The Bilalov brothers are waiting for amnesty

The former top managers of "Resorts of the North Caucasus" can be pardoned by the court.
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Declared State Duma deputies amnesty to mark the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution may be affected and the former top managers of OJSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus" brothers Akhmed and Magomed Bilalova, as well as the general director of JSC "Krasnaya Polyana" Stanislav Khatskevich who are accused or suspects in criminal cases, excited at h. 1 tbsp. 201 of the Criminal Code ( "abuse of power"). Under the amnesty only gets limited number of defendants in the art. 201, but experts believe that the brothers and Bilalova Hatckevich can be forgiven by the court due to the mild sanctions under this article.

According to the amnesty announced by the State Duma, it will affect how people already convicted and are currently being investigated. In the list of items covered by the amnesty, there including 201 of the Criminal Code. However, a pardon can only get a certain category of people. It is sentenced to imprisonment for up to five years and previously served a sentence, pregnant women and those who already have a dependent minor children, women over 55, men over 60 years, people who tookOften in the aftermath of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, military personnel, police officers, members of the FSIN or persons who participated in the fighting or in actions to defend the Fatherland and the disabled groups I and II.

Experts say directly former executives of OJSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus" Amnesty does not affect, but they may fall under it.

- Part 1 of Art. 201 of the Criminal Code falls under the amnesty, but it affects the category of persons listed in paragraphs 1-7. Even if a person does not go to these criteria, it can get amnesty through the courts. The fact is that the sanctions on the charges do not exceed four years, so the court should make a decision on amnesty - said "Izvestia" lawyer Vladimir foal.

Defender explained that the jurisprudence shows that under Art. 201 of the Criminal Courts in Russia endure even more lenient sentences. So, February 19, 2013 Former Chairman of the International Development Bank (IDB) Rustam Klebleev was found guilty of abuse of power and sentenced to two years inColony-settlement.

Bilalova representatives and defenders Khatskevich refused to comment on the "News" the possibility of an amnesty him.

According to the publication, Bilalova brothers are still in Europe and is not planning to return to Russia. Earlier, sources of "Izvestia" reported that Bilalova, despite their status as suspects in a criminal case, to appear at social events in the capital.

Ahmed Bilalov in the UK, settling with his family in a house near London, located within walking distance from Boris Berezovsky's mansion. Earlier, speaking to "Izvestia", he said that there passes treatment. Magomed Bilalov, according to sources, also settled in England.

Despite the fact that earlier in the Interior Ministry declared Bilalova run ads in the federal and then an international arrest warrant, any official statements on the subject of the security forces have not yet been reported.

With regard Khatskevich, in September of this year he was released from jail Tver court and transferred to house arrest. According to some reportsIt happened after he testified against his former partners.

The Investigation Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs April 10, 2013 filed against Ahmed Bilalova criminal case under Part. 1, Art. 201 of the Criminal Code ( "abuse of power"). This happened after an extensive audit of the Prosecutor General, Rosfinnadzor, the Interior Ministry and the FSB, who figured out how to JSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus" (CSC) and its leaders have spent money to create the North Caucasus tourism cluster and sanatorium sphere. According to investigators, Ahmed Bilalov unnecessarily expended state-owned funds for their trip. KSK costs for the maintenance of the unit in 2012, 1.3 times higher than the cost of its investment activities.

According to the Prosecutor General's Office, Bilalov spent tens of millions of rubles on charter flights to Europe, and to move from the hotel to the airport in the UAE ex-head of the CSC used a helicopter. Bilalov also spent 2.5 million rubles for accommodation in London during the Olympic Games and another 800 thousand -. Transportation. Prosecutor General's Office also found that in 2012 Bilalov spent 600 thousand. Rubles for the trip to the USBut on this voyage report in the documents found on the company.

The auditors found other violations. Thus, KSK and JSC "National Business Development Bank" at the end of 2011 without prior approval of the CSC Board of Directors entered into a contract of bank account. Thus 34.26% of the bank shares at the time belonged to the brother of Ahmed Bilalova. CSC placed in the bank for seven contracts bank deposit of more than 2 billion rubles. Similar violations were found in the contracts for the shooting of the film cost about 74 million rubles.

Magomed Bilalov Hatckevich and caught the eye of the Interior Ministry in the spring, after the Krasnodar branch of Sberbank of Russia appealed to the Interior Ministry a statement and investigation of the criminal case launched under the article "Abuse of authority" of fraudulent bank loans to 45.5 million rubles.

According to investigators, rather than investing in construction CEO "Krasnaya Polyana" Stanislav Hatckevich and CFO of the company Elena Rayterer placed the money in local business development bank, owned by Magomed Bilalova and then got them through AffileRowan with Bilalov organization back in the form of loans, but under a different percentage.

As a result, the difference in percentage, according to the investigation, from May 2011 till September 2012 the management of "Krasnaya Polyana" illegally received 45.5 million rubles. Victims in the case of steel JSC "Krasnaya Polyana", Sberbank of Russia and the State Committee, "State Property Fund of Krasnodar region."