Several colleagues and partners of Chubais left Russia

Member of the Forbes list, the former economy minister and ex-head of E4 Group...Fearing prosecution from the Russian government, five top managers, who at various times were been associated with Rosnano and Anatoly Chubais, left the country. 
Origin source
As clarified by RBC, with the beginning of July, when the house arrest was put Leonid Melamed, left Russia several top managers of "Rosnano" - both former and current.

Dmitry Zhurba, former CFO of RAO "UES" and a longtime partner of the former general director of "Rosnano" Leonid Melamed, left Russia for Britain. In Europe, there is another person involved in the case Melamed, Andrei Malyshev, former deputy chairman of "Rosnano" and the former head of "E4 Group", several sources told RBC Melamed from the environment and Chubais.

In one of the countries of the former socialist bloc in Eastern Europe moved Urinson James - Member of the Board "Rosnano" and the Development Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs, confirmed RBC four interlocutor working with Urinson. Left Russia Andrei Rappoport, formerly first deputy chairman of "Rosnano", now - president of the Business School "Skolkovo".

Director of innovation development in the "Rosnano" Yuri Udaltsov is in the European mission. RBC sources doubt it will soon return to RosUIS.

All of them are afraid of prosecution, RBC reported more than five different sources close to "Rosnano".

"They push people. I like the courage of our government, which says: "Do not like it - get out." Well, we umotala, and what do you say to someone stay? "- Says the source correspondent of RBC, one of the businessmen who have worked with the State Corporation" Rosnano "Anatoly Chubais. The conversation takes place at the beach cafe in the country located in Central Europe.

So it goes

Accounting Chamber in early 2013 conducted an audit of "Rosnano" (the full text of the final report is in the possession of RBC). According to the revealed facts in 2013-2014 Prosecutor General's Office filed four criminal cases for a number of articles of the Criminal Code (abuse of power, fraud, etc.), it follows from the report of the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Alexander Buksman aimed at a State Duma deputy Oksana Dmitrieva name in August 2014 of the year.

Dmitriev was one of the initiators of verification "Rosnano" and leaked from the testing of criminal cases. "Report of the Accounting Chamber of Gramspot made it a good evidence base. There are different degrees of inefficient use, misappropriation of budget funds - sometimes 10%, sometimes 20%. In the case of "Rosnano" is close to 100% ", - told RBC Dmitrieva.

As told RBC sources familiar with the investigation or close to "Rosnano" and personally Chubais, until 2015 all criminal cases related to the "Rosnano", walked in a slow mode. Defendants in criminal cases "is not particularly bothered," "no concerns about the likely publicity and arrests, was not", said one of the employees of the state corporation. By late spring - early summer 2015 "everything began to move," says another source of RBC familiar with the investigative measures.

Since July 1, when investigators arrested the former head of "RUSNANO" (at the time of his work called the corporation "Nanotechnologies") Leonid Melamed, persons involved in criminal cases previously institutions have started to leave Russia.

Case Melamed

On Friday, July 3, the Basmanny Court of Moscow sent under house arrest for two months, ex-chairman of the Management Boardof State Corporation "Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies" (from the end of 2010 - JSC "RUSNANO"), and now General Director of HC "Composite" Leonid Melamed, who was detained two days earlier.

According to law enforcement, in 2008 and 2009, Melamed, as well as being co-owner of Investment and Financial Corporation "Alemar" (JSC "IFC" Alemar "), entered into a contract for the provision of advisory services between the State Corporation and IFC, and under the guise of consulting services in six months "proteges" Melamed - Andrei Malyshev and Svyatoslav drooping - illegally transferred funds allocated to the corporation from the state budget, as a material contribution.

The work was carried out employees of "Alemar", it was the responsibility of the most "Rosnano", according to investigators. And the use of third party services on a reimbursable basis, for the same purposes contrary to the law. "Melamed has created all the conditions for budgetary funds have been listed in a company controlled by him, thus securing a so-called golden parachute severance", - said the representative of the TFR VladimirDimir Markin TASS.

Leonid Melamed during the court session on July 3, insisted in vain that the investigation said Malyshev and Ponurova under its control. According to Melamed, neither he nor Malyshev nor drooping could not initiate the signing of the contract, which is imputed to them as stolen. "At that time I was not working in the corporation, it was not the level of Malyshev or Ponurova", - he said then Melamed.

According to investigators, Melamed originally came to "Rosnano" to steal, then went out, stole the money by an organized group, but this is nonsense, the source said RBC. "Ponurova Melamed in his time with the scandal expelled from" Alemar ", and with them Malyshev, of course, my friends, but not close friends. So it is understandable that everything is going

Dmitry Zhurba and Andrey Malyshev

Dmitry Zhurba, a longtime friend and business partner Melamed, moved to the UK in early July, told RBC two sources from the environment of ex-head of the state corporation. Andrei Malyshev, who worked in the "Rosnano" from 2007 to 2012 in senior positions, also in Europe, where the left for notHow many weeks before his arrest Melamed.

July 2, that is, the day after the arrest of the former head of "RUSNANO", it became known that Zhurba involved in the case as a witness Melamed. RBC source in the company "Composite" (Now Melamed and Zhurba work in this company) reported that on the day in the office were searched, Zhurba was at work - he seized telephones, computers and other equipment, and has since Zhurba in the company did not show up. His mobile phone is switched off.

Malyshev as drooping (cm. Incision above), on the same criminal case takes place as a suspect. However, in contrast to the same Ponurova, who was arrested Basmanny court and is in jail, the former deputy chairman of "Rosnano" went abroad before his arrest Melamed. This earlier told RBC lawyer Olga Malysheva Kozyrev. According to her, her client at the beginning of July has been made an urgent operation, and the documents were sent to the UK.

"How long will the rehabilitation period and how my client will still be abroad - will be decided by medicallym indications ", - she noted. The location and diagnosis of the defendant did not specify Kozyrev. A source close to "Rosnano", told RBC that the baby is in one of the countries of Central Europe. His phone is off.

Jacob Urinson

Jacob went Urinson July 21, one of the countries of the former socialist bloc in Eastern Europe, RBC reported three sources close to the leadership of "Rosnano". Phone Urinson at the time of writing the material was turned off. "Jacob Urinson is in a planned vacation", - assured the correspondent of RBC in the press-service of "RUSNANO".

In 1997-1998 Urinson was minister of economy of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government. In the past, he is the most senior of the entire group of disgraced managers. Since 1998 Urinson worked in RAO "UES", and was deputy director and board member of the "Nanotechnologies" from 2008 to 2011.

Urinson mentioned in one of four cases involving expenditure of budgetary funds, RBC reported two sources familiar with the investigation. RBC The parties suggest that this is a criminal case mIt ozhet be related to the activity of the company "Microbor Nanotech". According to the Attorney General, CJSC "Microbor Nanotech" brought abroad more than 65 million rubles., The state corporation dedicated to the development of the nanotechnology industry in Russia and did not take steps to return these funds. According to the letter Buksman Dmitrieva, the facts relating to the activities of "Microbor Nanotech", a criminal case under Article 193 (evasion of duties for cash repatriation).

Andrey Rappoport

Andrey Rappoport, President of the "Skolkovo" School, also left the country in the near future no plans to return, told RBC several sources close to the businessman. The press service of the Business School "Skolkovo" in the absence of the president of Russia explained the planned vacation.

In 2011, Rappaport was "Rosnano" the first vice-president. Businessman is among the hundred richest businessmen in Forbes ranking, occupying the 80th position with a fortune of $ 1.1 billion The main asset Rappoport -. Ruspetro oil and gas company.

Rappoport is a witness to one of the criminal cases of abuseh "Rosnano", RBC reported two sources informed with the progress of the investigation. "He was summoned for questioning several times after his arrest Melamed," - said RBC a source familiar with the case. This is a case related to the activities of "Liotech," he said.

In 2009, two years before Rappoport appointment to the post of deputy chairman, in "Nanotechnologies" we have decided to participate in the project of Thunder Sky Russian Pant on the organization of Russia's first modern production of lithium-ion batteries together with Chinese partners - the holding company Thunder Sky Group Limited, registered in the British Virgin islands, to the report of the Accounting Chamber.

As stated in the audit report, even before the start of the project the expert scientific and technical council of "Rosnano" Michael Strikhanov pointed out that the project documents are no data on whether the material of which will be manufactured batteries, nanomaterials. Strikhanov pointed out that the Chinese company can become a monopolist on the Russian market, and customers for future production in the civil sector is not likely to be found, andsingle market for China will be.

However, the agreement was signed, and "Nanotechnologies" and Thunder Sky Group Limited set up a new company - "Liotech" LLC. Thunder Sky Group Limited increased its share capital, the company transferred the license, which is the part of the cost was estimated at 640 million rubles., Follows from the report of the Accounting Chamber. Based on the findings of the auditors, General Prosecutor's Office in the summer of 2013 opened a criminal case involving the abuse of power that led to the termination of the right to use a license from the Chinese company cost "of about 500 million rubles.".

The main suspect in the case "Liotech" was the company's CEO Alexander Erokhin, tell two RBC source. It clarifies one of them, Erokhin also faced charges under article "Fraud": according to the investigation, he transferred to the Chinese side over 1.5 billion rubles. It means "Rosnano", although he had no right to do so. A year ago, Erokhin died. However, the case has not been closed - it turned into a "sleep" mode, and in July 2015 received a new impetus, said one of the RBC sources familiar with the course of the investigationand I.

Yuri Udaltsov

Udaltsov, who since 2009 has been working as director of innovation development in the "Rosnano", told RBC that is currently abroad on a business trip and will return to Moscow "to the end of the week." He emphasized that left the country to work on a question refused to answer.

"As far as I know, Udaltsov went to Dresden, a factory for the production of Plastic Logic tablets [the company mentioned in the report of the Accounting Chamber] in a planned business trip", - assured the RBC board member of "Rosnano" Andrei Trapeznikov. However, according to RBC two sources close to the leadership of "Rosnano", evening of July 20 Udaltsov went to Germany for fear of criminal prosecution, and unlikely to return soon.

Udaltsov from 1996 to 2000 was the director of the Moscow representative office of consulting corporation "Karana Corporation," the site says "Rosnano". From 2000 to 2002 he was general director of LLC "Kara" in which representation was transformed. The main activity of the company - counseleds on business and management (on SPARK-Interfax). Its parent company structure - Corana Corporation, registered in the United States, Miami.

The fact that the Prosecutor General's Office claims to have "the Qur'an", was also aware of the response Buksman Dmitrieva. It said that in favor of "Kara" and "Alemar", affiliated with the officials of "Rosnano" state corporation illegally transferred 300 million rubles. for the work that was due to perform on their own. General Prosecutor's Office instituted criminal proceedings under Part. 4 Art. 160 (misappropriation and embezzlement), and h. 3 tbsp. 285 (abuse of power). Given that the amount of the contract concluded between the "Alemar" and "Rosnano", was slightly more than 220 mln., A contract with the state corporation "Karan" could be worth about 80 million rubles.

A source close to "Rosnano", said that "the Qur'an" at one time worked with the oil organizations and the US subsidiary made an industry record for one of the US Department, who was not in favor of the head of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin. "And then - so beatschno! - "Kara" was lit in on the "Rosnano" in the report of the Accounting Chamber "files, - says one of the interlocutors RBC. He said that at the time of conclusion of the contract between "Karan" and "Rosnano" Udaltsov had no relation to the consulting company, but "very few people care about."

For what?

Two sources close to the leadership of "Rosnano", telling that the start of the attack on Chubais partners has been given about a week before his arrest Melamed. He never for all time the existence of criminal proceedings is not questioned, told two friends Melamed, but suddenly summoned to the Investigative Committee for four days before his arrest. When investigators learned that day Melamed can not he come to them (his lawyer was engaged in another process in the suburbs), continues to one of the interlocutors, to his group of operatives raided and arrested.

One of the reasons why the investigation has intensified, according to three RBC interlocutor related to "Rosnano", Chubais was the participation in the public debate with the opposition leader Alexei Navalny. forcesHovik had views of the Chubais group, because it Medijno winning and a ready-made business, and after the debate with Navalny in the air, "Rain" (24 June, that is, a week before his arrest Melamed) Chubais people simply ceased to defend the Kremlin, says one of them.

Two sources from the environment Melamed said that Chubais in the day of judgment as a preventive former partner contacted the head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov. The result of this conversation, they suggest a preventive measure has been easing Melamed - from detention in jail to house arrest.

Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told RBC that the police did not inform the President about plans to arrest Melamed. "They do not need to coordinate this information with the President", - said Peskov.

Anatoly Chubais said RBC. The press service of the Investigative Committee were not able to promptly provide comment.