"Rosneft" and Chinese CNPC (cm. Incision) agreed on joint exploration and production at gas fields in Eastern Siberia. The company's chairman, Igor Sechin, and Zhou Jiping signed a memorandum under which "Rosneft" will receive 51% of the joint venture, while CNPC - 49%.
Now the Russian gas to China is not delivered - 10 years "Gazprom" can not agree on a price, and of course for China to go to a more accommodating partner - "Rosneft", the director of East European Gas Analysis Mikhail Korchemkin.
The "Rosneft" is the autonomy and flexibility in decision-making - as opposed to "Gazprom" continues Korchemkin, and if "Rosneft" will achieve success in the Asia Pacific markets (Asia-Pacific), this trend may assign to it. China can become a springboard for the conquest of the Asia-Pacific markets, primarily Japan, South Korea and India, he said.
Also important is the price of the Chinese share in deposits, "Gazprom" has always been against it, reminds Konstantin Simonov, director of the National Energy Security Fund, and "Rosneft" is ready to start up in CNPC production, which allows them toSRW negotiate. So did, CNPC has agreed to sell 20% of "Yamal LNG" "Novatek".
Self-export gas to China, "Rosneft" will not be able - liberalization will affect only liquefied natural gas (LNG), a monopoly on the export of the pipes will be for "Gazprom". LNG plants is better to build from offshore fields, says the head of the department of oil and gas complex ERI RAS Tatiana Mitrova from Eastern Siberia can only supply pipeline. The issue of pipeline export "Rosneft" will sooner or later put, Simonov sure she leads such negotiations on Belarus, where an intergovernmental agreement on the supplier - the only "Gazprom".
Senior Analyst Energy Center Business School "Skolkovo" Maria Belova said that "Rosneft", having secured agreements with's CNPC, may ask for the right to export on a pipe only in China. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov insists that the liberalization of the gas export pipeline is not being discussed.
"In Russia there are two main markets for sales energorESOURCES - Europe and Asia, especially China. But the EU market growth prospects are minimal dependence on the growing Asia-Pacific market will inevitably increase. In order not to fall into complete dependence on China, you need to look for opportunities to deliver resources and other Asia-Pacific countries ", - the expert of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Vasily Kashin.
Dependence on China is dangerous because it will begin to dictate prices, seeking to reduce them, which threatens the financial losses of state companies and the budget and create a political risk analyst believes IFD "Kapital" Vitaly Kryukov. Dictatorship by China is possible in the case of access to the Chinese production, the director of the Analytical Center of MGIMO Andrei Kazantsev, so projects with them better to attract other companies. But there are also advantages of cooperation with Asia and China, he said: the global development of these markets will provide additional arguments in negotiations with the EU.
From fear of Chinese influence in the Far East Russia earlier feared to grant access to the Chinese capital to assets, but the relationship is changing: the situation in the European market and the arrival of new ConkWrentham forced to search for new gas markets, writes in a review of Wood MacKenzie, and China (the third market in the world - 170 billion cubic meters in 2013, with high growth potential.) - a good alternative to the EU. In Russia alone to cope with the development of gas resources in East Siberia will not - we need large-scale investment. To implement these projects, Russia will have to deepen ties with China continues to Wood MacKenzie, China's involvement in Russia's production will increase. But the risks are great cooperation with China, according to Wood MacKenzie: Beijing can boost the development of its own gas fields, which will reduce the need for Russian supplies.