Brother of Matvey Urin accused of robbing banks

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, within the framework of the "Holding" operational event, revealed a new person involved in a high-profile criminal case of multibillion embezzlement from credit institutions controlled by the fugitive banker Ilya Kligman.
On Monday, charges in absentia of a particularly large fraud were brought against Yevgeny Urin, the younger brother of the notorious ex-banker Matvey Urin. So far, the investigation considers it proven that Urin Jr.'s involvement in the theft of funds from three banks - Agrosoyuz, Inkarobank and Nevsky - ceased to exist with a total debt of over 11 billion rubles.

The fact that Yevgeny Urin had been in fact the right hand of Ilya Kligman, who is on the international wanted list, for the past several years, was found out by law enforcement agencies during an operation codenamed "Holding". Its goal is to cleanse the banking sector from serial fraudsters who have put on stream the looting of credit institutions in anticipation of the revocation of their licenses.

The main person involved in the investigation is just Ilya Kligman, under whose leadership more than 100 billion rubles were withdrawn from at least one and a half dozen banks that subsequently went bankrupt. Almost all of these funds then ended up abroad. According to law enforcement officials, Ilya Kligman presumably led the actions of his accomplices from Germany. He moved there back in 2016, when the investigation planned to interrogate him in the case of embezzling money from the Arksbank controlled by him.

As Kommersant has already told, in March 2020, employees of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs detained former top managers of the Agrosoyuz bank Stanislav Shelovsky and Andrey Somov, as well as ex-employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Makartsev and who was responsible for black accounting, previously convicted of financial frauds Natalia Petrenko ...

All of them are accused of complicity in the withdrawal of about 7 billion rubles from the credit institution. In total, the bankrupt bank's debt to depositors amounts to almost 15 billion rubles.

From the chat of bankers in the little-used messenger in Russia Bria, police officers learned that the organizer of the scam was Ilya Kligman, who had given instructions directly to Natalya Petrenko and Yevgeny Urin.

Denis Makartsev, a former employee of the OEBiPK UVMD in the North-Eastern District of Moscow, was in charge of resolving issues with the security forces in the group. When all of them were detained, police officers were not yet aware of their involvement in Yevgeny Urin's machinations. Later it turned out that someone managed to warn him about the arrests of his accomplices, and he left for Minsk on the same day, and from there flew to Germany. On Monday, the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow filed an absentee charge of fraud on an especially large scale against Mr. Urin (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In the near future, the investigation plans to apply to the court with a petition for his arrest and put him on the wanted list.

At the moment, the police have evidence of Urin Jr.'s involvement in the withdrawal of money not only from Agrosoyuz, but also Inkarobank and Nevsky Bank. In the first two credit institutions, the cybercriminals did not succeed in fully completing their plans. In December last year, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow managed to arrest the rights of claim on the loan portfolios of two banks for more than 10 billion rubles, which had been assigned to the fictitious LLC Technology.

It should be noted that in addition to the already familiar methods of theft - the issuance of fictitious loans and the so-called notebook, when deposits of the population were not reflected in the accounts of banks, but were entered only in a notebook - the attackers also used a new method. In particular, the DIA, according to the reporting of Nevsky, found that just a few days before the revocation of the license from this bank in December 2019, customers allegedly deposited more than 1.5 billion rubles into a couple of its ATMs overnight. From the documents it followed that in "Nevsky" this money was capitalized, loaded into a collector's car, after which it disappeared without a trace.

Thus, at the time of the collapse of the Nevsky bank, it turned out that more money had been withdrawn from it than there ever was. According to law enforcement officers, this was done for the subsequent theft of funds from the DIA.

Initially, the amount stolen from "Nevsky" was estimated at 3 billion rubles. However, after the ATM scheme was identified, the bank's debt to depositors amounted to only 1.4 billion rubles. By the way, according to the investigators, Vladimir Bondarenko, who was appointed chairman of the board of Nevsky three months before the revocation of the license from the credit institution, allegedly turned this fraud on the instructions of the same Yevgeny Urin. Now the ex-banker is wanted.

According to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Urin Jr. is an unremarkable person. All that is known about him is that, through a number of offshore companies and nominee directors, he is the owner of a small oil refinery near Samara. The history of the enterprise is extremely vague and replete with criminal cases and bandit showdowns. Evgeny Urin has been unsuccessfully trying to sell this plant for allegedly not the first year. In addition, during the investigation it was established that Urin Jr. owns two meat processing enterprises - BRT LLC and EPK LLC. Both are among the largest borrowers at Agrosoyuz Bank and Inkarobank. In particular, as the operatives found out, unpaid loans of more than 200 million rubles still hang on them. Prior to that, Urin Jr. was allegedly in the wings of his older brother Matthew. The latter became known to the general public in 2010 after a banal road conflict on Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway with the top manager of Gazprom's subsidiary, a Dutch citizen, Jorrit Faassen. For beating an opponent, Urin Sr. received 4.5 years in prison. However, his troubles did not end there - the investigation also became interested in the road hooligan's business. Soon, for large-scale theft of funds from the banks controlled by him - "Slavyansky", Trado-Bank, Bank "Monetny Dvor", Uralfinprombank and KB "Donbank" - he was added four more years. He was released in the fall of 2018. According to some reports, Matvey Urin continues to rotate in banking circles, but law enforcement officers have no complaints about him yet.

Meanwhile, as part of the investigation of the criminal case against his brother Yevgeny Urin and Ilya Kligman, Russian law enforcement agencies hope for the help of their foreign colleagues. Applications have already been sent to them with a request to assist in the search for the property of the defendants in this case, registered in the name of dummies.