

The family of Mikhail Mishustin hid luxury real estate in Rublevka


The family of the new prime minister of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Mishustin, owns real estate worth 600 million rubles on Rublevo-Uspenskoye highway, but the Rosreestr hides information about the owners of elite land.

Andrey Kostin is under an umbrella


What furnishes the apartment with the head of VTB.

Nikita Mikhalkov gave all the best housing to their children


The Moscow Department of Culture did not publish the declaration of Nikita Mikhalkov. Meanwhile, the director should report on his incomes, as he works as artistic director of the State Theater of Film Actor.

Newbuilds in Moscow are one third higher


Sales of housing in Moscow started to grow.

Moscow State University is asked to demolish the housing


Rosreestr requires the demolition of facilities on the university grounds.

Rosreestr hid the names of the public prosecutor's sons in property statements


Alexey Navalny is planning to sue the agency. 

Operation "Washed Hands"


The legislative initiative of the Federal Security Service, facilitating the life of corrupt officials, will find support in the government; and really, why the society should know which castles and yachts belong to generals and ministers.

The case against the former head of the Moscow Region Rosreestr recognized as fabricated


Offcials of the Investigative Committee closed the resonant criminal case on bribetaking of Olga Zhdanova in the amount of 1.3 million rubles, finding that the subordinates of General Kolesnikov had fabricated it.

The FSB came to Rosreestr for space images


The investigators are trying to find out why the officials accepted the work done by ScanEx company, since it will cost the budget 10 million rubles to redo it.

A criminal charge against the fugitive ex-deputy head of Rosreestr


In the near future, Sergey Sapelnikov may be declared internationally wanted as part of a criminal case against negligence and be arrested in absentia. 

The deputy head of Rosreestr fled abroad with state secrets


Defendant in a controversial anti-corruption investigation Sergei Sapelnikov did not wait for the call from the investigators, and immediately left Russia without the permission of the security services.