They came for Vekselberg: why there were searches in Renova and T Plus

As part of a bribery case in Komi, the Investigative Committee detained two top managers of Viktor Vekselberg's companies: Managing Director of Renova, Yevgeny Olkhovik, and general director of T Plus, Boris Vainzikher. The third person involved is the former head of the T Plus and CEO of VimpelCom. Mikhail Slobodin, who said he was leaving VimpelCom at midnight. 
Origin source
Searches and arrests

On Monday, September 5, the Investigative Committee of the operational support of the FSB raided the offices of the group "Renova" and energy companies under its control "T Plus" (the former IES Holding), reported edition around 12:50 MSK.

Employees of "Renova" was not allowed to leave the office and talking on the phone, food can be ordered through the Internet, he told RBC employee "Renova", present during the searches. According to him, security officials requested documents "Vorkuta HPP" (included in the "Plus T") in the Republic of Komi. Later searches RBC fact confirmed the official representative of "Renova" Andrew Storch.

"Investigative actions carried out in connection with the work of" T Plus "in the Komi Republic, is not so much the current activities of energy companies in the region, as the period when the Republic is headed by a team of former Governor Vyacheslav Gayzer (headed by the republic in 2010-2015, and in September 2015 was arrested on charges of fraud), "- said Storch. The company set up to "constructiveinteraction "with law enforcement agencies and all the staff work as usual, he said.

The official representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin said that the searches are connected with the case of bribery on a large scale (Part 5 of Art. 291 of the Criminal Code) is still management Komi, but the names of the defendants in the case did not call. According to Markin, former and current management "T Plus" is suspected of paying bribes to the authorities of the region from 2007 to 2014, totaling 800 million rubles.

At 17:40 MSK SC he said that after the searches "T Plus" CEO Boris Vainzikher were detained and managing director of the group "Renova" Eugene Olkhovik, who led the "T Plus" in 2010-2012. When Vainzikher taken away for questioning, other superiors "T Plus" left at work, other employees were let go home, said a source in the RBC "Renova".

The criminal case is also featured Mikhail Slobodin, who participated in the creation of IES Holding and led the company from 2003 to 2011, said Markin. Its location, investigators set, he added. Sam SlobodinWhich led to Monday "VimpelCom", he told "Vedomosti" that is in a planned business trip in France, at the end of the week plans to return to Russia and to answer all questions about the investigation. "We really were business in the Komi Republic, we find out what we are accused of", - said Slobodin. He is still part of the board of directors "T plus".

Closer to midnight GMT Vimpelcom Ltd. (Which controls the Russian "VimpelCom") announced that as a result of the events surrounding the "T Plus" Slobodin resigned and the company has satisfied her. The new CEO of the holding company was the former head of Telenor Russia (co-owner of Vimpelcom Ltd.) Kjell Johnsen.

Case Gayzer

Gaiser was arrested in mid-September 2015 at Moscow's Domodedovo airport when flying on holiday with a transfer through the capital. September 20 Basmanny court issued a warrant for his arrest and the arrest of another 15 people. In custody were also deputy head of the head of the republic Alexei Chernov, deputy chairman of the Government of the Komi Konstantin Romadanov and former senator from the region Yevgeny Samoilov.

According to investigators, and the remaining Gaisers figures of the case created a criminal community and committed embezzlement of budget funds and shares of profitable companies. Immediately after their arrest in the case involved two episodes of fraud - theft of 50% stake in the hotel "Avalon" in the city of Syktyvkar and the withdrawal of shares of JSC "Poultry Zelenetskaya". According to the prosecution, they changed the factory illiquid assets for shares of companies and subsequently underpaid in the budget of the republic more than 900 million rbl., That had to be paid as dividends.

Sam Gaiser guilt does not recognize, said his lawyer Vyacheslav Leontiev. But even at the time of arrest the republic's leadership in the court it learned that the confession gave the ex-senator Samoilov.

Komi Factor

The criminal case of fraud against Gayzer and his subordinates were initiated a year ago. This business is allocated separate proceedings against former and current senior managers "T Plus", a source told "Interfax".

Gayzer lawyer Vyacheslav Leontiev told RBC that his client had a strained relationship with the leadership to"Renova" Mpano. "Between them there were conflicts due to the fact that Gaiser made" Renova "support facility in working condition. As a result, CHP was ready for the heating season, "- said Leontiev. He noted that in recent years has not been in the interrogation he was not involved with any of its principal investigative actions.

Managers "Renova" is not the first time appear in the case of fraud in the Komi Republic. When the news of the arrest Gayzer among 19 defendants named ex-CEO "Renova" Alexander Zarubin, who in 2003 came to Vekselberg company as head counselor Vladimir Torlopova, Gayzer predecessor as head of the republic.

In structure of "Renova" had interests in Komi since the late 1990s: in 1997 its aluminum holding SUAL has become a major shareholder of the company, "Timan Bauxite", which owned the license for development of the Middle Timan deposit, whose reserves of bauxite accounted for about a third of total Russian . its development project involved the construction of the railway, alumina hLabor and aluminum smelter, and is estimated at over $ 2 billion. For a long time, SUAL tried to draw him a partner and in parallel increased its stake in "Timan Bauxite". In 2003 Torlopov refused to pre-emptive right to buy 25% "Timan Bauxite" in favor of the company Vekselberg, Forbes magazine wrote. To address the businessman in the country and took a job Zarubin, earlier told RBC a source close to the leadership of one of the neighboring regions. But a source close "Renova" is refuted: the time of hiring former regional official "Renova" has been actively represented in the Komi Republic and even built there in the first Russian private rail road.

In October 2015 Zarubin was arrested Basmanny court in absentia, but in the "Renova" strongly denied contact with him: he had not been with the company since 2009. Then about searches in the "Renova" in connection with the case Gayzer were reported.

About a month ago, erupted a new scandal in the Komi Republic. August 9, Acting Head of the republic Sergey Gaplikov wrote a letter to President Vladimir Putin, which complainedand emergency state "Vorkuta HPP", which "T Plus" put up for sale. A few days later, August 17, he discussed this issue with the president during a personal meeting, which was broadcast on national television.

"Vladimir Vladimirovich, I ask that all the same the government efforts in this regard to work, to help us, so we brought the system to the desired operating state during the heating season. And I would like to request to instruct the law enforcement agencies to find out what is the cause of it, "- addressed to the head of state Gaplikov. "It is imperative to do so. This irresponsibility must be stopped "- Putin promised.

The next day the Prosecutor General's Office said that the beginning of the readiness check Vorkuta heat supply system for use in winter conditions. "Together with law enforcement and regulatory bodies of the legal assessment of the causes of failure heat and power plant operator will be given to measures for its proper maintenance and repair," - said in its report.

In late August, the head of"T Plus" Boris Vainzikher reported Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, supervising Energy, on the program of modernization of power "Vorkuta HPP" to 2019 in the amount of more than 1.7 billion rubles. But he stressed that the accumulated debt of end users in the amount of 6.23 billion rubles. in front of a power plant can limit the development of the energy system of the region.

However, the report of the Investigative Committee emphasizes that in the years 2007-2014, Komi authorities have established the most favorable rates for the power company, and provided her with other benefits. Instead, they are, according to the investigation, received a "T Plus' more than 800 million rubles. bribes, as well as 38% of the company "Komi Energy Retail Company" through offshore. The cost of this shareholding investigators evaluated in an amount not less than 100 million rubles. According to "SPARK-Interfax" as of March 31, 2016, offshore companies Decisis Holding Inc. and Heterson Management Limited owns 36.93% "Komi Energy Retail Company". Another 26.07% owned by the company "Prom Invest", director and owner of 85% shares of which is a kind of Natalya Parshina, 16.42% of the shares owned by the Moscow company & laquo; Infosant "nearly 8% belongs to individuals. Are these companies still relevant to the management of the Komi is unknown.

Three helper

Involved in the case (of bribes to officials of Komi) are Mikhail Slobodin, Eugene Olkhovik Boris Vainzikher, consistency is IES leaders in the period from 2007 to 2014, as well as the other, yet unidentified persons, Markin said. The Criminal Code requires the maximum penalty for this article - to 15 years imprisonment with a fine of up to semidesyatikratnoy amount of bribe, and disqualification to hold certain positions for up to ten years.

According to investigators, when Olkhovik Vainzikher and led the company, according to their instructions in bribes of at least 177 million were transferred and 89 million rubles. respectively. The report does not specify what exactly investigators suspect Slobodina. The investigation intends to apply for the election of a preventive measure in the form of custody for all three defendants, said the Investigative Committee.

Slobodin, who began his managerialth career in 1998 as head of the department of foreign economic relations of SUAL, he participated in the creation of IES in 2003 and led the company until 2011. In 2013, after he led the "VimpelCom", Slobodin said in an interview with "Vedomosti" that is co-owner of IES and continues to monitor the development of the company: "Of course, I talk with colleagues and understand what is happening in the company, and industry. " At CES General Director's position was replaced by Olkhovik which Vekselberg, in an interview with Forbes named among his college friends. Olkhovik Vekselberg works with almost 25 years. Since 1992, he was deputy general director of "Renova", and in 1996 he headed the financial and economic management of SUAL. In 1999 Olkhovik became CEO, and in 2007 - the managing director of "Renova". He is also a minority owner of "Renova".

"Nuclear weapon"

The searches and detentions, passed on Monday, may be associated with the conflict Vekselberg structures with new Komi authorities, said a partner of one of the projects, which involved Vekselberg. "rugih reasons not see "- he said RBC. Detention Olkhovik - it would be too "strong" in the case of regional conflict: it has always been a driving force behind the "Renova", was responsible for the operations of the company, said a source close to the "Renova".

Thus, according to a similar scenario began the persecution of Yukos owner Mikhail Khodorkovsky and the owner of Domodedovo Dmitry Mason. In the first case, Platon Lebedev, was first detained in the second - a few top managers airport, respectively, and then were charged with major business owners. The searches and detention of senior managers and partners - a "nuclear weapon" disproportionate to the decision of the small local conflict, whether heating or Komi court with former partner, adds RBC said.

In Vekselberg, of course, there are enemies, RBC continues the source, close to the "Renova". But any active "military operations" is not carried out, he says. In February 2014 former senator Leonid Lebedev filed a lawsuit in a New York court to Vekselberg and his partner LeonRDU Blavatnik, claiming that he was their partner in oil company TNK-BP, which "Rosneft" acquired a year ago for about $ 56 billion. Lebedev requires them to $ 2 billion. The consideration of the merits of the case has not yet begun.

In late 2014 it became known about the requirements for Vekselberg and Minister of "open government" Michael Abyzova. He is suing a businessman for an option to purchase shares of IES in the courts of the British Virgin Islands. Abizov claims that the damage from the violation of the agreement is approximately $ 500 million. The decision on this claim is also still pending. Lebedev and Abyzova Representatives on Monday declined to comment.

Arrests of Power in the "T Plus" are not aimed directly against the owner of the company Viktor Vekselberg, the case of a regional nature, said deputy director of the Center for Political Technologies Alexei Makarkin. "Vekselberg sufficiently loyal to the federal authorities. elections, arresting people, however, go to the oligarchs Komi gives people a sign that the government is working and fighting against corruption ", - the expert points out. According to him, from the moment aResta Valeria Gayzer year ago for the Republic "took seriously". Makarkin believes that the real prison terms for Vainzikher Slobodina and interrogations are completed.

The representative of "Renova" Andrew Storch did not answer the question of RBC, which is now very Vekselberg.