Newbuilds in Moscow are one third higher

Sales of housing in Moscow started to grow.
For housing developers working in Moscow, the first quarter turned out to be successful: during this time 10.45 thousand equity contracts were registered, which is almost 36% more than in January-March 2016. The developers themselves, although they noticed the growth in sales of apartments in the capital's new buildings, are in no hurry to announce a full withdrawal from the crisis. They are concerned about the imbalance between demand and supply. In general, the situation in the country is not simple: in regional markets, sales volumes fell by 15%, and 11,6 million sq. M remain unsold. M of new housing.

According to the results of the first quarter of this year, 10.45 thousand equity participation agreements (DDUs) were registered in Moscow for housing construction, the Rosreestr administration reported. The main increase occurred in March: then, as specified in the department, registered 5.4 thousand DDU. The indicators of January - March of this year look better than the same period of 2016, when 6,6 thousand contracts were registered (for comparison: in the first quarter of 2015 this figure was 4,3 thousand). The developers themselves believe: the record indicators of March 2017 - the result of those transactions that began as early as the end of last year. Therefore, these data are not sufficiently informative to assess the real situation on the market, believes the head of the department of analytics and evaluation of the A101 Group Dmitry Tsvetov. Meanwhile, according to him, in the first quarter of this year, the sale of apartments in new buildings in A101 grew by 65%. Approximately the same growth (62%) was recorded in January-March this year in the "Metrium Group", in the GC MITS - by 51%.

If during the entire 2017 the volumes of registration of the DDU remain at least at the level of the first quarter, then the indicators of the current year may exceed the last year's volumes. In 2016, 49.3 thousand DDU were concluded in the capital, the amount of funds raised in the construction from the population reached 820 billion rubles, previously Moskomstroyinvest head Konstantin Timofeev informed.

However, not all developers positively assess the results of January - March 2017. "If we compare projects that were in the company's portfolio a year ago and are being sold now, then there is practically no increase in deals," says Pavel Bryzgalov, Director for Strategic Development of FGC Leader. In the first quarter, not so significant was the increase in supply - only 7.3%, adds managing partner of "Metrium Group" Maria Litinetskaya.

Meanwhile, the decrease in supply may be beneficial for developers in Moscow, where serious competition has developed in the market of new buildings. According to the head of the analytical center of the Est-a-Tet, Julia Sapor, the total supply for all classes of housing in Moscow, including the economy class and the comfort class, from the end of the first quarter of 2016 to the end of March this year was 18%. "From March 2015 to March 2017, the proposal in the mass segment has grown almost twofold," - said Mrs. Sapor. According to her, despite the lack of growth in household incomes, housing sales continue, as prices have become available. "In 2014, the volume of supply of apartments within the MKAD at a price of 4 million rubles was calculated by units of apartments, now the number of such offers has grown several times," says Yulia Sapor. Maria Litinetskaya emphasizes that the bulk of the demand falls on the mass segment, where up to 70% of equity contracts are concluded.

Rosreestr has not yet published statistics on prisoners DDU across the country, but it is now clear that sales of apartments in the primary market of other cities are noticeably behind. On Friday, the president of the National Association of Housing Developers and the owner of "Barkley" Leonid Kazinets at the All-Russia meeting on the development of housing construction said that now in Russia is built about 113 million square meters. M of housing, 11,6 million sq. M remain unsold. M. According to Mr. Kazinets, the volume of home sales by developers throughout the country fell by 15% - from 2.16 trillion to 1.83 trillion rubles, although the weighted average price of the offer also declined - apartments fell from 68 thousand to 62 thousand . rub. For 1 square. M.