The US declared war on the shadow banker Ilya Kligman and his accomplices

The US Ministry of Finance imposed sanctions against the Agrosoyuz bank, which the Americans consider the leading financial partner of North Korea.
Origin source
The government of the United States accuses the owners of Agrosoyuz that in 2009, in the interests of the DPRK, they operated tens of millions of dollars.

In 2013, Agrosoyuz transferred more than $ 5.5 million on behalf of the United Development Bank of Korea (KUDB) under the sanctions of the United Nations, and in 2014 "together with other Russian banks provided the transfer of KUDB funds." As of mid-2016, Agrosoyuz opened new accounts for the North Korean front company, and held more than $ 8 million in accounts and placed more than $ 3 million for partners from the DPRK.

In early 2018, the beneficiaries of Agrosoyuz allowed the North Korean firm to put almost $ 2.5 million in Russian rubles into its bank account.

According to agency "Ruspres", the bank is controlled by the accountant of the "Tambov" OPG, Ilya Kligman. Previously, the shareholders were Andrey Shlyakhova (74%), Natalia Olegovna Sadovnikova, Maria Lvovna Kakturskaya, Viktor Nikolayevich Sobolev, Nikolai Lvovich Lukyanov and Alexander Vyacheslavovich Zholayev. Some of these minority shareholders associated with the former owners of the bank - the arrested director of Rosgranitsa Dmitry Bezdelov and his father Alexander Bezdelov.

The thievish banker of comrade Kim Jong Yin

Now the only official owner of "Agrosoyuz" through the firm "UM-Bank" is Andrei Shlyakhova.

He worked as a member of the board of directors of the bursting Asia-Pacific Bank, chairman of the board of the Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development, later renamed MTS Bank. In 2013, the owner of AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov fired Shlyahovoy, and then through the court demanded that this employee Kligman return 1 billion rubles. Evtushenkov considered Shlyahovoy a thief - he sold MTS to Bank "Dalcombank", having previously rewritten the most liquid assets to trusted persons. Transactions were conducted at the expense of loans taken from the very "Dalcombank" at a minimum interest.

In December of last year, the Expert RA Agency assigned ruB to "Agrosoyuz", meaning a low level of creditworthiness, with a negative outlook. Since early 2018, Ilya Kligman and Andrei Shlyakhova have faced serious problems from the Central Bank. "Agrosoyuz" has ceased to accept deposits from the population - it is believed that the bank is on the eve of the sanation.

In respect of the bank, inspections were conducted for a year, the post of Shlyahovy's adviser had to be left to Oleg Antonov.

Money of Koreans was laundered by "gangster Petersburg"

Shlyahova represents in Russia interests several years ago, a resident of St. Petersburg, Ilya Kligman, who fled to Malaysia. In Russia, he is known for his machinations with double bookkeeping for 35 million rubles in Arksbank and cashing in through the bursting and pending licenses of License Transinvestbank, Dil Bank, Spetssetstroybank, Mosoblbank, Arksbank, UM Bank and Geobank. The interests of the DPRK partner included the Southern Regional Bank, as well as the currency accounts of RosEvroBank.

The connection between Agrosoyuz Bank and Arksbank and Geobank can be traced through Ilya Kligman's younger partner, Mikhail Sakhin, who worked as deputy chairman of the board of Agrosoyuz and chairman of Geobank's board. From 2003 to 2013, Sahin was listed in "Spetssetstroybank" close to Kligman, leaving him shortly before his license was revoked. Another link is a member of the board of directors of the Kligman Geobank Stanislav Shelovskikh, who worked at MTS Bank with Andrey Shlyakhovoy.

In recent years, one of the main goals of Kligman has been the clean-up of the Internet. He managed to oblige Yandex to stop issuing links to publications with characteristic headings "Kligman IV. "" Luck of a bribe-taker "and" As an accountant of "Tambov" left the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. "

The storyline of these "irrelevant" articles boils down to the following: Ilya Kligman became known for his two resonant criminal cases against the leader of the Tambov criminal gang, Vladimir Kumarin-Barsukov, and the head of the State Intelligence Service of the Investigative Committee, Dmitry Dovgiy.

Kligman was arrested, testified against his boss Kumarin, received a suspended verdict for the bill of exchange in Transinvestbank, then he started to manufacture payment terminals, on which he burned. The publications state that 35 billion rubles of deposits that the Arksbank affiliated with the Central Bank concealed from the Central Bank could have belonged to Tambov and personally to Kumarin.

In 2008, the UPC reported that a relative of Kligman, who was then under investigation in the case of the connection of his Petrounion firm with Vladimir Kumarin, was trying to give Dmitry Dovgiy, the head of the State Investigative Service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, a bribe of $ 1.5 million for release from guards. Dovgiy was arrested.

The collapse of Kligman

Now Ilya Kligman may be threatened with a new arrest, both in Russia and in Malaysia.

This country is a global partner of the United States and will carry out US sanctions against any assets. In the capital of Malaysia, last year, a North Korean citizen, Kim Jong-Nam, was killed, the brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Attempt at the international airport has led to the fact that the relationship between Kuala Lumpur and Pyongyang has become extremely acute, and the staff of the Embassy of Malaysia in the DPRK has been blocked. The Prime Minister of Malaysia said that his fellow tribesmen were taken hostage.

In the killing of Kim Jong Nama, the US and Malaysian intelligence community suspects four North Koreans evacuated to their homeland via Russia. It requires verification that the militants could use the accounts provided by Ilya Kligman and Andrei Shlyakhov to finance the operation.