

"Rusnano" God will help


The main innovative state holding "Rusnano" and the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) have agreed on a partnership.

Chubais will be sent to the North


The head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, may leave his post and "take up the Arctic," while the state corporation claims that "he does not see himself as a polar explorer."

Several colleagues and partners of Chubais left Russia


Member of the Forbes list, the former economy minister and ex-head of E4 Group...Fearing prosecution from the Russian government, five top managers, who at various times were been associated with Rosnano and Anatoly Chubais, left the country. 

Prosecutor General's office began checking Rosnano


Prosecutors find out whether the actions of Anatoly Chubais and his management had any criminal elements.