signed treaties on extradition and mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. Only after that the supervisory authority has decided to send a request for extradition Emirates. However, these contracts, due to various political situation, have not been ratified in the two countries and are not yet in force. According to sources, "Rosbalt", previously the UAE representatives verbally agreed with the need to extradite Dukuzov. howeverabout now saying that have not received sufficient evidence that the person in custody was Dukuzov.

According to investigators, Kazbek Dukuzov was born in 1974 in the Urus-Martan district of Chechnya, after the first war in the republic moved to Moscow, where together with his close friend Alan Musayev (Alashka) entered the group of Chechen "thieves in law" Artika Dabchaeva ( Artik) and Muslim Khaskhanov, who controlled the capital of a number of service stations, hotels, real estate agencies.

Detectives believe that Dukuzov task was to intimidate businessmen, go to the "arrows" with members of the rival organized crime groups, as well as to carry out contract killings. How many of them on account of Kazbek, it is not precisely known, but clearly a lot.

The very young man to confuse the tracks, every two or three years, struck up a passport to another name. He gets them in Chechnya, and each time the "crust" were real. So, one time Dukuzov lived in Moscow the document Muslim Ibragimov. As Ibragimov was even arrested for illegal possession of ammunition and sentenced to two years' probation. " Dossier on Muslimbragimova began collecting in Chechnya. That's what they say in the message of one of the departments of the republic, "Ibragimov Muslim, criminal authority, engaged in kidnappings in the Czech Republic and abroad, including in Moscow happens in Grozny Links Ibragimov:.. A member of the Alan Group and resident of Moscow Silin."

Among the capital of the Chechen community Kazbek was a man famous but mysterious. "He frequented night clubs, expensive restaurants, was always well dressed, went to the prestigious cars or sports bikes - said" Rosbalt "one of Moscow Chechens -. They knew him as Kazbek, his name, he never once said he. I got three passports, all was his photograph but different names. From these documents, Kazbek did not explain. " As investigators believe, by 2002-2003 Dukuzov and Musayev became the most formidable force in the Chechen criminal world. Their path to the criminal hierarchy accompanied by numerous murders. Suffice it to recall, in 2003 Dukuzov with a partner entered the restaurant "Cave" and riddled with automatic weapons of their opponents - "Thief Zuko innot "Mirseymur Abdullayev and" authority "Babayev." A little over 10 years ago, the names of Kazbek and Alana terrified as bandits, and the businessmen. And in the country they were considered very influential force ", - he told the agency.

The sharp rise in the underworld Dukuzov and Musayev noted and representatives of the security services. As a result, in 2003 Alashka was arrested for illegal possession of weapons and received 1.5 years of colony. While he served time, Dukuzov arrested for the murder of Paul Klebnikov and former deputy prime minister of Chechnya Jan Sergunina.

According to investigators, in the spring of 2004, the Chechen "authority" Lom-Ali Gaitukayev entered an "order" to eliminate Paul Klebnikov. Investigators suspect that the "customer" was the leader of "lazanski" gang Hozh Ahmed Nukhaev. And his "order" to send you a businessman Mikhail Nekrich closely communicate with Boris Berezovsky and his family.

Gaytukaev connected to the work of a former employee of Moscow Sergey Khadjikurbanov OCD, who was at that time under house arrest for officials transgressof. For the organization of surveillance of the journalist Khadjikurbanov, according to the investigation, he drew the head of the department GTC Moscow police Dmitry Pavlyuchenkova and his subordinates. Later, these same policemen watched Anna Politkovskaya, when preparing her murder. Along with subordinates Pavlyuchenkova Khlebnikov "drove" himself Khadjikurbanov. At one point he said that he no longer needs the services of OPU employees. According to the RF IC, further to spy on Khlebnikov brothers Magomed and Kazbek Dukuzov and their friends were involved.

Paul Klebnikov was shot in the evening July 9, 2004 at the outlet of the Forbes editorial Dokukina on the street near the metro station "Botanical Garden". Investigators believe that the direct perpetrator of the killing was Kazbek Dukuzov.

Also, according to the RF IC, Kazbek Dukuzov committed in Moscow in 2004, the murder of the former Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya Jan Sergunina. After that Kazbek was arrested for both offenses,

According to a source, "Rosbalt", leaving on freedom, Musayev launched unprecedented activity as the recovery of their position in the criminal world (and in this he preusang), and in liberating Kazbek from prison. Alan himself told friends that he allegedly from very influential people received a proposal to eliminate in London, Boris Berezovsky. Alashka worked closely with the leaders of "lazanski" group with whom communicated oligarch Berezovsky had access to. According to Musayev, instead he promised to withdraw from Dukuzov "Klebnikov case" and released. However, he refused. It should be noted that later, in 2007, Berezovsky said that he wanted to kill in London, one of the leaders of "lazanski" groups Movladi Atlangeriev, who was detained by Scotland Yard and expelled from the country. And, judging by the then statement oligarch, this was not the first attempt to resolve it with the help of influential people from Chechnya.

After refusing to kill Berezovsky Alan Musaev went to visit his native republic, which felt like a real "master of life." Once he went along with a friend from home, and later sent sms that detained one of the power units in Chechnya. Since then, about it is not known.

In 2006, the Moscow City Court jury recognized Dukuzovbut not guilty of murder of Khlebnikov and Sergunina. The Supreme Court canceled a few months later the verdict, but Dukuzov disappeared by this time. Much later, investigators learned that it is the passport next to someone else's name began to live in the United Arab Emirates.

In 2011, Kazbek was arrested in the United Arab Emirates for the organization of a robbery at the two businessmen who have seized $ 5.8 million. He was under a false name, was sentenced to ten years in prison.

According to "Rosbalt", imprisoned Dukuzov became a participant in the program of rehabilitation of persons who have committed crimes and went to prison. As follows from its terms, in the case of passing the exam to quote the Koran without hesitation prisoner can significantly reduce the time. "Dukuzov always presented himself as a religious person, really well knew the Koran In order to be free, it is not necessary to learn the whole book by heart, but it is sufficient to know only a little more than 10 pieces.", - The source said earlier "Rosbalt". But in the end he came to freedom under the amnesty.