Rucompromat review, 16-23 October: tea drinking, cups smashing

Skolkovo Foundation has decided to sue residents for cookies, a group of good and loyal companions earns billions on reconstruction of roads in the capital, and in the Moscow region a businessman shot an official right at his workplace.
Normal criminal mosaic today looks that way: a lot of money, sometimes blood and occasionally funny things.

For example, the "Skolkovo" fund suspicious grant policy is not just lazy writing, he decided all at once his unbending principles. As reported Rucompromat, the Fund requires RUB 44.9 million. with pharmaceutical Pharma Bio, another 225 thousand. rubles IT-of Parallels. Last, it turns out, I spent money on tea and biscuits for the staff, before the fund rules do not prohibit it.

Drink tea for hundreds of thousands of rubles, Parallels was to develop a software platform for creating cloud services. The essence of the claim to a pharmaceutical Pharma Bio unknown. According to the report "Skolkovo" on results of 2014, the amount of approved grants amounted to 10.6 billion rubles, the number of companies -. Fund participants ecosystem - in 1147, and their total revenue - 43.6 billion rubles.

But the winners of the tender for the repair of the streets of Moscow on the cookies are not exchanged. Only this year, Moscow authorities have spent on the repair of more than 20 billion rubles. In the next three gramsbut in this case it will invest more than 105 billion rubles. According to the data, which can be found on pages Rucompromat, large orders on the program "My Street" (curator - Deputy Mayor Pyotr Biryukov) got no one well-known companies. Interestingly, the city authorities placed 898.5 thousand square meters in the program this year. m tiles are part of the same street, where four years ago put the tiles.

For media questions at officials have a good answer: re-replacement of tiles was made at the request of the Muscovites, who voted for the replacement of participating in the project "Active Citizen". But with that came a little citizen hitch: for example, won one of the tenders the company close to the youngest son of the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, Russia, won two months before the end of voting in the "active citizen" and at the same time carried out the design work. Nothing concrete is known about the main hero "my street" - the company "Special Construction" has won the tender in the amount of 4.7 billion rubles. Last year, revenue "Spetsstroy" amounted to only 30.3 million pylei in state procurement agency has not participated before, and suddenly this year, immediately grabbed gospodryadov almost 5 billion. Other drummers Moscow repair person not less mysterious.

However, billions of road seems to only care about journalists. But hog Tina Kandelaki 15 million rubles for the development of the brand "new Moscow" excited a deputy of the State Duma to the extent that the Prosecutor General flew request. As explained Rucompromat, money was cleverly exploited by "Apostle" Tina Kandelaki, but, alas, developed a brand nobody liked, but was intended to increase the attractiveness of the district. Pro-competition "Apostle" believe that the terms of reference on the tender was very common, it can be made as per 1 million rubles, and over 15 million, but that made Tina - just dilettantism "Tinaches", launched a media star. , long been rumors and gossip. According to SPARC, "Apostle" in the past year has earned more than 600 million rubles, including the Ministry of Industry customers, AHML, Rosavtodor.

However, the scandalDo a series of shake Tina position, became the first person in the federal sports channel, but the other comes from the former national outlying areas - Moldovan Alex Flocha - decided not to seek his fortune in the ancient capital. As it became known Rucompromat, MRS initiated a search of the famous Moscow "reshalschika" Alan Antonova, posing as a deputy director of the FSB of Russia. A native of Moldavia posed as well as the Hero of Russia, assistant Igor Sechin, a master of the Masonic lodge, but finally became the defendant in the investigation of extortion of $ 1 million from the banker. Flocha previously mentioned in connection with the scandalous bankruptcy of several banks, one of which kept the savings Alla Pugacheva.

Alarmingly somehow in the outback. For example, in the Chelyabinsk region is brewing scandal in the field of school education. According to data Rucompromat, the prosecutor's office together with the regional control and Court of Auditors found that part of the budget funds allocated for the provision of school textbooks, wasted: Books purchased the wrong or in the wrongamount, and in some places and at all lost. As a result, the area of ​​MoE and its head can get the status of the accused in the criminal case of misuse or inefficient use of budgetary funds.

CSR has found that more than 1 million rubles was spent on the delivery of textbooks to schools beyond the stated rules, and 181,000 bought textbooks, which spent more than 62 million rubles, and not put on the account in the Ministry of Property. In addition, drowned in the basement of the school books for 1 million rubles. And this despite the fact that the account should be every budget ruble, because the 2015-16 academic year the region to the full, guaranteed by the law provision of textbooks for all students from first grader to recent graduates need to 583 million rubles. However, only 64.8 million was found in the treasury. And even these funds are spent is often ineffective.

And finally, not to mention the high-profile showdowns in the suburbs, ending with the official shooting directly at the workplace. As clarifies Rucompromat, at the same time respected businessman and faithful member of the "United Russia" resident Krasnogorsk RayoAmiran Giorgadze shot on witnesses who had the misfortune to be at that moment in the deputy head of the district office.

Amiran Giorgadze engaged in trade of counterfeit vodka in the suburbs, in the late 90's the whole Krasnogorsk danced to his tune. The assets were Amiran game clubs, trading firms and construction companies. "Settle down", the authority has become a member of the "United Russia", in the period of governor Boris Gromov business structure Giorgadze constantly won tenders for housing construction. However, under the new governor luck of the merchant, and then there was the financial crisis arrived and the prosecutor's office review. In addition, a year ago Krasnogorsk shooter took a multimillion-dollar loan for the construction, but officials allegedly demanded a rollback and going to freeze the project. This set of circumstances and could push Giorgadze to a terrible massacre.