The FSB knew about the palace coup in the Federal Tax Service

The FSB uncovered a plot against the chief of the Federal Tax Service of St. Petersburg Valentina Koryazina.
Origin source

Police took the most influential woman of the city under goszaschitu. Federal Drug Control Service, seized her son drugs are now more careful work with sources. The Investigative Committee accused of provocation merchant. July 4 court extended his detention. Trying to "palace coup" could be the result of hidden duel between two powerful rivals.

Oktyabrsky Court Judge Yuri Shishkin at 15.30 July 4th extended the arrest of 45-year-old St. Petersburg millionaire Alexander Stepanov. The charge of possession of drugs is unusual for businessmen engaged in investments in land in a large way. The mystery lies in the storage area. It's not his "Bentley" with the numbers "001", and the son of the chief vehicle UFNS Petersburg Valentina Koryazinoy. A merchant Stepanov - the husband of a powerful figure in the system of tax authorities of St. Petersburg, Yana Gorska.

Egyptian passion began in the worst possible moment - the day before the opening of the St. Petersburg G-20 summit in September last year.

Operation "Mama"

Intonation put two of the Federal Drug Control Service.

Having accurate information on the eve ofuw, they arrived in Kolpino to six in the morning 4 September. Wait until the driver of "UAZ" Patriot "," sit behind the wheel in the streets of Vera Slutskaya. Customarily we jumped, inspected and found in the "glove box" package with a white mixture. The event banal, practiced procedures. Powder departed for examination, 33-year-old driver SUE "Gorelectrotrans" Vitaly Koryazin - within the control cabinet Avenue Obukhov Defense. By lunchtime, found it turned amphetamine weighing under 400 grams.

If we had been transported to the clock in the apartment chief tax office Krasnogvardejskiy area Yana Gorska, then there would have caught a few journalists of TV channels. Colleagues filmed story about heroism. Occasion - nomination for the title of "St. Petersburg family." The family of five children.

UFSKN In a criminal case, and in the evening went home with a search warrant to Koryazinu, on the same street of Vera Slutskaya. Only then will a young man asked to report on a misunderstanding of his mother.

- And who are we mother? - I asked him.

Surprisingly, "Mom, we" - Head of the Federal Tax Service No.Petersburg, the most influential woman in the city, according to "Business Petersburg" Valentine Koryazina.

Sentiment UFSKN changed.

Soon Valentine Koryazina, who was at that moment the evening in the workplace, found out the situation with the city prosecutor Litvinenko, FSB chief streams and head of Research Affairs Umnov. In the broadcast sounded the word "provocation" in the subtext - "conspiracy". It is said that Koryazina spoke in a whisper.

Now Gosnarkokontrol joke as encouraged operatives who stood up at five o'clock in the morning to six in Kolpino be: "For the implementation of the - a special thank you."

Nuances were really in favor Koryazina. Amphetamine was so rare composition of the experts for the first time examined a chemical formula in Petersburg. The young man took hair samples, nail. They pointed to the use of drugs. A video camera located next to the parking lot, just showed perturbations of unknown next to its transport.

Evening of 5 September Koryazin was questioned as a witness and testified: "Specifically, no one podozevayu, but I suppose that the fact that the emergence of drugs in a car associated with my mother's activity - impeding illegal reimbursement of value added tax from the federal budget on a large scale, with a view to compromising. " Agree, if he even added that the end of the year, Valentine Koryazina suspended payment of 68 billion rubles for a VAT refund and still keeps the situation, coordinating with the non-payment by the courts, it would be odd to have his level.

At this time, to study the situation joined forces FSB Economic Security Service. Valentina Koryazinoy allocated staff from divisions goszaschity MOI.

And on the topic set the Hollywood stamp TOP SECRET.

"Yana" event

Of course, in the evening of September 4 at the detectives detained Koryazina slightly asked from whom they received such precise information. It is unlikely that with such incandescence they have long concealed the name of the informant.
After that, everything went according to the chain as a detective in the Bible.

It turned out that the information came from a former employee of a miletion Petrov, and he got it from a former police officer Leksina. Lexin also learned of amphetamine from Streltsov and Pustovoy. When looked closely at them, we saw that in 2000 they were serving their sentences in prison Metallostroya with Alexander Stepanov.

Stepanov missed there is now fashionable article "fraud." And now owns "Yunilend", is widely known in the business circles of the city, and his friends - Paramonov, Bronowski - today accused of illegal VAT refunds, Razgulyaev recently convicted for the same. Besides his wife Stepanova is the most remarkable woman in the Federal Tax Service of St. Petersburg, after Koryazinoy course. Jan Gurska.

After the November holidays deputy prosecutor of St. Petersburg Igor is reasonable to send the criminal case of the Investigation Service UFSKN the Investigative Committee of the city. Supervision found the "great public interest, since the criminal case was covered in the media."

"Fontanka" has not found any mention of the incident in the media. We even prosherstili district press paper format. Hwhich, in addition to articles in the municipal newspaper "Moscow outpost", published around the same time, under the headline: "And all because of love." Material tells the story of a large family Gursky - Stepanovs.

The only hint can only be a phrase speaker channel "STO" of September 6: "In Kolpino driver seized the truck half a kilo of drugs." But it is unlikely in its utterance shadow financial players choked.

By year end, the Investigative Committee has become increasingly clear.

However, as Koryazinoy. At a meeting of all the leaders of the tax service of St. Petersburg on the occasion of New Year's Valentine Koryazina so Gursky invited for a toast: "And now speak PhD, mother of many children, and our bright Ian Vikentievna".

- A. Valentine, remember the nursery rhyme - "a smile will warm everybody" ( "Little Raccoon" from the cartoon -. Ed.). Smile and kindness to everyone - raised her glass Gurska.

The motive of the act recorded in the framework of the case questioned senior operations officer for particularly important cases on UFSKNPetersburg and Leningrad region Altukhov: "Stepanov learned that in September 2013, ending fixed-term contract Koryazinoy for the position of Head of the Federal Tax Service, while one of the candidates for the office was his wife - Gurska ... with the aim of compromising Koryazinu in the eyes of her colleagues, the public and leadership FTS of Russia. "

With regard to awareness Stepanova living with Gorska in a two-level apartment on the Leningrad City Council, the wife did not hide it, even from journalists. So, in the same article about women's happiness, she says, "In our relations with the husband all open."

In addition, for the majority of the leaders of the Federal Tax Service it was not a secret that the September 10, 2013 could end or extend the contract with Koryazinoy.

At the same time the detective showed that Stepanov known as a businessman in the underground market of illegal VAT refunds. However, the witness Altukhov did not disclose the source of information, data, saying only that he found it "during a series of operational-search activities".

The ceremony of "Duel"

February 25 this year in a quartD Gursky - Stepanovs was searched, the most Stepanova taken out in the UK on the Moika, 86 - 88, and then arrested.

In the evening of that day, and questioned the chief MIFNS №21 on Krasnogvardejskiy area Gursky. She asked a lot of leading questions: whether the Russian language to her family, whether it was true that her apartment is worth 25 million rubles, about the relationship with Stepanov. Suddenly investigation revealed that Gurska - divorced.

At this point, Gursky certainly was magnificent prosecutors.

- In connection with what your marriage was dissolved?

- I decided to follow the example of Russian President Vladimir Putin - Jan said.

(Quote from the report.)

- It is advised to you personally?

- He said that all the women of Russia.

- You are continuing a close relationship with Stepanov?

- And Vladimir Putin is not Russia forbade women to sleep with the men.

(Transcript of the memories of interlocutors in the UK.)

Thereafter Gurska resigned from financial bodies.

Today in the capital believe that it was a duel of two rivals.

Koryazina was appointed to the post in 2010, the former head of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, and now disgraced ex-Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. She is smart, beautiful, ambitious, truly Orthodox - on Baptism plunges into a hole, but it is closed.

Gurska has the same advantages, but without the ice-cold water. Born in Baku, but do not attend the mosque. Giperobschitelna.

Koryazina of the worker-peasant family. In Gorska father - a KGB lieutenant colonel, his mother - a functionary of Party Committee.

In corporate political science portrayed in myths that for Koryazinoy is Lyudmila Putina, and Gorska like the influential Petersburg businessman Vagif Mamishev.

Colleagues at work, and respectable businessmen, Gursky called the "golden girl". And during the feasts often bought a song Michael Krug. Today, the text of the famous chanson got the subtext: "Girl-unit, took me, you will not be bored."

"Account" procedure

Stepanov in the first hour of his arrest went to "bayonet".

He said he was "aware of the presence of corruption schemes in the Federal Tax Service." With it would "l committed a series of operations, the results of which the proceeds of corruption have been stopped. " He hinted at unnamed acquaintances, who then "came out with a proposal to enter into a criminal conspiracy for renewal schemes involving illegal VAT refunds, the use of which I had to get a part of the proceeds of corruption."

- From this offer I declined, - Stepanov finishes. "Fontanka" it seems that in the pronunciation of the phrase investigator, interrogated Stepanova, had straightened in his chair and straightened his tie.

Stepanov densely mentioned Valentin Koryazinu. Stepanov summarizes: settled accounts with them.

It's protocol.

And at our request, by word and by Stepanov lawyer hinted: "I know a little more than write, but not everyone can be trusted until the paper."

We agree, therefore, and publish material on the network.

Lawyer Sergei Stepanov Barker does not see anything other than the testimony of one man on his client. "As such, the court prospects for business - are minimal," - he predicts.

Knowing that Jan Gurska does not answer to unknown numbers, "Fontanka" phoned her on July 1 - the Day of the employee of the tax authorities. Firstly, we congratulations, and secondly, she said quietly, and as it seemed to us, was a successful frame of mind: "There is a version, but there are circumstances. Everything has its time".
In Moscow, to September 10, 2014 will revisit a contract extension with Valentina Koryazinoy. Formally, the deadline for her stay in the civil service age. In the reserve there are deputies - Alexander and Svetlana Semchukov Kashkina.