Roman holiday of Dmitry Bezdelov ended in prison

The ex-head of Rosgranitsa put on the wanted list was detained in Italy.
The former director of the Federal Agency for State Border Infrastructure Development (Rosgranitsa) Dmitry Bezdelova detained in Rome, when trying to move into a hotel "Palladium Palace". Ex-official in prison "Regina Coelho" and waits for a court decision on his extradition to Russia. For information about the detention of a citizen of the Russian Federation confirmed by the Russian consulate in Italy.

According to Italian media, Dmitry Bezdelov was arrested in Rome on October 26th. The former official was detained at the reception of four-star hotel "Palladium Palace", located near the main train station "Termini" the Italian capital. His detention was made possible thanks to the quickness of the receptionist who registered Dmitry Bezdelova he saw in the electronic system of registration of the signal, which means that the owner of the passport is on the international wanted list. Newspaper La Prima Pagina writes that the receptionist immediately reported to the police that the hotel is trying to settle a citizen, on the wanted list. Resistance police arrived, Mr. Bezdelov not rendered. According to the newspaper Corriere Della Sera, a former official all the way to the site tried to convince the police that he was "just a tourist," as noted in the database about its presence in the international wanted list - a mistake.

Now Dmitry Bezdelov is in prison "Regina Coelho", waiting for a court decision on his extradition to Russia. According to the agency "Interfax", the law enforcement agencies of Italy officially notified the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation about the arrest of Dmitry Bezdelova previously declared wanted by Interpol Russian investigative authorities.

Consul of the Russian Federation in Italy Sergei Cartridges Tass confirmed the arrest of ex-official: "We have announced the arrest of their relatives until the detainee to meet with consular officers are not expressed his". According to Mr. Patronova, decision on extradition may take several days. While the Italian judicial authorities have requested all the materials of the case and considering the circumstances of the charges. "On the very extradition we may not notify. Just be put on a plane and send ", - the diplomat added.

Dmitry Bezdelov was dismissed with dollarsRosgranitsa chapter of October 21 last year at his own request (see. "b" of 22 October 2013). Retirement was preceded by an official inspection agency initiated Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin: in its course it turned out that about 1 billion rubles. of the target program "Development of the state border of the Russian Federation for 2003-2011" have appeared in the accounts of the bank "Agrosoyuz", the biggest beneficiary of which was then the father of the former head of Alexander Rosgranitsa idleness.

The latter after the scandal was recommended to withdraw from the bank's co-owners, he at the beginning of 2014 and did. Earlier this year, the investigation had questions to Dmitry Bezdelovu, he was repeatedly expelled summons for questioning, but he ignored them. In April of this year, Dmitry Bezdelova declared the federal wanted list, in July 2014 - the international wanted list. He is accused of organizing a criminal group (Art. 3 of Art. 210 of the Criminal Code), as well as fraud on a large scale embezzlement and legalization of stolen (ch. 4, v. 159, ch. 3, Art. 160 and Art. 174 of the Criminal Code) . Initially, investigators believe that the head of RosgranitsaDmitry idleness, his former deputy, Oleg Senkevich, the ex-head of the department of capital construction and operation of Daniel Vavilov and CEO of DCS №5 Georgy Belousov, a businessman Yevgeny Seagull and signed fictitious acts Acceptance deputy head "Rosgranstroya" Sergei kid kidnapped RUB 1.175 billion ., dedicated to the improvement of the border. However, in late September 2014, when the persons involved in the investigation filed a charge in the new edition, the damage in two episodes was 305.5 million rubles.

How does the government think about strengthening Rosgranitsa

The rapid resignation of Dmitry Bezdelova and ensuing detention FSB senior department officials immediately attracted the attention of one of the most closed government agencies. "Kommersant" understood what actually is the Russian border, where most of its weaknesses and what the customer is waiting for the federal agency.