Moscow State University


Katerina Tikhonova will add artificial intelligence IQ


Katerina Tikhonova, whom Reuters and Bloomberg called the “daughter of Vladimir Putin,” led the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, created on the basis of Moscow State University, Putin called the center “one of the most important elements” of the national strategy.

Viktor Sadovnichy will be the rector of Moscow State University until the end of his life


How and why he became an indispensable rector of the country's main university.

Moscow State University is asked to demolish the housing


Rosreestr requires the demolition of facilities on the university grounds.

Katerina Tikhonova: the new "Putin's daughter"


Moscow intelligentsia was easily agitated by a conversation of one of the functionaries of Intefax news agency Yuri Pogorely and chief editor of RBC Yelizaveta Osetinskaya on Facebook