The victim of VIP poachers was amnestied

Sentenced to three years probation for the detention of high-placed hunters, Alexander Dovydenko, a game manager from the Moscow region, is going to keep on fighting for the truth.
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Hunters Mosoblohotupravleniya Dovydenko Alexander of Dmitrov district, Moscow region, which after the scandal with the arrest of VIP-hunter himself was convicted of abuse of office, may fall under an amnesty announced by the State Duma. This is due to the fact that he was a party to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and his sentence does not exceed five years. Game manager himself told "Izvestia" that is not yet thinking about amnesty, because then he will lose the opportunity to prove his complete innocence.

Trouble Alexander Dovydenko began on February 6, 2010, when he learned that near the village Vysokovo in the Dmitrov district of Moscow region will be held illegal hunting elk. Officially hunt these animals could only until 31 December. He built there an ambush hunters and about 5 o'clock in the evening really heard the sound of gunfire. An hour out of the woods, left a group of hunters from 7-8 people on snowmobiles with sleds. The carts were killed moose carcasses. Hunters decided to detain poachers, but they tried to escape.

- To stop Mr.rushiteley, I made 10 shots in the air from his carbine, but none of the people whom I have not aiming - told "Izvestia" Alexander Dovydenko.

He still managed to keep a few poachers who, like himself Dovydenko claims were high MVD and "Gazprom". At first they tried to negotiate with him, but Dovydenko went on principle and said that in any case, will issue the materials on illegal hunting. After that, the VIP-hunters allegedly threatened him with an unpleasant experience. Dovydenko yet issued a statement, according to which it was a criminal case under Art. 258 of the Criminal Code ( "Illegal hunting").

Soon he became a game manager accused under Art. 286 of the Criminal Code ( "abuse of power"). As it turned out, a month after the ill-fated hunting the police asked the driver of a snowmobile, which pursued Dovydenko. The man claimed that the game manager for no apparent reason opened fire on him from the rifle, wounding him in the arm. The main piece of evidence was a bullet raked windshield snowmobile. game manager himself claimed that he was shot inzduh, and the driver was injured when he fell from the snowmobile.

The investigation determined that Dovydenko "could use service weapons only if there were circumstances, directly threatening his life and health, as well as the detention of individuals suspected of committing grave and especially grave crimes ...".

The very case of poaching virtually collapsed. Unemployed Vadim Shennikov took the blame, saying that it was he alone killed the moose, and happened to be there a man supposedly just helped him remove the carcass from the woods. He fully admitted his guilt and asked to hear his case in a special manner. The verdict of the court for poaching Shennikov received a fine of 20 thousand. Rubles.

The criminal case against Dovydenko long roamed the various offices and was the cause of the next intra-conflict between the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow region, do not let him move.

At the beginning of December 2013 the court found Dovydenko guilty of abuse of office and sentenced him to three years imprisonment. In the same period he receivedyl prohibition to hold positions in government. Dovydenko claims that VIP-poachers unmasked them exactly this and sought - to remove a principled and incorruptible hunters from Dmitrov district.

However Dovydenko can now count on an amnesty announced by the State Duma on the 20th anniversary of the Constitution. The verdict of the court, he received less than five years, in addition, before he took part in liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl accident. If Dovydenko be pardoned, it will affect only the conditional sentence and disadvantages associated with it - the need to report to the criminal inspection and obtain permission to travel from the Moscow region, restrictions on travel abroad and employment in state organizations, the inability to obtain loans. With regard to the ban for three years to hold office in the government, it can be removed only by court order.

Dovydenko himself is in no hurry to take advantage of the amnesty.

- If I get an amnesty, I will lose the right to prove in the court of his complete innocence. Now I have already filed a complaint against the verdict, etc.otomu I consider absurd accusations, and the case was registered - told "Izvestia" game manager Dovydenko.

Amnesty is a non-rehabilitating grounds for termination of the criminal prosecution.

- If a convicted person consents to an act of amnesty, then formally it does not lose the right to further appeal against the sentence, but in this case he has there weight restrictions, technical and legal difficulties - said "Izvestia" the chairman of the Bar "Vash legal attorney" Konstantin Trapaidze.