Chubais failed with the property development and elite dentistry

OOO Strategy created by Anatoly Chubais stopped the construction of a cottage settlement with the working title Iksha Land and is suing the contractors.
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How do I find "News", a project for the construction of a cottage settlement, which began almost two years ago, Anatoly Chubais controlled company "Strategy", stuck in the courts at the design stage. The company terminated the contract with the developer and the project documentation is suing in order to return the paid 7 million rubles for the work performed. Participants litigation and third-party experts are inclined to believe that it was decided to freeze the project. In addition, as claimed offended Contractors, Chubais, the company planned to create a network of elite dental clinics in Moscow, but also abandoned the project. The data confirm the interest Chubais USRLE to dentistry.

Chubais representatives changed their minds in the summer of 2013

It should be emphasized, that Anatoly Chubais conveyed through the press service, that has no relation to the company's "strategy" - despite the fact that this company was founded by him in 2011, was originally called "Development Capital" and until 2012 owned 100% personally Chubais. In 2013, he also informed the "News" (see. Text "Anatoly Chubais turned their land in the Moscow regionSwitzerland "), which plans to build a settlement on the site belonging to him. Then and now more than 99% of the "Strategy", which manages 6.8 hectares of land in the Mytishchi district of Moscow region, the company belongs to the Swiss SFO Consept AG. In "Rosnano" previously confirmed that the SFO Consept belongs Chubais, a "Development Capital" - his private independent project, but whether he has sold to date share of the SFO, who - clarify refused. Head of the SFO Consept, according to the corporate registry of the Swiss canton of Zug, still appears Ilya Suchkov, the brother of longtime friend Igor Suchkov Chubais.

To master station in the Mytishchi district on the banks of the reservoir Ikshinskoe (Fedoskino rural settlement near the village of Protasovo), in April 2013. "Strategy" hired LLC "Aykad" as tehzakazchika and designer, the materials of the trial between the two companies.

- The total built-up area should be 30 thousand sq. M. m. This village townhouses. The project is a high-density development - a requirement of the customer. So, apparently, would be sold to thon the prices closer to the economy class, - said Larisa Georgieva, director of "Aykad" projects.

According to the content of the work "Aykad" that the company showed "Izvestia", all planned to build three dozen houses with 185 apartments ranging from 110 to 170 square meters. m. The project included a seasonal cafe with a barbecue area, playground and landscaped beach.

At the end of December last year, "Strategy" has filed a lawsuit against "Aykada" demanding the return of 7 million from 8.5 million rubles, listed in the first stages of the contract. In general, the contract was estimated at 29 million rubles, "Aykad" took over the functions of tehzakazchika, that is a large inventory of pre-work, in particular the organization of the development of architectural designs of houses, geological and engineering and environmental studies, the acquisition of technical conditions for connection to networks , the organization of the development of project documentation, etc. The lawsuit "Strategies" (a copy is in "Izvestia") stated that these results did not meet the requirements of the customer - not with the alleged power supplytvetstvuet terms of reference (TU produced 300 kW instead of 650 kW), does not hold the environmental justification of sewage outfalls, the diagrams and drawings are no artists signature and the date, and so on. In turn, "Aykad" in January filed a counterclaim, demanding, on the contrary, to pay another 1.4 million rubles for the work performed.

As follows from the court's records, on August 8 last year "Strategy" the letter stated that it is necessary to suspend the work on the contract. A November 18 Project Office was notified of the unilateral termination of the contract.

- It was the summer of 2013. Everyone started to suddenly slow down for unknown reasons. The customer began to write, what not to do anything. The "Strategy" changed three or four CEOs. We gave them all the sketches and sent by mail with acknowledgment, because they refused to take the job - says CEO and owner of "Aykad" Boris Cherniak. - I first called with the offer to disperse peacefully. I say, I have a small company, we need to get paid for their work, they have ceased to respond to ZVONKI. Then the pressure started and the courts.

Meanwhile, the site is moving under water

Indeed, according to the data base of "Spark", last year in the "Strategy" held a series of personnel changes. So, August 19, 2013 left his post Hazipov Rustam, who served as general director since October 2012. He was replaced by Sergei girdle, who worked for just over a month. Previously, he was a member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Lubyanka Development" (structure, controlled by AFK "System", manages the building department store "Children's World"). October 29th position Kushakova took Alexander Lvov, which has already released 2 December the director's chair for Irina Pogosova. Poghosova now heads another Russian "daughter» SFO Consept AG - OOO "Siberian Federal District Capital" (established in April 2014, specialized in a broad, from consulting and investment to the rental of musical instruments).

Finally, the current general director of LLC "Strategy" - Elena Merkulova. She now runs the company "Tilly property," this company was established in March 2014, 99.75% belongs to the company Cyrus Tillit Ltd and Mr.0.25% - Faith Suchkova. The authorized capital of "Tilly property" (140.95 million rubles) in size is like the same 136.48 million rubles, and in "Strategy" - in its capital in 2011 were made to the land that belonged to Chubais. According to the balance of the "Strategy" (from the base of "Spark"), amounting to 138 million rubles in 2012 constituted "core assets" - apparently indexed value of the very areas.

Arguing on the assumption regarding the transfer of the settlement project "Iksha Land" to "Tilly property," Georgieva said that in late September, passed by the site of the "Strategy" and no construction work in it is not noticed. First of all, according to her, it is necessary to carry out shore protection works, because the land on which it was planned to erect the village is gradually disappearing in Moscow named channel (in this case about Ikshinskom reservoir). Representatives of the "Aykad" emphasized that all the work there is a positive expert opinion.

- All claims could be solved in working order, - says Georgieva. - At the same time our work is usedla agreed upon, except when it refused to take any. Conditions for electricity have been taken by the customer - there are meeting minutes. Since the connection to the grid - it is a costly thing, decided to first get the connection to 300 kW, which would lead the construction, and only then get extra power.

- When working, "Strategy" independently of us ordered the expertise of our project at the Institute of Urban Development of Moscow, but there acknowledged that the project is good, - said Boris Cherniak. - Management of the "Strategy" informed me that Chubais had seen prepared projects and he enjoyed it. Now Chubais apparently distanced himself from it. I tried to meet, but nothing came of it. I did the job, but I have not paid for her money. If we lose the court, we will have to file for bankruptcy. If we win and do not get her, we will bankrupt the "Strategy".

According to Cherniak, the project "Iksha Land" by the "Strategy" led directly to the brothers Igor and Ilya Suchkov. They in 2011-2012 belonged to minoritarnye stake in LLC "Strategy", but after the transition in ownership of the company SFO Consept sole minority shareholder of the "Strategy" with a share of 0.25% was the belief Suchkov. Igor Suchkov - a longtime friend of Chubais: he had previously served on the board of directors "Mosenergosbyt" and also served as deputy director of MOESK and Chubais advisor at the post predpravleniya RAO "UES of Russia". Now Igor Suchkov, among other things, holds the position of Cyprus Board of Directors Chairman Tillit Ltd, according to the website of the company. Earlier Tillit, for several months in 2012, the company held the "Strategy". The website of the company ( works in Swiss domain zone and gives an indication of the company), stated that the company operates in the stock markets, and is engaged in investment, including portfolio investment in real estate and start-ups - "except for the high-tech and nanoprojects". Suchkov Ilya now heads SFO Consept AG.

The project was started when the fashion to build townhouses came to naught

Head of Real Estate and Construction, couplesners Goltsblat BLP Vitaly Mozharovsky noted that such behavior of the customer, clearly speaks of the desire to terminate the project.

- If there were any complaints against the work, it was possible to achieve a fix, collect money, even through the courts, but to continue to work. The fact that first broke the relationship, and then demanded money, rather strange. Apparently, the project was postponed indefinitely. Horses in midstream is not. Search for a new contractor is a great simple, which is extremely negative impact on the economy of the project, - the lawyer said.

At the same time, he said, the "Strategy" in court a chance not so much.

- Our contractors have learned from experience, therefore, tend to fix their every step. If the customer has shied away from the reception of the work and documents had to be sent by mail, the receipt will be recognized as equivalent act of acceptance of work. Furthermore, the contractor may demand compensation for losses incurred due to downtime - describes the options for the development Mozharovsky events.

- If the contractors have fulfilled their work, guided suitablee documents on the implementation and the other, and the customer without having to reason shied away from their reception - such works shall be deemed adopted. The Contractor has the right to claim payment of work performed, - agreed with him and Ekaterina Ilyina, barrister lawyer DS Law Offices.

According to market participants, the project was launched in an environment where townhouses were becoming less profitable. Perhaps this made us think about stopping the project.

- Now the economy townhouses are not so interesting, as, for example, the construction of high-rise buildings. Around since 2011 have risen sharply difficulty with registration, comparable with the coordination of multi-storey residential complexes. Increased time costs and administrative costs, which led to the deterioration of economic indicators project. Such buildings is becoming less - says Maxim Rajewski, a member of the board of directors of the development company "StroyInvestTopaz".

Dental direction also brings pain

Contact Suchkova failed, but "Aykad" added that accounted for "Strategists "business plan to develop a network of dental clinics luxury, which also was not successful.

- We had compiled a detailed technical proposal for this project, we even held a tender for the design organizations, specializing in medicine. But the situation is the same as with other projects of the company. "Strategy" had time to conclude contracts for the rental of premises for dental surgeries in the center of Moscow, has attracted contractors for construction and repair, but it turned out that the premises are not suitable. Now already terminated contracts - said Larisa Georgieva.

Chubais's interests to have a confirmation of dentistry. , A legal entity until the autumn of 2013 was controlled, according to the base of "Spark", now SFO Consept AG - mentioned above the former head of "Strategy" Sergei Kushakov now holds the post of general director of LLC "Still" (specialized dental practice). A related Chubais Tillit Ltd established the firm "Tilly dent" in Moscow in November 2013 with the corresponding specialization. The latter is still listed for Cyprus Tillit, and "Still" in NovemberBru 2013 was sold 95% of the company passed Saidhusinu Kagermanov that in June 2014 transferred his share to Alexei Martynov. General Director of "Still" Sergei Kushakov still owns 5% of the company.