MMM by Arksbank

Arksbank's managers siphoned off 5 billion rubles and avoided any responsibility.
Banks vacuums gradually breaking open the Russian economy. One such "financial pests" - "Arksbank".

"During the inspection of the bank by accident one of the inspectors noticed on the screen followed by another automated banking system (ABS). It highlights another working day - for the same date, but with different numbers. They began to dig deeper, - said the expert of the Central Bank.

As it turned out, the employees of the bank "in a brazen" hide the current state of affairs of the bank. Customers carry money in the bank, but officially it was written, which is less than the contributions. Thus was created the system for the withdrawal means that customers will not be able to prove the DIA that were actually depositors!

According to the auditors, "Arksbanka" employees showed employees of the Central Bank statements, for which the sum of contributions was less than ten times!

Such employees' Arksbanka "policy was carried out in 2014. Investors, seeing that the Bank is included in the deposit insurance system, to carry money. Why? For example, "Arksbank" offers to place deposits in euro dollars by 4.4% per annum, although the market no one has given more than 3% - just not profitable. But the people, as in the days of MMM, "Popper".

Note that "Arksbank" was not a pioneer in this mahinatorskoy system. Such financial instruments "dabbled" "Mosoblbank", who hid and gave the money to depositors 350,000 astronomical sum 76 billion rubles.

And "Mosoblbank" has been mentioned for a reason. In "Arksbanke" worked by the same people as in "MOSOBLBANK"! But it was in this year, the bank went bankrupt in July and innovation. "Arksbank" not simply pumped money from the population for its "mythical" interest, but the proceeds and shimmers "planer" to its partners and "Tetrapolis". Further funds were sprayed as credits, allegedly affiliated with the owners of "Arksbanka".

"Arksbank" - a new generation of financial schemes, which do not face so subtly neither we nor the Central Bank. But now we know about it and working on it ", - said the director of the Deposit Insurance Department DIA Alexey Abramov.

After the Central Bank "castrated" "Arksbank", the turn to "planers" and "Tetrapolis" - both were denied licenses. Furthermore, the case file was given to the Prosecutor General, Ministry of Internal Affairs and TFR.

Security forces at the moment found out that from "Arksbanka" to the foreign depositary (Specialist, performing services on storage of securities certificates and performing accounting services for the transfer of ownership rights to securities), which could not be found. The cost of securities of 4.5 billion rubles.

It also emerged that shortly before the revocation of the license, the bank quickly returned the loan of 600 million rubles.

According to the Central Bank, at the end of last year, "Arksbank" 10 belonged to individuals, since the spring of 9. None of the shareholders has not even a blocking stake. Some of them may dummy "Fursa." So Vadim Timofeev, from Voronezh resident Gennady Psareva by 18.8%, resident Nikolai Fyodorov capital (14.3%), Sergei Drobizheva (8.2%) and Oleg Saninsky (6.4%). Muscovites Yashechkin Alexey and Alexander Gerasimenko at 3.3 and 2.15%, respectively, Alexander Kaftanov from Moscow Domodedovo - 3.3%, and are registered in Naryan-Mar Grigory Filippov - 3.5%. Of particular note is Mr. Gerasimenko, which is possible and worth of all minority shareholders.

Where "sailed" managers "Arksbanka"?

After the situation in the security forces engaged in serving "Arksbanka" quickly left their jobs and have settled in the Buryat "BaykalBanke" (BB).

At the bank it was good, at the end of last year it was a planned inspection of the Central Bank, confirming the fulfillment of standards. He worked with precious metals and frauds has not been noticed.

But after the arrival of employees' Arksbanka "in BB there began to be strange from the point of view of the law of things. Initially, "BaykalBank" closed its offices in Buryatia. Then in the other regions.

And all because the Central Bank asked the organization to host the employees' Arksbanka "" additional provision in the amount of 330 million rubles. " But the staff of the Buryat branch of the Central Bank decided not to pull and transferred to BB in "high-risk group and blocked correspondent account, writing off all funds to repay the loan previously obtained from the Central Bank, and leaving nothing for settlements with customers." Why the rush? But the fact that the Buryat TsBshniki insisted that "BaykalBanku" helped banks affiliated with "Arksbankom"!

Coincidence or not, but in March also ended with a routine checkup Arksbanka regulator. Based on its results, it was clear that the withdrawal of the license to remain a matter of weeks, maybe months.

As a result, "BB" came under the control of banks associated with the "Arksbankom"! And the most interesting, in just a few days before the withdrawal of the license from "Arksbanka", was elected as the new Chairman of the Board "BaykalBanka" - an unknown Vitaly Avdeev.

So, in the course of saving banks, affiliated with "Arksbankom" - "planers", "Inkarobankom", "Agrosoyuz" UMbankom "BaykalBank" transferred all of its profitable assets these banks.

Also note that in Buryatia to "address issues related to the" BaykalBankom "flew out of Russia Alexander Gerasimenko capital - one of the shareholders and the deputy chairman of" Arksbanka ".

"Gerasimenko led Arksbanka half board until April 2015, when he exchanged posts with his deputy Dina Pakhomova. Gerasimenko, as well as another member of the Board of "Arksbanka" worked in banks lost their licenses. Gerasimenko headed the legal department Deal-bank (license revoked in December 2015) and the bank "Evromet" - note in the informed people of the situation.

So, in Ulan-Ude, Mr. Gerasimenko dismissed employees of the bank and got the "necessary" managers. Note that Gerasimenko had numerous contacts with the head of the National Bank of Buryatia - a branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Nikolai Stepanov.

As a result, he led the "BB" Vitaly Avdeev, under the patronage Gerasimenko is believed, who said that he considered "promising vectors of development of the bank western regions of the country." Based on this, the manager of the closed offices in Buryatia and opened in Moscow!

Soon, in the capital of Russia started to operate another bank cleaner, leading his activities similar to "Arksbankom" scheme, and it was "BaykalBank".

As "BaykalBank" scrolled depositors' money and fool the Central Bank?

Moscow TsBshniki, "taught" story "Arksbankom" began checking the "BB". Expectedly organization disconnected from BESP (system banking electronic payments).

Bank led by Avdeeva was on the verge of license revocation. Already in early August, the central bank issued an order "BB" on the limitation of operations. Most interestingly, a few days Vitaly Avdeev sold the offices of the bank in Buryatia and Moscow and property at 1 billion rubles!

By the way, the Central Bank stated that these transactions are not valid! Bank robbed of their license. After this contest managers have discovered yet another dubious deal Avdeev. He exchanged available to "BakalBanka" bonds goskholzhinga "Helicopters of Russia" and the paper of mutual funds shares Taganrog Combine Plant. Paper "BB" have cost 378 million rubles. A paper SCC 15 million rubles. So, after the exchange, Avdeyev received TDF shares traded for gold!

Also Avdeev scrolled another operation. He returned 'unpaid' care shareholder "BaykalBanka" Venidiktova Alexander, who previously "donated" 100 million rubles. The problem is that this "victim" may again be on the paper. In other words, it is possible Avdeev brought 100 million rubles.

"There is a suspicion that this additional agreement, although it is dated July, came to light after the August Russian Central Bank regulations. As a result, all the "free" aid has been claimed by Alexander Venidiktovym, according to our data, in the form of cash and gold. And ordinary depositors at the same time desperately waiting for the return of their blood, "- said the publication of the chairman of the Union of Buryat lenders and borrowers Vitaly Honihoev.


And in all these cases is one of the team Avdeeva-Gerasimenko prosecuted! Yes, we mentioned that TsBshniki transferred after the bankruptcy "Arksbanka" information to law enforcement agencies. But the police can not even contact with Vitaly Avdeev!

But the controversial top manager not vanished. On the contrary, together with Venidiktovym Avdeev tries to appeal bankruptcy "BaykalBanka" to arbitration!

Moreover, the alleged Venidiktov Avdeev and try to put the security forces "on the wrong track" to the financier Andrei Vdovin, who to "BB" has no direct relation.

Several media outlets disseminated information, Vdovin was granted a loan of 204 million rubles. Allegedly, the financier did not want to pay, and therefore only "BaykalBank" bankrupt. These media refer exclusively to the "words" Avdeeva!

Under the "roof" of OPG?

In the banking community say that they are working managers "Arksbanka" famous name "in the narrow circles of" banker Ilya Kligmanom, who is known as "accountant" Tambov criminal group.

Recall that in 2009 Mr. Kligman, a defendant in a heavy economic article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, began to testify against the "night of the governor of St. Petersburg." As a result, unexpectedly Kligman was sentenced to a suspended term.

In 2012, Kligman seized "Transinvestbank", whose clients are offshore and the citizens of Seychelles. Perhaps these offshore companies were present, "Tambov bandits" who thus legalized funds.

But in 2013 Transinvestbank was denied a license. Kligman went to Malaysia, where he created a company in the area of ​​financial technologies for the banking sector and financial services companies. There is information that "Arksbank" enjoyed kligmanovskoy program!

As a result, actually have the evidence base on the employees and shareholders "Arksbanka". But the security forces for some reason can not find Gerasimenko and Avdeev, who disputed the decision to "BaykalBanka" bankruptcy court.