Andrey Kostin is under an umbrella

What furnishes the apartment with the head of VTB.
Origin source
The state banker Andrei Kostin, as it turns out, has big requests. He is very fond of grain - on an industrial scale, as well as salt and cement - for aesthetic consumption.

Images from the novel

The telegram channel Baza gained access to the database and found there a list of gizmos that seriously interested VTB head Andrei Kostin. So serious that he decided to spend 140 million rubles on them.

If you trust the publication of Baza, over the past four years, the financier has imported from abroad a huge amount of furniture, materials for decoration and accessories - only 664 positions. All these positions were delivered to the famous apartment in Leontievsky Lane, house 6. A kind of paradox made this apartment famous: it was mentioned as the home address of the head of VTB, and at the same time the information on the owners of this apartment was completely absent in Rosreestr. Another mystery that haunts the authors of an article that unearthed all this information - how these things could be physically delivered to one apartment, the area of ​​which is only 97 square meters. The banker ordered 37 pieces (for 4 million rubles) of some fine ceramic vases. It is also unclear why a resident of a city apartment might need a garden umbrella from rain and sun with massive mounts (490,910 rubles). Unless, of course, the customer did not try to be inspired by images from Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Maragarita”. There are several reasons for this assumption: for example, in the list of orders there is a table made of white rock salt and cement (111,046 rubles), a ceramic wreath of shells (46,501 rubles), and wall tiles in the form of fish scales (390 567 rubles) ) You must admit that these orders blow something Volandian. But the rest of the purchases give the impression of just a chaotic waste of money. Down pillows for 2 087 448 rubles, soap for 11 892 rubles, and a washcloth for 8450 rubles speak more about the hero of the 1990s jokes about the “new Russians” than about the devil’s messenger to Moscow.

State monetary monopoly

Andrei Leonidovich Kostin, in principle, does not correspond to the image of the textbook “new Russian”. They spent crazy, but their own capital. In terms of his social status, Andrei Kostin is more like an old Russian. For example, Grigory Danilovich Rimsky, financial director of the Variety Theater, where Woland and his entourage performed. Recall that Roman in the novel is deduced by a rather greedy, though not stupid, person. Greed brings him to a state of astonishment: he collects gold coins, which Woland scatters throughout the theater, into his briefcase, although he perfectly understands that he is dealing with dark power. It all ends with Rimsky leaving for Leningrad and asking the police to lock him in the most secure cell.
The President of VTB is not yet seeking Leningrad, and he has other, more sophisticated methods for collecting chervonets. Andrei Kostin loves to create organizations that claim a monopoly position in the economy. So, just recently, the president (of the bank) asked another president (of Russia) to help create the United Grain Holding, which is supposed to include two grain port clusters - in Novorossiysk and Taman. In fact, this is a monopoly, since the main export grain flow from the country goes through these ports. The author of the idea does not particularly hide that its goal is to create a new national leader in the grain market, focused on the consolidation of assets associated with the export and storage of grain, capable of "taking on the functions of a leading trader of Russian wheat."

Having access to the export faucet, VTB will be able to control prices in the domestic market. Imagine what gorgeous opportunities are revealed!

VTB has long been preparing to take over the grain market: for this, it acquired a blocking stake (33.7%) in the Novorossiysk bakery, one of the largest grain terminals in the Russian Federation, and a controlling (50% minus 1 share) in the United Grain Company. Now it’s up to the small business to redeem the share of Ukrainian Kernel agricultural holding in the Taman grain terminal complex, after which it will become possible to merge the two grain port clusters - in Novorossiysk and Taman. After that, the state should create railway and automobile infrastructure for Kostin’s business in the ports of Taman and Novorossiysk, and things will get better. And in a few years we will no longer be able to distinguish the head of the state bank from a real Arab sheikh with airplanes and toilet bowls made of real gold.