Prosecutor General's office began checking Rosnano

Prosecutors find out whether the actions of Anatoly Chubais and his management had any criminal elements.
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The fact that the Prosecutor General's Office "organized check on violations of legislation in the activity of JSC" Rosnano ", said Senior Assistant Attorney General Oleg Openyshev in response to a request of the first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Oksana Dmitrieva (available in the" News "available). The MP accused the state-owned corporation in the management of "suspicious transactions with signs of" nine offenses from reporting forgery to fraud and tax evasion.

The basis of Dmitrieva claims based on the materials testing of the Accounting Chamber: even in 2011, it was assigned to carry out the State Duma - sign the document then put 93 MPs. The final report was marked "for official use only," was sent to law enforcement agencies (Ministry of Interior, the Federal Security Service, Prosecutor General's Office Investigation Committee), but the security forces are not interested in the report. It was only opened two criminal cases, but not against the leadership of "Rosnano", and against the leadership of the companies in which the state corporation invested - "SUN" and "Liotech". As noobeschal letter Mr. Openyshev, the results of the prosecutor's investigation will be further submitted to the State Duma.

- This suggests the timeliness of our inquiry - said Dmitriev. - Perhaps, the prosecution did not initially reacted to the report of the Accounting Chamber with due care, but now every fact prosecutors will be required to verify and assess whether the actions of management "Rosnano" violations of the law. At the same time the auditors of the Accounting Chamber in its report clearly indicate that violations of the law were. And it is unlikely prosecutors conclusions will be radically different from the findings of the auditors.

However, even if the prosecutor's check revealed violations, not the fact that this will lead to the initiation of criminal cases, lawyers say.

- Suspicions of the legitimacy of transactions and actions "Rosnano" has, so the chances that these problems (or some of them) will be categorized as punishable, too, but very small - says lawyer of "tax collector" Paul Ivchenko. - After all, at this stage the police districtinterested in the results of verification and in order to prove the suspicions voiced by all, it is necessary to attract foreign colleagues to reveal the facts of deliberate withdrawal of funds.

I agree with him and the chief legal expert center Artem Nikolaev.

- Currently, the General Prosecutor's Office has no right to initiate criminal proceedings, - he says. - To reveal the facts of abuse, it will send the materials to the police or the Investigative Committee, and not the fact that the investigators agree with the prosecutors.

Moreover, the negative performance of "Rosnano" can be explained as the business risks and the need to establish joint foreign enterprises for the implementation of international projects and attract foreign investors, says Ivchenko.

- Do not mistake the one who does nothing, and the venture capital business - one of the most high-risk - sums Nikolaev. - At 100% successful, this business can not be by definition: some projects fail, while others - "shoot". "Rosnano" sdelbut a lot of useful: after all, during its existence has been started about fifty different industries, and engineering centers. Another question that any failure has attracted more attention.

As stated by the "News" in the press service of the state corporation, "as far as we know, no further testing" Rosnano "law enforcement bodies is not conducted at the present time"

- Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation 7 violations and shortcomings have been identified, - said the official representative of "Rosnano". - The audit in the company have been issued appropriate orders and done the necessary work to correct them. On elimination of violations "Rosnano" has reported in writing to the Accounting Chamber of June 25 last year.