Moscow primary housing market has a record volume of free housing

The market supply of primary housing in Moscow continues to grow at a record pace, reaching the highest level since the 2008 crisis, as wrote Vedomosti. In October, there were 291 building projects in Moscow between the Third Ring Road and MKAD.   
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Proposal primary residence in Moscow continues to grow at a record pace, reaching the highest level since the 2008 crisis, write "Vedomosti". In October, the capital of the territory between the TTC and the Moscow Ring Road recorded 291 housing buildings. As estimated by experts center "IRN Consulting" at the end of October in the regions of Moscow, bounded Third Ring and the Moscow Ring Road, there are 291 new building, for sale in which the exposed flats. Last registered about 22 thousand., Which is 5% more than in late September. Proportionally increased and the area of ​​apartments for sale - it is 1.46 million square meters. m, which is 4.6% more than a month earlier. Last time such a large volume of unredeemed housing in the primary market recorded in 2008.

This quantitative record for the erection of new buildings, established in 2005, remains unconquered. Then, in the capital of 368 buildings were constructed. Least of all high-rise developers put into operation in 2012 - 177 buildings, and then it started to grow. As the partner of "Metrium groups" Maria Litinetskaya, grew in 2013t was 17%, a year later - 24%, and last year as a result of the construction boom has increased the number of buildings constructed by 62%. Positive dynamics continues today. According to estimates Litinetskoy, sales have more housing than declare "IRN Consulting" - more than 2.1 million square feet. m.

Due to the dominance of supply over demand, the price of new apartments decreased slightly. Per month average cost per square meter decreased by 2% and is at the level of 197.5 thousand. Rubles. At the same time prices in New Moscow fell by 2.5%. The head of the analytical portal Oleg Repchenko notes builders have adapted to the crisis, and stepped up the pace of construction of buildings. A significant motivator were penalties for non-compliance of the declared terms.

But in Mosoblasti build become less. According to the deputy chairman of the regional government of the profile of German Elyanyushkina if erected to 10 million square meters in the pre-crisis years. m of living space, today this figure fell to 7.5 million square feet. m. Repchenko explains the trend shift in demand from the comfort class housing in the suburbs for apartments economy classand in the capital. Previously, the minimum price of such apartments accounting for 140 thousand. Rubles per square meter. m, today the threshold dropped to 100 thousand. rubles, which corresponds to a price near Moscow.