Ruslan Baysarov has not yet bought Stroygazkonsalting back

According to RBC, Ruslan Baisarov has not yet closed the deal to sell the controlling stake in one of the oldest "Gazprom" contractors, Stroygazkonsalting. However, the company may have been put for sale. 
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"Not really came out"

W June, the representative of a businessman Ruslan Baisarov reported that it increased its stake in "Stroygazkonsalting" from 30 to 74.1% by purchasing shares from the founder and majority shareholder Ziyad Manasira. This is confirmed by the representative of the contractor, and he said then Manasir RBC that "completely out of this business." RBC source close to one of the parties to the transaction, valued it at $ 5 billion.

Manasir ceded the presidency "Stroygazkonsaltinga" his deputy Michael Yakibchuk and Baysarov headed its board of directors.

Despite the fact that since it's been six months, the deal has not yet closed.

According to the register, Manasir still owns 57.46% of the contractor, and close Baysarov LLC "Vostokservis" increased its direct stake in the company slightly - from 14.5 to 16.64% (this company also holds stakes in the "daughter" of the company ). The remaining shares are distributed between the top managers of the company.

On Wednesday Manasir told RBC that he is no longer the controlling shareholder "Stroygazkonsaltinga" but "not yet completely emerged from the company." He hoped that withTree completed "soon", possibly this year. When the buyer is fully pay off with him, he will give him his share. About the further sale of the contractor he did not know.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service has not received an application for the purchase of shares in "Stroygazkonsalting", said customer service representative. At the same time the FAS approval was a prerequisite for the completion of the transaction, the representative said earlier Baysarov. On Wednesday, the representative of the controlled Baysarov Tuva Energy Industry Corporation (EPDM) could not clarify why such a request has not yet been sent and in what stage of the transaction. The representative of "Stroygazkonsaltinga" did not comment on it.

But, as it became known to RBC, the contractor's shareholders are looking for a new buyer. About the talks told RBC a source close to one of the pipe manufacturers. According to him, one of the contenders - Gazprombank. In the autumn began to appear on the negotiations with different customers, but the transaction does not occur, says a source close to "Stroygazkonsalting". "History with Gazprombank was the actb on in mid-November, it is now nothing is clear, "- he continues. A source close to Gazprombank, also heard that the construction company offered to the bank's shareholders to buy "Stroygazkonsalting", but negotiations quickly disappeared. The reasons he did not elaborate. EPDM representative argues that negotiations for the sale of the company is not conducted.

Gazprombank spokesman also denied the bank's participation in the negotiations.

The new shareholder, old problems

Earlier, sources told RBC that the main reason Manasira output of the construction business - a conflict with "Gazprom". He became a partner of the gas monopoly in the 1990s and until 2013 was one of the largest gospodryadchikov: according to Forbes, the businessman has received orders for more than 800 billion rubles. in 2008-2012. But then Manasira interests collided with the interests of the structures of Gennady Timchenko, engaged in infrastructure construction.

A year ago, Manasir even complained to the executive secretary of the Presidential Commission on Energy Igor Sechin to "Gazprom", arguing that the gas company delays payment and does notnew contracts. Due to the reduction in orders in 2013, revenue of the contractor fell 33% to 259.7 billion rubles. But in June Manasir told RBC that the sale of these problems are not related, and deal with gas monopoly "going well." However, since "Stroygazkonsalting" did not win any contract monopoly. Last time the contractor has received orders from "Gazprom" in July of 2013.

Compared with the "most obese" for years the volume of orders becomes smaller, holding revenues decreased recognizes representative "Stroygazkonsaltinga". But this also applies to other companies, she said. According to her, the contractor diversifies its business and is actively working on projects "Avtodor", the Federal Road Agency, the Government of Moscow. And to "Gazprom" still accounts for more than half of the contracts in 2014 (funding is designed for several years), she adds. Manasir said earlier that by "Gazprom" company in orders for 500 billion rubles, the entire portfolio -. More than 800 billion rubles. "Gazprom" representative did not respond to a request to RBC.

Projects Ruslan Baysarov

In 2003, the Moscow Oil and Gas Company (Gas Company) was registered, which Moscow has made a controlling stake in the Moscow Oil Refinery and the businessman Shalva Chigirinsky - oil fields. Chigirinsky Sibir Energy gained share in the Gas Company, and he became president. Vice-president of the company was appointed Ruslan Baysarov. In the summer of 2009, the oil holding tax violations discovered and opened a criminal case. Chigirinsky had gone abroad. Claims to the businessman and his company filed a lawsuit in London VTB, Sibir Energy and others. One of the lawsuits filed by Chigirinsky himself Baysarov.

"Vedomosti" wrote that Elena Baturina could sell its stake in Baysarov MNGK after failing to resolve differences with Chigirinsky, or simply bought the debt businessman Chigirinsky company, in which its share in Sibir Energy was founded. Package Chigirinsky - Baysarov company Sibir Energy bought "Gazprom Neft", valued at approximately $ 740 million for debt minus collateralized package for $ 525 million..

Yenisei Industrial Company

In summer 2011, Ruslan Baysarov together with businessman Igorm Altushkin bought from the bankrupt owner of International Industrial Bank Sergey Pugachev Yenisei Industrial Company (EPC), which owns the license to develop the giant coal deposit in Tuva, Elegest, with reserves of 950 million tons. According to unofficial information, the deal was worth $ 2.5 billion. Later, the company We discover the hidden debts amounting to more than 60 billion rubles. Baysarov in August 2012, said that because of this left the project and a 50% stake in the company, which he claimed, is again at the structures of Pugachev. In April 2014, the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tuva declared bankrupt YPC.

Russian Copper Company

In early 2013 Ruslan Baysarov came from the shareholders of the Russian Copper Company (RMK), transferring its share in 20% of the company Tempest PE Fund-1 (Cayman Islands), controlled by one of the Swiss investment funds, said the agency "Prime" official representative of the Russian Copper Company. Expand the scheme of the transaction he refused. Baysarov acquired 20% of RCC for more than $ 500 million in February 2011.


In the spring of 2013 he became the owner Ruslan Baysarov Elegest coal Monthstorozhdeniya in Tuva. The license for its development cost businessmen in 548 million rubles. Another 240 billion rubles. you need to spend on the launch field. He will have together with our partners to invest in the construction of mines, shift camp and Mining 44.4 billion rubles. (In prices of 2013 with VAT). You also need to build a railway line Elegest - Kyzyl -. Kuragino worth 195 billion rubles for the construction contractor has already been chosen Omsk company NPO "Mostovik".

That "Stroygazkonsalting" really need the money, RBC summer told a federal official close to the road construction. "Competition for the construction of the first stage of CRR in April, the company took by offering a very low price, - he said. - I want to see how it eventually will be built. " "Stroygazkonsalting" proposed to reduce the budget share from 52.4 billion to 42.1 billion rubles. Construction of the road began in late August.

Recently subcontractors "Stroygazkonsaltinga" filed dozens of lawsuits against the company in the amount of several thousand to several tens of millions of rubles (for example, "Yamalspetsavtomatka "- 51 million rubles).. On December 9, the company "Inzhgeoservis" filed a lawsuit on bankruptcy of the contractor, the site says the Moscow Arbitration Court. With the representative plaintiff could not be reached Wednesday, the representative of the contractor is not commenting. Summer "Inzhgeoservis" demanded "Stroygazkonsaltinga" 34.6 million rubles., Managed to seize only 190 thousand. Rub., And filed a new lawsuit by RUR 29.7 million in November. (Review is scheduled for December 19).

Baysarov himself appeared as a contractor to provide "Stroygazkonsalting" new order from Russian Railways. He needs to build a branch line Elegest - Kyzyl -. Kuragino 410 km long and cost 195 billion rubles, which will connect Elegestskoe coal deposit in Tuva with the railway network. It is not surprising that he needed a general contractor for the project, said earlier the manager of one of state-owned banks, participating in infrastructure projects. But perhaps these projects were not enough to compensate for the loss of "Gazprom" contracts, and in his tender to the contractor, even with the new owner has no place, suggests zamrukothe driver of the National Energy Security Fund Alexei Grivach.

At the same time, "Stroygazkonsaltinga" left a lot of special equipment necessary for the operation on gas projects that may be of interest to companies expanding activities in fulfillment of contracts, "Gazprom", such as "Stroygazmontazh" Arkady Rotenberg and "Stroytransgaz" Gennady Timchenko. But their representatives do not support the interest in the assets "Stroygazkonsaltinga".