Nikita Mikhalkov gave all the best housing to their children

The Moscow Department of Culture did not publish the declaration of Nikita Mikhalkov. Meanwhile, the director should report on his incomes, as he works as artistic director of the State Theater of Film Actor.
The last time Mikhalkov struck everyone with his high wages: about 1.5 million per day. This time it’s impossible to find out if he has broken the annual bar of half a billion: the Moscow Department of Culture refused to publish the declaration of the cinema worker.

Earlier, the "Interlocutor" in the article "Mikhalkov is no longer a master, he is a hidalgo," wrote that Tatyana Mikhalkov (that is the name of the artistic director's wife) headed the Spanish firm Propestate Sl. This company has a huge villa with a pool in San Roque. The cost of the house - about 4 million euros.

In the declaration of Nikita Mikhalkov, neither possession nor use of foreign real estate by him or his wife was indicated. Whether he declared foreign ownership now, after the discovery of the "Interlocutor", it is already impossible to find out.

But we found out that expensive apartments in the center of the Russian capital Nikita Mikhalkov reissued on their adult children. According to the extracts from Rosreestr from the Interlocutor, the daughter of the director Nadezhda Mikhalkov and his son Artem Mikhalkov became the owners of two apartments in the elite RC “At the Patriarch's”. Nadezhda settled on the fourth floor, and Artyom - right above it.

This house is located in a prestigious district of Moscow, near the Garden Ring and Tverskaya Street. And on the second floor there are creative workshops "Nikita Mikhalkov Studio TRITE". This organization became the original owner of the apartment. Then they were purchased by the director himself under the contract of sale, and only then presented to his son and daughter.

Each apartment costs about 260 million rubles. Even Nikita Mikhalkov’s formal boss, Alexander Kibovsky, head of the Moscow department of culture, could envy such possessions of children.

As it turned out as a result of the investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Kibovsky’s seven-year-old son became the owner of an apartment for 70 million rubles. in the “bureaucratic nest” - a house in Sadovnicheskaya Street, where employees of the Moscow government and federal ministries received real estate according to an incomprehensible pattern.

Such is the movie. Rather drama than comedy.