In November, the Swiss prosecutor's office announced that a subsidiary of Siemens - Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery (SIT) - from 2004 to 2006, paying bribes, "a high-ranking executives of state-owned Russian company" to gain contracts to supply gas turbines for gas transportation projects in Yamal to Europe. Although the name of the state-owned company is not announced officially, it is likely to go on "Gazprom". SIT pleaded guilty and paid a fine in the Swiss budget, and the names of Russian bribes remained a secret.
We have audited the state of "Gazprom" contracts for the purchase of gas-pumping equipment within the same project, which was attended by the SIT. And we discovered fresh examples of strange transactions and payments on billions of rubles to address questionable offshore. The study of the companies involved in the scheme, led us to an old friend of President Vladimir Putin.
tax case March 11, 2013 Inspectorate for major taxpayers of the Perm region has attracted the company "Iskra-Turbogaz" to justice.alogoviki felt that the Perm company entered into in 2010-2011 questionable agency agreements with two offshore companies - Martinex Trade Corp (Belize) and Eurotransgaz Corporation LLP (United Kingdom) - under contracts with "Gazprom" for the supply of gas pumping units (GPU) for large-scale projects "Nord stream" and "Yamal - Europe".
The tax authority refused to recognize as part of "Iskra-Turbogaz" expenses paid in 2011 more than 2 billion rubles, an offshore company, believing that agency agreements were fictitious character, did not correspond to usual business practices and could not be implemented in reality. Representatives of "Iskra-Turbogaz" disagreed with the decision of the tax authorities, went to the court. At first instance, the company lost (only the court reduced the amount of the fine in favor of "Iskra-turbine gas"), but the Court of Appeal declared the decision illegal tax November 25, 2013. Point in this case put the court of cassation.
Simultaneously with the arbitration process is under investigation and criminal proceedings in the Perm region, excited based on tax Proveki. Moreover, as is well known "Novaya Gazeta", this story riveted attention of the central apparatus of the FSB, so there is a possibility that criminal proceedings can take to Moscow: in Perm is now partly resolved the fate of "great men of" Gazprom ".
offshore agents "Iskra-Turbogaz" LLC was founded in 2002 specifically for the implementation of the "Ural-Gazprom" for the manufacture and supply of the monopoly gas-pumping equipment. Today Perm company - the largest supplier of SBS for "Gazprom", its share in the supply of more than 50%, said General Manager of "Iskra-Turbogaz" Mikhail Sokolovsky.
Despite the fact that the "Iskra-Turbogaz" since its inception has been a leader in the industry, well-known to all market participants on September 8, 2010 Deputy Director Sergey Pancheha company has signed an agency agreement with a company from Belize Martinex Trade Corp. According to the agreement, Belize company, as an agent, should have found markets for "Spark-turbine gas", ie purchasers of its products to "Gazprom". Agent reward initially was 8% of the contracts, but directly on the day of signing of the agreement was adopted by an additional item, it increases the amount of remuneration to 19.5%. On the same day, September 8, 2010, Martinex Trade Corp has found a buyer for the "Spark-turbine gas." They became Company "Center of industrial supplies and equipment" ( "TsPSiK"). In December 2010, Martinex Trade Corp found another client - Moscow company "Trading house" Neftehimmash ". Through these two companies (to whom we shall return below) in 2011 was delivered 47 gas-pumping "Gazprom" units for gas pipelines "North Stream" and "Yamal - Europe".
It would be logical to assume that the new markets in the face of these two companies, found an agent, should have been unknown to the principal ( "Spark-turbine gas"). However, the tax authorities have found, the "Iskra-Turbogaz" long before the signing of an agency agreement were established dealer relationships and "TsPSiK" and "Trade House" Neftehimmash ". In addition, in the case there is a letter from "Iskra-turbine gas", which affirms the right of "; TsPSiK "and" "Neftehimmash Trading House" to negotiate with "Gazprom bundle" (centralized purchaser of equipment for "Gazprom") for the supply of gas pumping units.
What sense to hire someone to look for what you've got already? "It is as if you went to a lifetime in the same shop for groceries, and some day you approached a stranger on the street and asked for you to find another store. And then would lead to where you all my life and went, and still would require money for their services ", - the source of infestation" Novaya Gazeta ", familiar with the case.
What has confused the tax authorities? During the inspection it was found out that the date of the conclusion of the agency agreement coincided with the date of registration agent: Martinex Trade Corp was founded in Belize on the same day - September 8, 2010. Thus, the agent was only a couple of hours trying to conduct a study on the Russian market of gas-pumping equipment, to find a buyer and to conclude a contract with him.
Deputy Director of "Iskra-Turbogaz" Sergei Pancheha in his testimonyOVOR he did not know where the agent has been registered; company Martinex Trade Corp on the good faith and no one checked. Pancheha explained that in June 2010 at an exhibition in Moscow, met a young man, a citizen of Latvia, who introduced Cyril Pestunov. Pestun said that can provide services to find buyers of products "Iskra-turbine gas." In August of the same Pestun called on the office phone and I called Martinex Trade Corp representative and offered to conclude an agency agreement. And at the end of August in the "Spark-Turbogaz" project came to an agency agreement signed by a citizen of Seychelles Rhone Odette Genevieve Magnan. And after examining the agreement as Pancheha it said it was signed.
In testimony Panchehi, if we take them for granted, there are two objective contradictions: first, it is unlikely in the "Iskra-Turbogaz 'office could come in August signed a draft agreement on Martinex Trade Corp, because at that time the company has not even was registered; secondly, the tax made a request to the Federal Migration Service and found that a Latvian citizen Kirill Pestun did not cross the borderRussia and therefore was unlikely to meet with someone in the exhibition in June 2010.
In addition, "Iskra-Turbogaz" to prove to banks under agency agreements, payments, submit reports that on behalf Martinex Trade Corp signed a certain Sergei Bulygin proxy. Tax tracked Bulygin, and he told them that in 2010, vacationing in Montenegro, where he met with British citizen Robert. Robert offered him $ 500 a month to sign the reports on the work done on behalf Martinex Trade Corp. And what exactly does this firm Bulygin does not know and has no its activities in any way.
In March 2011, "Iskra-Turbogaz" and Martinex Trade Corp signed an agreement to replace the agent. He since has become a British firm Eurotransgaz Corporation LLP. This company (which is owned by two companies from Belize - the same Martinex Trade Corp and Corotex Solutions Ltd, and manage citizens of the Seychelles) and was later the whole amount of the agency fee. According to the received "Novaya Gazeta," the audit report Eurotransgaz Corporation LLP, in 2011, "Iskra-Turbogaz" transferred Mr.through the British company in one of the Latvian banks $ 72.8 million, which is more than 2 billion rubles. The same amount up to a penny coincides with a turnover Eurotransgaz Corporation LLP, which proves that no other economic activities, except for receipt of the agency fee, the British company was not engaged during this period.
And it seems unlikely anything will do more. December 3, 2013 the registrar of British companies issued instructions Eurotransgaz Corporation LLP: the authorities suspect that the company does not conduct any activity not engaged in business, and, unless the contrary is proved, the power of her liquidate. It is unlikely that those who have received more than 2 billion rubles for the intermediary in the supply of SBS "Gazprom" will resist this ...
Michael Sokolowski, Director General of "Iskra-Turbogaz" questions of "Novaya Gazeta" essentially did not answer and only pointed out that the Court of Appeal acknowledged the decision of the tax illegal.
"Gazprom" representative said that the lawsuit they know only from the media and "concerns only economic entities without affecting the interests of OAAbout "Gazprom".
People from "Gazprom" Among the owners of "Iskra-Turbogaz" "Novaya Gazeta" found "Gazprom's" people (owners of the company, we studied only at a time when the agency signed agreements and paid the money for it). The largest shares in the company owned the Permian defense enterprise NPO "Iskra" and Sumy. Frunze (included in the holding "Power standard" Konstantin Grigorishin businessman).
A significant share in the "Iskra-Turbogaz" also owned Danish company Eurotransgaz Scandinavian Holding, which is owned in turn, the structure of Malaysia (Alvarex Corporation). From 2009 to the end of 2011. President Eurotransgaz Scandinavian Holding was Bogdan Budzulyak. Budzulyak worked in "Gazprom" structures for a long time, and in 2001-2008 was a member of the board and headed the Department of Transportation, Underground Storage and Utilization.
In 2008 Budzulyak left "Gazprom", but the relationship with the principal functionaries of monopoly, seems to be kept up to date. Budzulyak headed nekomme Councilrcheskogo Partnership "Association of gas and oil systems builders." The same advice also includes well-known managers of "Gazprom" - Jaroslav Golko, Head of the Investment and Construction and member of board of monopoly; Dmitry Doev, the head of "Gazprom Tsentrremont".
In addition, it Budzulyak headed the board of directors of "Iskra-Turbogaz" at a time when the agency concluded agreements and carried out payments on them. In that position, Budzulyak could know the ultimate beneficiaries of offshore companies that received billions of rubles for mediation in "Gazprom" supply of equipment. However, to answer our questions, he refused and advised to apply to the current Board of Directors of "Iskra-turbine gas", without explaining at the same time, why they should be responsible for the transactions made during the period of his leadership.
President of Friends Moscow company "TsPSiK" and "Trade House" Neftehimmash "found offshore agent in 2010, is still supplying gas-pumping equipment," Gazprom. " According podschEtam "Novaya Gazeta", in 2013 they won the tenders of the gas monopoly at the total amount of 8.9 billion rubles. At the same time, judging by their financial statements, the two companies are also typical resellers that do not have significant assets (buildings, equipment, machinery). Due to this they were able to conquer the market of "Gazprom"?
"TsPSiK" fifth year has been supplying various gas-pumping equipment, including enterprise group "Gazprom", - says Director General of "TsPSiK" Svetlana Yamshikova. - "Gazprom" Tenders openly and publicly, wins the one who offers the conditions most suitable to the customer (by maturity, by binding equipment, to unify with other units). An important factor is the availability of sufficient financial resources for advancing the production of various components of the gas pumping units - "Gazprom", as it is known, after paying quite a considerable time after the delivery of the equipment to the site. " As noted Yamshikova, her company is not onervyh roles among the winners of tenders.
"Gazprom" representative, in turn, said that the state-owned company provides equal conditions for all bidders, and the need for intermediaries due to the fact that "gas pumping unit - complex large-sized multiblock device that is not entirely made in any of the manufacturers. The problem of organization, which goes to tender is to select the best technical solution, to conclude contracts with the factories that produce blocks for the assembly, optimize pricing decision, logistics. "
In 2013, the "Gazprom" there is another supplier of gas-pumping equipment. He was a young company "Spetsgazagregat", founded in 2012. "Novaya Gazeta" found that all three vendors - "TsPSiK", "Trading House" Neftehimmash "and" Spetsgazagregat "- have much in common, despite the fact that they are constantly competing with each other for the right to supply equipment to" Gazprom ".
Firstly, the general director of "Spetsgazagregata" Paled Volynets also worked in the "Trade House" Neftehimmash ".
Second, all of the directors of the three companies - Svetlana Yamshikova ( "TsPSiK"), Elena Nazarova ( "Trading House" Neftehimmash ") and Pavel Volynets (" Spetsgazagregat ") - until recently and over the years worked simultaneously in one and the same place - the representation of financial and industrial holding (FPH) "Gazkomplektservis Ltd".
How are independent companies to win tenders for the supply of gas-pumping equipment, if they are working at the same time the same people, and they are managed by former colleagues and come from one of the holding?
Svetlana Yamshikova insists that the market is competitive, and the assumption of "Novaya Gazeta" that its members act in the interests of some people, "are not baseless." "We know the major market players, but that does not prevent us from being competitive and protect the business interests of its shareholders", - says Yamshikova.
Since it agrees and Pavel Volynets: "The market is fairly competitivefirst, the main criterion for selection - quality and price. Everything passes through tenders, who gave the customer - he wins. " Volynets said that his company - "Spetsgazagregat" - does not act as a united front with the "TsPSiK" and "Trade" Neftehimmash 'home and compete with them for the right to supply equipment.
As for FPH "Gazkomplektservis Co., Ltd.", the "I would not call this organization a loud word" holding "Yamshikova explains. "At one time, FPH" Gazkomplektservis Ltd "renders consulting services organizations, including the gas compressor product line and petrochemical industries, worked there competent specialists" - says Yamshikova. In 2010, she says, holding management decided to complete the operation on the territory of Russia, as announced to all employees. "Everyone started looking for their place in life. Perhaps someone else has organized companies that carry out commercial activities. "
"Gazprom" representative said that the FPH "Gazkomplektservis Ltd." unknown to them, in the tenderx Holding did not participate, and the contractual relationship with the gas monopoly has not.
Over 7 years, until 2010, an office FPH "Gazkomplektservis Co., Ltd.", the source of all of interest to us today, Director of companies, led by Paul Balsky. Balsky has long been close to the influential brothers Rotenberg, Putin's friends and major suppliers of "Gazprom". It is part of the board of directors of the bank owned by Rothenberg "Northern Sea Route", and served as Vice President of HC "Dynamo", which is headed by Arkady Rotenberg. In addition, Balsky directs the National Union of Judo Veterans, where Arkady Rotenberg presides over the high council (for a while FPH "Gazkomplektservis Ltd." Union address and even the same).
Svetlana Yamshikova of "TsPSiK" confirmed to us that Balsky headed the office of the holding, but the brothers Rothenberg it is not familiar.
Apart from Rotenberg Balskogo businesses, there are many other intersections with FPH "Gazkomplektservis Ltd". After holding ceased its activities on the territorys Russia, some of its key staff have gone to work in the "Stroygazmontazh" (a major contractor of "Gazprom", also controlled by Rotenberg). For example, in FPH "Gazkomplektservis Ltd" worked Irina and Andrei Vorobyov Zubkov. Both now work in "Stroygazmontazh": the first - the Director of Corporate Governance, the second - the head of the general director of the unit.
In addition, many employees FPH "Gazkomplektservis Ltd." is on the board of directors of companies belonging to Rothenberg.
Does all these intersections, the brothers Rothenberg could have some relation to the FPH "Gazkomplektservis Co., Ltd." and the company, founded by former employees of the holding? Arkady Rotenberg did not respond to this and other questions of "Novaya Gazeta".
Paul explained Balsky "Novaya Gazeta that we investigated companies and their directors are unknown to him:" For many years, as a representation of FPH "Gazkomplektservis" in Russia, the head of which I was to be closed. No joint businesses and projects with these people and I had no idea. "
