Kligman Ilya


Agrosoyuz added to Kligman's scams


Fugitive banker Ilya Kligman will be searched for involvement in organized crime.

Brother of Matvey Urin accused of robbing banks


The Ministry of Internal Affairs, within the framework of the "Holding" operational event, revealed a new person involved in a high-profile criminal case of multibillion embezzlement from credit institutions controlled by the fugitive banker Ilya Kligman.

Ilya Kligman confused traces of cession


As part of the investigation of the largest withdrawal of funds from the country, the right to claim creditors was arrested.

The US declared war on the shadow banker Ilya Kligman and his accomplices


The US Ministry of Finance imposed sanctions against the Agrosoyuz bank, which the Americans consider the leading financial partner of North Korea.

The depositors of Geobank cannot forget Ilya Kligman and Mikhail Sakhin


Scandalous bankers Kligman and Sakhin are trying to make Internet search engines forget about their existence.

The St. Petersburg court pointed the way to the Internet oblivion


For the first time in Russia, the court ordered Yandex to clean up the Internet information about a specific person. Petersburg businessman Ilya Kligman has achieved what the mighty restaurateur Prigozhin failed.

Geobank plans machinations


Head of Geobank Mikhail Sahin plans to turn the bank into a retailer. Experts say that Sahin can create "double accounting" like in Arksbanka.

Secret booking of Ilya Kligman


Where did the banker Ilya Kligman hide 35 billion rubles from the double-entry bookkeeping in Arksbanka?

MMM by Arksbank


Arksbank's managers siphoned off 5 billion rubles and avoided any responsibility.