The depositors of Geobank cannot forget Ilya Kligman and Mikhail Sakhin

Scandalous bankers Kligman and Sakhin are trying to make Internet search engines forget about their existence.
Origin source
Widely known in narrow circles businessman and banker Ilya Kligman in the district court of St. Petersburg has almost achieved the right to oblivion on the Internet. The court ordered search engines to remove links to a specific person - this became a precedent for Russia. However, recently the City Court of St. Petersburg canceled the decision of the lower court. What is so famous about Ilya Kligman, and why does not he value his glory? And where does the other banker - Mikhail Sakhin and the Moscow Geobank? There is a suggestion that Kligman and Sahin - a long tandem, unsafe for bank depositors.

Obligation by court

In early August, Deputy Chairman of the Petrogradsky District Court Tatyana Mazneva ordered the search engines to stop issuing certain publications about the businessman
Ilya Kligmane. He took advantage of the so-called right to forget in the network, the law of which is effective from January 1, 2016. Each of the Russians can now turn to the search engine and ask them to remove links to his pages from the SERP. The information will remain on the Internet, but only someone who knows the specific address will be able to find it, the search engine will not give it out. Of the well-known personalities last year, the St. Petersburg restaurateur Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed the right to oblivion through the court, but ultimately renounced his claim, since the claim, by and large, led only to a heightened attention to Prigogine from the media.

Ilya Kligman did not step down before glasnost and achieved success in the district court. It seems that he clearly expressed himself in the removal of a recent article about himself on the Internet portal "Fontanka" under the title "The Petersburg court pointed the way to oblivion." Now, instead of the article, only the inscription: "The page to which you applied was not found on our server or access to it is prohibited", which, however, did not save Ilya Kligman from many reprints.

In the editorial office of the Internet portal "Fontanka", "Our version" refused to explain why the publication about Ilya Kligman was deleted, but reported that "they can soon return to this topic". Or, as they say, they may not return.

The first in Russia

This judicial case with the right to oblivion was the first in Russia, when the search engines Yandex and Rambler (its content is also formed by Yandex) were obliged to "forget" about a particular person. The plaintiff, apparently, was dissatisfied with the articles:

"Kligman I.V. "" Luck of the bribe-taker "and" As an accountant of the Tambovsky "left the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation."

Meanwhile, the City Court of St. Petersburg on August 17 still canceled the decisions of the Petrograd court, and the cases of plaintiff Kligman were terminated by Judge Irina Marina. On that day, the last two actions of the plaintiff Ilya Kligman (cases 33-14105 / 2017 and 33-14109 / 2017) were considered, earlier the same judge dismissed cases on other similar claims.

Lawyer Sergei Malkov commented on "Our version" of the court's decision and justification:

"As Article 3 of Article 328 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation establishes, on the basis of the results of consideration of the appeal, the appellate court has the right to cancel the decision of the court of first instance and terminate the proceedings. Termination of a civil case by a court means that consideration of a civil dispute is being completed and further proceedings on it will not be carried out. Grounds for termination of civil proceedings are established by Article 220 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. "

Perhaps, this Ilya Kligman himself withdrew his claims, as Yevgeny Prigogine did in his time, probably frightened of drawing additional attention. Which, however, has already happened. In the City Court of St. Petersburg, "Our version" reported that the decisions of the Petrograd court against the search engines are now canceled, but did not confirm that Ilya Kligman himself went on to withdraw the claims. One way or another, the reasoning of the decisions of the appellate instance at the time of the preparation of the material has not yet been published, but in the motion of one of the cases on the site of the Petersburg City Court it is stated directly: "the proceedings have been dismissed (with the cancellation of the decision) in connection with the refusal of the claim."

Meanwhile, it's easy to see that Ilya Kligman somehow managed to get some kind of oblivion before: he can not find his official photo on the Internet, Ilya Kligman is not in Wikipedia either, there is not much information about the scandalous banker, which is very strange considering his interesting biography. Curiously, what arguments does he find to runet "forgot" about Ilya Kligman?

And the more interesting it is now, who is Ilya Vladimirovich Kligman, who managed to press, though not end, the Delete button on information about himself?

Especially valuable witness for the FSB

In fact, Ilya Kligman personality is very curious. Now he heads the company Petro-Union, and became known for two resonant criminal cases - against the leader of the so-called Tambov OPG Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin) and the head of the State Investigations Service of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Dovgy. Ilya Kligman, as the media writes, spent some time behind bars. It is a reminder of this in the press, apparently, extremely irritating Ilya Kligman. Moreover, it seems that this conviction has been dropped from him. Ilya Kligman was also called almost the "accountant" of Vladimir Barsukov, who has been in Matrosskaya Tishina detention center for many years. Jacobs Arksbank secretly from the Central Bank concealed 35 billion rubles of deposits that could belong to the Tambov criminal group and personally to Barsukov. In addition, it was suspected that Arksbank was a banal "vacuum cleaner", whose depositors lost their money. In general, there were a number of cases when the name of Ilya Kligman was mentioned in various unpleasant stories, but he always came out of the water. Moreover, those who dared to touch such stories of the siloviki themselves eventually got into big trouble.

The case of the former deputy head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Boris Kolesnikov is typical. Apparently he had worked out an operational combination for a high-ranking FSB officer, but he himself was arrested on suspicion of exceeding his official powers and provocations of bribes, and then allegedly threw himself out of the 6th floor window during interrogation in the building of the Investigative Committee in Technical Lane.

And here is Ilya Kligman? If you believe again rapidly disappearing information on the Internet, while he, apparently, was the actual owner of Transinvestbank (which was also noted by questionable market movements), Boris Kolesnikov began to conduct an investigation into the credit institution. And supposedly in 2013 Kolesnikov suggested to Kligman "to be firmly friends", which could be expressed in "information cooperation" with regard to the clients of the bank, who, apparently, drew money through him abroad. Ilya Kligman then preferred to immediately leave for Malaysia, and doubtful funds from Transinvestbank allegedly flowed into Arksbank.

A particularly valuable witness

Earlier, the name of Ilya Kligman was mentioned in a high-profile criminal case against Dmitry Dovgy, the head of the State Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation's Investigative Committee. Ostensibly in 2008, Kligman tried to give Dovgy a bribe, apparently as a provocateur. He did not take, but later fell into disgrace and was soon sentenced to 9 years for receiving bribes from another person. By the way, his case was conducted by investigator Denis Nikandrov, who is now himself under arrest.

Returning to Ilya Kligman, his unsinkability, according to the opinions of people close to the power circles of St. Petersburg, may be due probably to the close cooperation with the FSB in a number of criminal cases. In particular, the Chekists dealt with the issue of Vladimir Barsukov and his business empire. It seems that even at one time Ilya Kligman possessed the status of an especially valuable witness who guarantees physical protection from the part of the organs.

Longtime tandem

Ilya Kligman, most likely, not just wants to get the right to "self-destruction" on the Internet. Now the network describes and discusses not only his "feats" in the past, but also a curious combination, which he presumably holds with long-time partner Mikhail Sakhin in the capital's Geobank. Last year, the chairman of the Geobank board, Mikhail Sakhin, apparently decided to make a retailer out of a credit institution. Parallel to this, Geobank's top managers announced their desire to "increase the network of branches fivefold", that is, to bring them to about four hundred. Some experts believe that Geobank can take the same financial actions as Arksbank mentioned earlier. It took money depositors, but in no official documents receipt of deposits was not reflected. According to Aleksey Abramov, director of the deposit insurance department of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), "such actions are a new generation of financial schemes, which neither the DIA nor the Central Bank had previously encountered."

As a result, Arksbank, it seems, simply took the money to the "black bookkeeping", which is also called a "double cash register", and the citizens found themselves in a situation that even with the collapse of the credit institution, the DIA will not pay them money.

Writing contributions

In banking circles the scheme has received the name "tetradochnye contributions". For the first time, it was most likely that it was used in 2014, when Mosoblbank collapsed, in which 70% of deposits were undeclared. By the way, many top managers of this financial institution have moved to ... Arksbank. And the paths of Ilya Kligman and Mikhail Sakhin probably could already intersect in the above mentioned Transinvestbank, whose founders, apparently, were formally offshore.

Given the dubious past that this tandem has, Geobank depositors may need to be worried. In addition, the situation should be closely monitored by the banking regulator. The Central Bank should take into account the experience of "tetradovyh deposits", the more it is necessary to pay all the same to the state. It was Sberbank that instead of DIA covered Arksbank's debts to about 20 thousand investors.