Gazprom has been banned to call itself "a national treasure"

The Head of FAS Igor Artemyev said that he secured the exclusion of the phrase "a national treasure" from the Gazprom slogan.
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In October, the official explained that the national treasure - people or the bowels, but not a state monopoly.

The Head of FAS Igor Artemyev said that the slogan of "national treasure" removed from "Gazprom" advertising, according to RNS agency. Artemyev told journalists that raised the issue at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and achieved the removal of these words from advertising, said the "Interfax".

In October Artemyev has already stated that a national treasure of Russia, probably, "are our people, our culture and even our bowels, it is unlikely OAO" Gazprom ". On Thursday, January 14 Artemyev repeated his argument by pointing out that property may be people and resources, but not "Gazprom", reports "Interfax".

"Gazprom" representative has not yet responded to a request to RBC. RNS Agency officer "Gazprom" reported that monopoly, "did not notice changes in their advertising."

Previously, a "national treasure" "Gazprom" was called as the representatives of the company, as well as high-ranking officials. In particular, the Chairman of the Board of "Gazprom" Alexeyth Miller said in 2012 that "Gazprom" - is a national treasure, and its role and place "were, are and will be significant."

A series of videos with the slogan "Gazprom" - a national treasure "has appeared on television in 2003, reports" Interfax ". Please clip out only on the NTV channel, part of holding "Gazprom-Media", but then he appeared at other leading channels. Later, a monopoly has also begun to use the phrase "Dreams Come True". According to the agency, it is now "Gazprom" talks in television commercials on gas pipeline "Power of Siberia".